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Role Of Intelligence And Ngos In Conflict Setting Social Essay

Essay Instructions:

Please answer the true or false questions attached. Please provide an explanation of minimum 70 words and a maximum of 100 words for each question. Only the 5 sources provided can be used for citations.


• Coll, S., 2005. Undone by Destiny; The CIA’s Effort to Capture or Kill Osame bin Laden, in: Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to September 10, 2001, Penguin Politics Current Events. Penguin Books, London.

• Edmunds, T., 2008. Intelligence agencies and Democratisation: Continuity and Change in Serbia After Milošević. Europe-Asia Studies, 60 (1), pp.25-48.

• Zegart, A., 2005. September 11 and the Adaptation Failure of U.S. Intelligence Agencies, in: International Security, 29(4), pp.78-111.

pp. 85-103 form the book:

• Cooper, A.F., Hocking, B., Maley, W. (Eds.), 2008. NGO relations: Their Impact on Global Governance, in: Global Governance and Diplomacy. Palgrave Macmillan UK, London.

• Marchetti, R., Tocci, N. 2009. Conflict society: Understanding the Role of Civil Society in Conflict. Global Change, Peace & Security, 21 (2), pp. 201–217.



1-  Reliable intelligence gathered by states could be sometimes based on mere speculations and the gut of intelligence officers

(True)                                                                 (False)


2-  The role of intelligence in a conflict setting is not vital since countries share most of the information they have on the negotiations tables


(True)                                                                 (False)


3-  Civil society organizations should mobilize public opinion and influence state decisions

(True)                                                                 (False)



4- Intelligence agencies usually rely on several sources for the information they gather

(True)                                                                 (False)


5-  Policy makers are best not involving civil society organizations in a crisis setting since their experience would usually be limited in such fields

(True)                                                                 (False)


6-  Intelligence has a role in a country during a conflict, but also it is an important asset for state building in a post-conflict setting

(True)                                                                 (False)


7- NGOs do not have any form of impact on global governance

(True)                                                                 (False)


8- The role of intelligence agencies is usually significant in times of conflict and peace

(True)                                                                 (False)





9- International NGOs usually have more influence due to the connections they have with officials in powerful states

(True)                                                                 (False)


10- Policy makers only rely on intelligence to guide them through making decisions in favor of their national interests

(True)                                                                 (False)


Essay Sample Content Preview:

City, State
TIME \@ "MMMM d, y" January 10, 19
Role of Intelligence and NGOs in Conflict Setting Hi,
1 Reliable intelligence gathered by states could be sometimes based on mere speculations and the gut of intelligence officers
False: Reliable intelligence should be based on factual and credible sources gathered by qualified intelligence officers thus enabling states to make timely prevention and counter-attack preparations. Credible and reliable intelligence information gathered by qualified personnel using qualified means should form the basis of decision making in security matters. Zegart (2005) postulates that credible intelligence regarding foreign terrorists could have been used to place terrorists on the State Department’s watch list thus denying them entry into the US. Mere speculations or guts of intelligence officers should not be a source of reliable intelligence.
2 The role of intelligence in a conflict setting is not vital since countries share most of the information they have on the negotiations tables
False: The role of intelligence in conflict and post-conflict environment is essential in resolving the conflicts, maintaining peace as well as making appropriate decisions and policies. In the face of terrorism, for instance, despite intelligence partnership with foreign intelligence services, the US intelligence community continued with their intelligence seeking information against the enemy (Coll, 2004; Zegart, 2005). Further, while most information is shared between countries, intelligence agencies gather information to protect national interests that may not be a priority in the negotiation tables.
3 Civil society organizations should mobilize public opinion and influence state decisions
True: Civil society organizations have a significant role in the society in shaping public opinion to achieve the desired goal, be it in the economic, political, social or cultural sphere. Civil society organizations are best placed in influencing these spheres, in which they operate, thus critical in influencing national decisions that influence the public (Marchetti and Tocci, 2009; p. 49). Therefore, civil society organizations need not mobilize public opinion or influence state decisions in the absence of public interest as that should be their primary goal.
4 Intelligence agencies usually rely on several sources for the information they gather
True: Intelligence agencies usually rely on multiple sources to ascertain the reliability of the information gathered. Gathering intelligence on Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda, for instance, the CIA relied on Massoud in Afghanistan while intelligence activities on the Al Qaeda activities were ongoing in Malaysia (Coll, 2004; Zegart, 2005). Using a multiagency intelligence team, the US was able to launch counterterrorism activities in partnership with other counties and succeeded in thwarting terrorist operations in approximately 20 countries by 1998 cementing the significance of using multiple sources to gather intelligence (Zegart, 2005; p.81).
5 Policy makers are best not involving civil society organizations in a crisis setting since their experience would usually be limited in such fields
False: Civil society organizations have a significant role in crisis management and reconciliation and restoring peace. According to Marchetti and Tocci (2009), civil society organizations have a pivotal role in conflict resolution taking up critical roles that aim to restore peace. For example, civil society organizations are involved in calling for a ceasefire and bringing peace in violent situations; create problem-solving seminars and education pr...
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