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Analysis of Criminological Theoretical Models and a Crime

Essay Instructions:

General guidance:

  • Aim to provide critical ana lysis of, and critical reflection upon, the research,as opposed to writing descriptively.
    • The essay should appear in paragraph form with an introduction and a conclusion.
    • Aim to express one key idea or topic per paragraph. Each paragraph to start with a 'topic sentence' introducing the new idea; and conclude with a sentence on how that topic contributes to your overall argument.
      • The essay is not a report - lists and dot points should not be used.
        • 10% above or below the word count is fine,any more than 10% is not acceptable.
  • The reference list is not included in the word count, but in-text citations are.
  • The reference list should include at least seven relevant high-quality sources (i.e., peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, official statistics).
    • Format your document in Size 12, Times New Roman font, with double spacing between your lines.
    • Always use formal language in academic writing (i.e., no colloquialisms, explain the abbreviation before referring to it, etc.).
      • Do not cite lecture slides.
      • Where you are citing direct quotations, it is compulsory to follow that quotation with an in-text citation which indicates the author of that quote, the date that quote was published, and the page number on which the quotation can be found.Do not include page numbers for in-text citations that do not include a direct quotation.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Analysis of Criminological Theoretical Models and a Crime

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University City (State)


Analysis of Criminological Theoretical Models and a Crime


The subsequent essay contains a research analysis of two major Criminological theoretical approaches, including social disorganization theory and general strain theory and its relationship with drug trafficking as a critical crime type. The paper explains drug trafficking as a prominent global crime involving growing, manufacturing, transporting, distributing, and trading illegal substances considered illicit (Uzuegbu-Wilson 2020). It provides an overview of two different theoretical approaches of criminology comprising social disorganization theory and general strain by explaining drug trafficking through the theory and the strengths and limitations of both theories for the chosen crime. The essay also compares the two theories and explains through arguments which theory provides the best understanding of offender pathways.

Drug Trafficking is explained as transporting illegal substances and elements across borders. The practice is a major income source for criminal undertakings and illegitimate activities. It helps in providing rewarding opportunities to local and global terrorist groups and events. Jiménez et al. (2023) conducted a study to assess the relationship between drugs and violence. The study verified a link between drug trading, crime, and social issues. Drug consumption has become a global issue, and the illicit drug market is thriving at the cost of the lives and health of millions of kids, youth, and adults.

The network of drug dealers targets several demographic groups in all parts of the world. Interventions by law enforcement agencies, empirically driven strategies, and coordinated planning can control drug trafficking to some extent, along with research to improve drug policy programs and regulations (Giommoni, Berlusconi & Aziani 2022). Drug trafficking is often linked to regions where certain groups are highly active due to the absence of strict laws and policies related to drug trafficking. The regions like Central Asia, Latin America, and South Eastern Europe are known for network groups and trade routes for the illegal transport of drugs (Marat & Botoeva 2022). Drug consumption has

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