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Sport Marketing Report: "This Girl Can" Campaign

Essay Instructions:

Sport marketing report assessment

Select and sport-related marketing campaign of your choice and write a report that includes the following:

1. A brief description of the campaign and its context (300-400 words)

•This should briefly describe the campaign

•It should also make some comments on the broader context

•E.g. if you are talking about the marketing of a particular sport shoe, you need to talk about what the major brands are and how much the market is worth globally and locally.

Sport marketing report assessment

2. An analysis of the campaign that comments on at least three of the following (700-800 words):

•The product on offer

•The objectives of the campaign.

•Market segmentation (what type of people are being targeted? How?).

•How the product on offer is promoted.

•Any ‘unique’ benefits offered by the product.

•The role, if any, of branding in the campaign.

•Changes to brand image

•Damage to brand image

•Any controversy associated with the campaign

•The way in which the campaign is advertised.

•The role, if any, of sponsorship in the campaign.

•Any ethical issues associated with the campaign.

•Any other relevant elements of the ‘marketing mix’.

Sport marketing report assessment

Examples of what you may choose include:

•The marketing of a sport-related products such as:

•Equipment (new products or existing ones, technological innovations etc.).

•Events, tournaments etc.

•How individual athletes market their own image, or how they are marketed by sponsors

•Sponsorship of





•How a particular sport is marketed

•Non-commercial sport marketing campaigns (e.g. public health campaigns, anti-racist campaigns etc.)

•You may gather information online (from relevant websites, online newspapers etc.)

•Please refer to academic literature in section 2.

Sport marketing report assessment

Marking criteria

•Presentation of the report (quality of writing and clarity of structure) (15%)

•Clear description of the campaign (10%)

•Application of key marketing concepts to the chosen campaign (30%)

•Quality and depth of reading (including use of academic literature) (15%)

•Correct referencing (in-text and reference list) (10%)

•Quality of reflection (20%)

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Sports Marketing Assessment

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Sports Marketing Assessment

Sport-related marketing campaigns promote well-being and health outcomes in their target audience. “This Girl Can,” a marketing campaign in the UK, enhanced physical and emotional benefits among women who previously failed to engage in physical activities. This paper reports and assesses the “This Girl Can” campaign while analysing its marketing components, such as market segments, promotion, funding, and objectives.

Sport England launched the “This Girl Can” sports campaign in 2015, and it has continued premiering and updating up to 2020. The campaign encouraged UK women to engage in physical activities since a previous study had reflected that there were more men in sports activities than women due to concerns about women’s capabilities and appearances (Greenfly 2022). The campaign’s goal was to eliminate barriers that prevented women from engaging in sports. For instance, the campaign aimed to bridge the enjoyment gap present between women and men since many 

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