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Democracy and Community Artifacts

Essay Instructions:

Word limit:1500

Give me a 400 words draft with artefact and content

Please consider this: What I mean by this is that you have not explained in the extract how this artefact is an example of, or connects to, a progressive approach in education or an example of alternative thought and practice in education. Your focus is solely on a march for civil rights which, although interesting, is not fulfilling the assignment task. As this is a key part of the assignment task the artefact has to be connected to progressive or alternative education and the connection needs to be made clearly. If you cannot do this then you need to change your artefact.

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Democracy and Community Artifacts
Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1: Teacup Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Signing of the Declaration of Independence (Philadelphia Archaeological Forum, 2018).
A hand-painted whiteware teacup in Fishtown, Philadelphia, displays an educational worldview that contradicts democracy and community. The PDOT's I-95/Girard Avenue Improvement Project archeological excavations yielded this teacup, a mute reminder of another time and culture (Kropczynski, 2022). In its exquisite form and patriotic theme, this Jacksonian Era teacup captures early 19th-century America. Its 24-star American flag pattern symbolizes the nation's growth, territorial structure, and democratic republic. History has many views, and not all relics convey the same tale (Kropczynski, 2022). This teacup may have an educational ideology that conflicts with the democratic and community values of the period. Its discovery raises issues about the morals and beliefs of its users, revealing an alternative historical narrative (The National Museum of American History, 2017). Even little artifacts like this teacup reveal the complexity and diversity of human thinking and activity throughout history. They illuminate distinct educational philosophies and the changing landscape of ideas across time.
Description of the Artefact
The hand-painted whiteware mug with the 24-star American flag captures the beauty and history of a bygone period. Its elegant London/Grecian design and stunning chrome color palette suggest its 1828–1840 production. A closer look reveals that it was made between 1828 and 1836, during the Jacksonian Era (Wiebe, 1995). The 24-star flag on this mug transports us to a time when the US expanded territorially. The nation's borders expanded westward as new states joined the Union. This flag depicts the nation's progress via democracy and togetherness. This mug embodies national pride and democracy's tenacity at its establishment (Wiebe, 1995). This rare glimpse into the past shows how commonplace goods and national ideas were linked.
Where and When it was Produced, Circulated, and Used
This teacup recalls 19th-century Philadelphia's vibrant Fishtown. Its wooden box-privileged location offers a unique glimpse into that era's residents' daily lives (Elazar, 2013). The privy may have belonged to a residence in Fishtown's busy area, confirming the teacup's everyday use. Fishtown thrived as the US developed and altered in the 19th century. This teacup was used by people who lived through substantial change as the nation expanded south and west, adding new states. It symbolizes the lively Jacksonian Era when democracy and national identity flourished (Elazar, 2013). With its 24-star American flag theme, the teacup showed patriotism and pride in this vibrant area and a warm drinking vessel.
Why it was Produced and its Significance
The teacup, which commemorates the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, serves as a captivating artifact that embodies a forward-thinking educational approach, as seen by its creation, importance, and outcomes. The teacup, manufactured during the Jacksonian Era, is a significant instructional instrument. The construction of this teacup exemplifies a progressive educational method by incorporating historical background. A hand-painted 24-star American flag in the artwork encapsulates the fundamental characteristics of the early 19th century in the United States, a period marked by territorial expansion and the adoption of democratic ideals. Educators can utilize this item to effectively depict the historical milieu, thus facilitating students' comprehension of how ordinary objects can symbolize the essence of a particular period. Using a tactile and visual methodology in the teaching process actively involves pupils and cultivates a more profound affinity with the historical subject matter.
An important thing about the teacup is that it stands for democracy and community ideals. In a physical sense, the object in question represents when the country grew, both in terms of its geographical borders and the establishment of its democratic ideals. In the 19th century, this teacup was used by teachers to show how democratic ideas and living together in communities were linked(Fish, 1920). By looking at what the flag means and how it relates to the Jacksonian era in history, students can get a better sense of how vital patriotism and togetherness are in building a democratic society.
Putting political symbols on everyday items like teacups, as this artifact shows, has significant effects on building a sense of national identity as a whole. Using symbols lets people show their support for the country and its democratic ideals, strengthening the feeling of loyalty and admiration among the people. Understanding and recognizing the profound effect that a society's visual and material culture can have on the formation of civic participation, individual and collective identity formation, and the setting of societal values could be improved through this teaching method.
Integrating objects, such as the teacup, inside instructional environments facilitates students' intimate engagement with historical contexts. This phenomenon promotes the development of critical thinking skills, facilitates a more profound comprehension of the progression of democracy, and underscores the significance of commonplace artifacts in conveying historical accounts(Laski, 2014). Therefore, this particular teacup is a notable illustration of how historical objects can contribute to an advanced educational methodology by facilitating increased accessibility, fostering greater engagement, and establishing a heightened sense of relevance to students.
Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 2: The ‘Triphena’ Bowl (Philadelphia Archaeological Forum, 2018).
On the other hand, as the cup capsulates, the "Triphena" Bowl shows a commercial ship and its part in fighting the Stamp Act, captures the spirit of revolutionary America, where people from different backgrounds came together to fight for democratic ideas. This artifact shows how powerful group action can be and how important it is to be involved in politics when laws are unfair.
Description of the Artefact
The punch bowl is beautiful and historically significant. Its size is big and elegant, measuring 4 inches tall and 9 inches wide. This bowl is distinguished by its intricately produced inner bottom depiction of a rigged ship smoothly sailing across the water (Bimber, 2003). "Success to the Triphena" is tastefully engraved beneath this maritime scenario. The punch bowl is made of tin-glazed earthenware and shows era-specific craftsmanship. The bowl is from Liverpool, England.
Where and When it Was Produced, Circulated, and Used
This extraordinary punch bowl takes us to Philadelphia's history. This exciting and antique watercraft was found in a privy behind Mary and Benjamin Humphreys' home (Thorpe, 1893). Their mansion near Chestnut and Third Streets was once part of Philadelphia's lively metropolitan scene. This property stood on Carter's Alley, a short alleyway that witnessed 18th-century Philadelphia's bustle (Cox et al., 2000). The city fostered revolutionary ideas and civic involvem...
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