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Political Influence in Designing and Implementing Reforms

Essay Instructions:

please mainly reference from the readings that i have uploaded,and don't exceed 1000 words,thanks

a) your demonstrated knowledge of the subject matter (depth and scope),

b) your critical engagement with the relevant literature beyond the recommended readings,

c) your ability to link theories with empirical evidence, and

d) a clear and solid structure of the paper that conveys arguments in a critical and assertive way.

Use clear formatting that includes page numbering, subtitles and proper referencing.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
POLITICAL INFLUENCE IN DESIGNING AND IMPLEMENTING REFORMS Name Date: Institution: Political Influence in Designing and Implementing Reforms Evaluating the role of politics in economic performance has been a challenge. Long established political as well as societal concerns have transformed various state institutions along with their economies in the contemporary world. The same political policies applied in distinct nations may influence their respective financial status in distinct ways. On the other hand, different political approaches applied in two different nations may result in the same financial results (Haggard and Maxfiel, 1996). What factors are responsible for this phenomenon? What is the impact of political approaches on economic performance? How does politics influence various organizations’ decisions on designing and implementing reform? This paper aims at exploring the effect of politics in designing and implementing organizational reforms in various nations. This paper will demonstrate how political approaches in Korea resulted in its economic success. According to Rodrik (2007), it has been illustrated that financial institutions like property rights, monitoring institutions, centers for macroeconomic stabilization, centers for societal insurance as well as centers for conflict management are the fundamental sources of economic development. In addition to various aspects, financial institutions have a significant impact on investments in physical as well as human capital, modernization along with industrial manufacturing. Further, according to the writer, other than having an important responsibility in commercial development, economic centers are also critical for resource allocation. Consequently, some cliques or people will be in a position to benefit more as compared to others based on the preexisting financial situations as well as resource dispensation. Conversely, commercial centers are autogenous and indicate a progressive conflict of interests amidst different cliques as well as individuals over the selection of financial centers and the dispensation of resources (Acemoglu and Robinson 2006). The current institutional depiction of commercial centers, therefore, relies mostly on the distribution of pollical power amidst elite cliques. Political approaches, official and unofficial, influence both the restrictions along with motivations faced by pivotal players in a particular community. Given the autogenous aspect of political centers as well as the tactical distribution of powers they give, properly selected centers can assist the establishment of feasible mechanisms able of reducing risks of resourceful characters of political and commercial players (Jessop, 2016). Conversely, pollical approaches have to give motivation for politicians to abide by them continually over time. Monitoring for various commercial, the fundamental results demonstrate that political centers critically matter only for developing nations, and not for developed nations. Political centers illustrate that developed economies, and political approaches are substituted for influencing commercial establish...
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