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Self Determination Theory and Its Application in Golf

Essay Instructions:

I have included all information provided and the actual essay guidelines below. Please note that the word count limit is 2000 words ± 10% and it has to be written in 3rd person and Harvard referencing.

Application of SDT

Hi my name is Jon Finn, welcome to this PGA e-lecture discussing how coaches can apply Self-Determination Theory and help motivate their golfers’.

To develop a self-determining environment for golfers there are three factors that coaches can directly influence. Number one, providing golfers with Autonomy, this is essentially giving your golfers’ choices. Number two, providing them with Relatedness which is essentially showing your golfers’ that you care about them. And number three, proving them with Competence, essentially helping your golfers’ to build confidence. To promote these three factors there are several rules which coaches can follow.

Firstly listening to your players’. Secondly giving them choices. Thirdly rationalising difficult decisions you need to make. Fourthly letting your players show initiative. Number five promoting competence within players. Number six, not simply telling players what to do. And number seven focussing on the task and not their ego.

A great way to really listen to your players’ and give them a say in their training programme is to use a performance profile. Once you have mapped out a profile together, the golfer and the golf coach can become equal partners in deciding which training they need to do and when.

If you want your players’ to do something that they might not want to do, such as changing some pre-tournament preparation it is really important to rationalise why you are making that decision.

Number four, allow your players’ to show initiative. For example the Ryder Cup captain might ask his players’ what the most important part of the team culture should be. Why not ask your players’ to map out the standards they should be setting for themselves in your training environment, such as turning up on time, working hard in practice etc.

When your players’ do something well reinforce it, don’t underestimate how heavy negatives are. A negative is at least three times heavier than a positive, so it’s important that if you give negatives that you balance them out with positives.

Simply, don’t tell your players’ what to do.

Finally get your players’ to focus on the improvements that they are making in their own game, not how their game compares to others and focus on the role of hard work and how that is leading to improvements. If they work hard, they will get better. Using a performance profile is a great way to do this as it allows you and the player to set goals and see the improvements that you are making.

So one more time. To promote Autonomy, Relatedness and Competence and ultimately a self-determining environment there are seven rules that coaches can follow.

1. Number one, listening to your players. Using a performance profile is a great way to do this.

2. Givingplayerschoice.

3. Ifyouneedtomakedifficultdecisions,rationalisethem.

4. Allowyourplayerstoshowinitiativesuchasselectingtheimportantaspectsof


5. Reinforcepositives.

6. Simplydon’ttellyourplayers’whattodo.

7. Focusonthetasksandnottheiregos,againaperformanceprofilesisgoodfor


My name is Jon Finn, thanks for listening.

The Self-determination Theory

Hi, my name is Jon Finn, welcome to this PGA electure introducing self- determination theory.

The latest research tells us that if a person wants to become good at anything in life, including golf, they have to put in a lot of focused hard work....motivation allows golfers to work hard, but what is it? It’s defined as ‘direction and intensity of effort’.

Think of motivation like a dart, that you load up with all your effort and throw towards the targets and goals that you’ve set for yourself. Good motivation levels allow people to keep their dart in the air for long enough to hit the targets that they’ve set for themselves. But what drives motivation.....

There are three main factors that influence the way we behave. Biological drivers, external drivers and internal drivers.

Biological drivers relate to basic human needs. For example, people are often motivated to eat because they are hungry. People are also motivated by external things, for example one of the reasons people get up to go to work every day is for money. One of the reasons some people want to become good at golf is the large status and financial rewards that it can potentially bring. The third type of motivation is interest. This is thought to be the most powerful driver of human motivation. People do things because they are interested in them not because they need to or because they get rewarded. If golf coaches can get their clients interested, they will have a far greater chance of achieving their golf related goals.

Psychologists describe being interested as being self-determined. Self- determination theory describes what coaches can do in order to make their players really self-determined to work hard at their golf. If coaches act in the wrong way towards their players and great a bad social environment, it is likely that the players will lose motivation. However if coaches create a good social environments, players cognitions and the way they think will be far more self- determining meaning that they are likely to work hard at improving their golf for longer. If coaches want to develop self-determined golfers, there are three factors they need to consider. Number 1, providing autonomy, essentially giving golfers’ choice. Number two, proving your golfers with relatedness showing golfers that you care about them and number three, providing golfers with competence, this relates to helping golfers to build confidence that they can work hard and improve their game.

My name is Jon Finn, thank you for listening.

Assignment Advice:

This checklist has been compiled to guide you with your Year 2 Sports Science assignment. To give yourself the best chance of scoring well in this assignment, try to tick as many boxes as possible for each section. Please note, ticking all the boxes will not guarantee top marks as the quality of your work is also very important.

E-Learning & Research

In addition to conducting in-depth secondary research, I have gone through:

 Both Self-determination Theory material.  The recommended journals.

 The Key Task Word document.

Communication & Presentation

 My assignment is in essay format and within +10% (+/-) of the word count.

 The essay submitted is written in the 3rd person.

 My text alignment has been set to justify.

 I have used Arial font size 12.

 I have used double line spacing.

 My work is presented professionally and is well organised.

 My essay does not have any spelling or grammatical errors.


 My introduction doesn’t repeat the question that has been set.

 Briefly introduces the assignment topic area and sets the scene.

 Has included definitions of important aspects related to the assignment.

An explanation of Self-Determination Theory

 I have provided a detailed explanation of Self-Determination Theory.

 I have explained in detail the 3 key principles of Self-Determination Theory.  I have used diagrams to support my work.

Scenario discussions

 I have outlined how the specific Self-Determination Theory rule will be of benefit to these particular scenarios.

 I have related each scenario and the guideline concerned to the most relevant key principle of Self-Determination Theory.

 I have provided realistic practical advice to each of the three scenarios.

 I have not provided advice that may be detrimental to these scenarios.

 I have justified my discussion with links to research.


My conclusion:

 Summarises the information provided within the essay.

 Is concise and doesn’t begin to discuss information that hasn’t been talked about

within the assignment.


 All sources I have used are cited in the main body using the Harvard Referencing


 My referencing style is consistent.

 I have compiled a reference list, in alphabetical order, at the end of my essay.

Applied Sports Science - Assignment

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Points 100 Submitting a file upload File types doc, docx, and pdf

Assignment Type: 2000-word Essay


It is important that golfers engage with coaching sessions since evidence has indicated greater enjoyment, motivation and a higher retention rate for those who receive coaching (Sports Coach UK, 2014). To encourage people to engage with golf coaching it is important to create a motivational climate in which golfers develop and achieve their goals. Consequently, it is important that you develop a relationship with golfers during coaching sessions that facilitates a self-determined approach to their own progress.


Produce an essay in which you:

Provide an explanation of self-determination theory (SDT) and explain the three key principles of this theory.

Use the three scenarios below which incorporate three of the seven rules associated with SDT. Discuss how you could apply the rule to its respective scenario and provide some justified examples of what you could do. Link your answers to each scenario with what you consider to be the most relevant key principle of SDT.

Scenario one: A regular client of yours hasn’t seen much improvement over the past 6 months, so you advise him that perhaps the next course of action is to try some corrective exercises for golf with an expert that you work alongside. Prior to this you used some screening tests to understand his limitations. He doesn’t understand how any of this relates to his performance in golf. Using the ‘provide a rationale for tasks’ guideline discuss the benefits of this approach and how using this rule would help you to work with the player in this situation. Ensure you link your answer back to one of the three key principles (i.e. autonomy, competence or relatedness) of SDT.

Scenario two: You are running a number of junior sessions in the summer holidays. You have been reading a lot of research around the important role a coach has in a child’s development. Discuss why the ‘reduce the perception of ego-involvement in competitive sporting environments’ is an important guideline to consider when planning and delivering your junior sessions. Ensure you link your answer back to one of the three key principles (i.e. autonomy, competence or relatedness) of SDT.

Scenario three: You have developed an online coaching programme for a number of keen club golfers. As part of the programme you run, each of the players has their own space on a learning platform where they can upload information, pictures and videos about their own game. Discuss how the guideline of ‘provide athletes with opportunities for initiative taking and independent work’ could help to develop your golfers games in this scenario. Ensure you link your answer back to one of the three key principles (i.e. autonomy, competence or relatedness) of SDT.

Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-being.

Article by Ryan, Richard M. 2000 Core


Reading intention: Undecided View actions menu for item

Fostering a Learning Environment: Coaches and the Motivational Climate. in Fostering a Learning Environment: Coaches and the Motivational Climate.

Article by Allen, Justine B.Hodge, Ken 2006 Core


Reading intention: Undecided View actions menu for item

Self-Determination Theory: A Case Study of Evidence-Based Coaching. in Self-Determination Theory: A Case Study of Evidence-Based Coaching.

Article by Mallett, Clifford J. 2005 Recommended

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Self-Determination Theory in Golf
By (Name)
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Explanation Of Self-Determination Theory (SDT)
Self-determination theory is a micro theory of human motivation and personality that proposes the three basic psychological needs all human beings have, including: autonomy, competence, and relatedness, which facilitate growth and development. It is simply a free choice of one’s act. Self-determination theory is characterised by the person acting autonomously, self-regulating the behaviours, initiating and responding to the events in a psychologically empowered manner, and working in a self-realising manner. It involves many attitudes and abilities, such as assertiveness, creativity and solving a problem, and self-advocacy to take charge (Ntoumanis et al., pp.215)
Self-determination is also characterised by knowing your needs, desire, strengths, and weaknesses and using the information to make a choice. Being self-confident, being creative, having a clear vision of the future, and having control of your life are also other characteristics of self-determination theory. Being self-determined is linked to positive outcomes like enhancing the quality of life and life satisfaction. Self-determination can be achieved through developing new strategies to meet your goals, keeping high expectations, and understanding your abilities and disabilities. Moreover, it can be gained through technology as an empowering tool. It can also be achieved by playing to your strength and setting personal, academic, and career goals. Stigma and discrimination are commonly known barriers to self-determination. They reflect the attitudes and practices in the way people are treated. Self-determination allows you to choose what to do with your life and with whom you will do it. Making choices and asserting preferences is a crucial component of self-determination.
Explain The Three Key Principles Of Self-Determination Theory
In self-determination theory, autonomy has free will, and you can stand behind your actions. Nobody is forcing you to do something, or you do not need to accept any help or assistance. People need to feel in control of their behaviours which makes them self-determined. Autonomy tends to increase job satisfaction when employees set their schedules. It also enhances life satisfaction (Ryan and Deci, 2020.pp2). In psychology, autonomy is characterised by focusing on personal achievement, independence, and a preference for solitude. Competence in self-determination is the need to experience our behaviours as effectively enacted. To feel like we have done a great job. The need for competence is uncontroversial in organisational psychology. It allows individuals to adapt to the complex and changing environment. Competence gives someone ways of thinking or behaving that matters for performance on different tasks. It helps the staff in an organisation to have a clear understanding of the behaviours exhibited and the performance expected to achieve organisational results.
Relatedness involves the feeling of closeness to people and relationships with social groups. It becomes easier to achieve self-determination with the connection because the individuals would need access to support and help. Relatedness is the most substantial contributor to autonomous motivation. Having social support and friends at work, school, and even home increases relatedness and provides a network for effectively coping with the ups and downs of everyday life. It increases trust among the people leading to more sharing of information. The need for relatedness is significant; it allows one to connect more with the work they are involved in.
Discuss The Benefits Of This Approach and How Using This Rule Would Help You To Work With The Player In This Situation
Based on the scenario, the key aim is for the regular client to have much improvement despite having challenges previously in experiencing improvements. The need for relatedness is significant since it will allow people to connect with the task or work they are doing. The regular client should relate well to the golf task and understand the reasons for learning the particular game. The regular client should comprehend the reasons behind the performance in golf. Understanding the client’s limitations is essential to screening tests and finding practical approaches to help work with the player. Improving the player’s expertise through corrective golf exercises is effective, especially when expertise is incorporated during the process. The expertise will help incorporate the corrective exercises that suit the client and improve performance. The corrective exercises will involve swinging exercises that help the golfer perfect their swing and improve the game (Jedlicka 2021.pp5). Some other corrective exercises may include restoring normal ROM to the joints, especially by checking the player’s ankles, hips, and mid-upper thoracic spine.
The rationale for involving some routine corrective exercises is to ensure that the player becomes an expert. Relatedness can be applied in the scenario to ensure that the golfer comprehends much about the rationale of the corrective exercises in improving the game. It is possible to use SDT to build relationships and improve an individual’s understanding of their needs. The theory can be applied in the golfer’s scenario to deal with the situation that has been unfruitful over the past six months. Solving the issue requires the client to understand the problem and the rationale for solving the limitations to improve performance. Relatedness is a crucial principle of SDT that facilitates success among individuals who feel they have the skills required for success. The individuals are more likely to take actions that will assist them in achieving their goals. Relatedness is crucial when motivating individuals to learn and understand a particular situation; hence, they can learn more tasks like golf playing by connecting to the golf expert who will work alongside them. Relatedness will facilitate more understanding of why they experience such issues during training.
Furthermore, the human mind is quite different. Hence, people behave or perform based on their personality uniqueness. It is essential to agree on motivational sources that will motivate the regular client to deal with the situation.
Based on the second scenario, coaches play essential roles in a child's development. Coaches influence young athletes faster in their beginnings as young athletes. Considering various reduced perceptions of ego when in competitive sporting environments is significant. The ego involvement maximises the ability to win (Aydın and Sarı. 2021. pp 25). However, there will be higher chances of reduced effort, indicating high athletic ability. The concept of ego has various meanings in psychology based on the frame...
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