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Effects of Water Pollution on Natural Assemblages

Essay Instructions:
i want write report 2500words without referense and graph or timtable ,etc assignment-GSE804.docx GSE804_Unit_Guide_2011_(2).pdf Essay/Report: 2500words Choose an environmental topic from the list below (or suggest a suitable alternative but discuss with the unit convenor before proceeding with it) and write an examination of how the theoretical side of ecology relates to the practice of tackling that problem or issue. Your essay should not exceed 2500 words in length. This will allow you to examine at least one ecological topic in depth. Remember to explicitly link Principles to applications. Also, be sure to set out the problem and your approach in the introduction of your essay. Your essay will be assessed based on your demonstrated understanding of the problem or issue, your ability to logically link principles to applications, your use of available literature, and your written communication skills. Suggested topics: 1- Effects of a particular type of pollution on natural assemblages. 2- Conservation biology, especially with regard to the role of interactions between species. 3- Stock-recruitment relationships and harvesting in fisheries. 4- Introduction of exotic species across natural barriers of oceans and landmasses. 5- Habitat fragmentation and landscape ecology. 6- Ecosystem rehabilitation and reconstruction. 7- Ecological effects of the release of genetically engineered organisms. 8- Biological control of pests. 9- Strategies of biological monitoring. GRADING The general criteria under which you will be assessed throughout the unit are as documented in the table below Developing Functional Proficient Advanced Unable to explain basic terms and concepts Clearly or accurately. Unable to illustrate terms and concepts with specific examples or Conceptual diagrams. Unable to extrapolate concepts to new Situations. Able to explain terms and concepts clearly and accurately; can illustrate terms and concepts with specific examples and Conceptual diagrams. Can apply knowledge to new situations with Some competence. As for Functional level but with greater critical Insight. Includes acknowledgement and/or discussion of limitations or drawbacks Of own knowledge. As for Proficient but with originality in approach And/or interpretation. Correctly applies appropriate terminology relative to each discipline throughout Responses.
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Effects of Water Pollution on Natural Assemblages
Two thirds of the earth`s surface is covered by water with only a third being taken up by land. The earth`s population, however, has continued to grow rapidly over the past few years and the result of this has been an increasing pressure on the earth`s water resources. The industrial revolution of the nineteenth century led to the creation of many industries. It soon spread to other countries across the globe. Despite the benefits that industrialization brought, it had the negative effect of causing all kinds of pollution including water, air and soil pollution. Pollution has subsequently led to various consequences like global warming. This paper discusses water pollution in particular and the effects it has had on natural assemblages.
According to the United Nations, water pollution is defined as the direct or indirect introduction by man of substances or energy into the marine environment including estuaries which results to deleterious effects such as hazards to human health, harm to living resources, hindrance to marine activities such as fishing, reduction of amenities, and the impairment of the water quality (Laws 2000, p. 45). Water pollution can occur in surface water like that in water bodies such as rivers, lakes and oceans. It can also occur on underground water especially when weed killers used in agricultural activities are allowed to drain to the ground (Clark et al 2001, p. 42). Apart from pollution of surface water and underground waters, water pollution can also occur as point-source pollution or as nonpoint-source pollution. Point-source pollution occurs when pollution comes from a single location. For example, when a discharge pipe attached to an industry pours its waste on a water body, this is referred to as point-source pollution as the discharge pipe here is the only location from which pollution occurs. Oil spill from a tanker is also another example of point-source pollution (Best 2005, p. 71). Nonpoint-source pollution on the other hand takes place when water pollution happens from many different sources. For example, an oil spill from a tanker and industrial plants located near a lake can pollute the lake collectively. In point-source water pollution, the place that is most affected is the one located immediately near the source. Usually, the pollution disperses in such a case the further away it gets from the source (Clark et al 2001, p. 47). In nonpoint-source water pollution, however, this is not the case since pollution is happening from many sources. Water pollution can spread to other areas other than near the source and when this happens, this is referred to as trans-boundary pollution (Laws 2000, p. 47).
Causes of water pollution
Water pollution is brought about by various causes. First, it is caused by industrial waste being discharged into water bodies. According to a report by the United Nations Environmental Program in 1996, nearly half of all ocean pollution is caused by industrial waste. Four hundred billions tons of industrial waste is generated each year in the world and most of this waste is pumped into rivers, lakes, oceans and other waterways (Laws 2000, p. 66). Industrial waste contains substances that are harmful to the marine environment. For instance, some of it can contain heavy metals such as mercury, lead and cadmium. Industries such as those producing gasoline have for a long time used lead in production. Battery companies on the other hand still utilize mercury and cadmium. When industrial waste from companies such as these is discharged into the marine environment, it leads to adverse effects to marine life and also to human beings (Farmer 2007, p. 80). In 1938 for example, a Japanese company was releasing substantial amounts of mercury into the Minamata Bay. This led to a contamination of the fish stocks there. These fish were being consumed by the local people and this led to poisoning. Most of the fish died while the people who consumed the fish were left dead or disabled. It had taken almost a decade for it to be determined that it was as a result of heavy metal water pollution (Vidas 2000, p. 103). Other industries such as those that manufacture electronic circuit boards were doing so using polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in the mid twentieth century. Some industries still use them to date. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are highly toxic chemicals and their massive use in the twentieth century led to various adverse effects whose impacts are still felt up to today. These chemicals last in the environment for a long time without breaking down (Trudgill et al 2001, p. 121). Through transboundary pollution, polychlorinated biphenyls traces have been found in birds and fishes in the Arctic.
Water is also polluted by sewage disposal into waterways. This is a common occurrence especially in the developing world where people do not have proper sanitation and drainage facilities. Slums for example do not have adequate sanitation facilities and usually human waste is left to lie on the ground. When it rains, this waste is swept by rain water as surface run-off and this eventually ends up in rivers (Farmer 2007, p. 84). Water is also polluted by sewage if it is drained into the water bodies before it is treated. Sewage can be broken down then discharged into water bodies however, it contains other chemicals such as pharmaceutical drugs, paper and plastics and other wastes flushed down from toilets (Kessler 2010, p. 267). Apart from these, sewage also contains germs like viruses and bacteria that are excreted with human waste and when this ends up in the marine environment, it causes a threat to human health as they can cause waterborne diseases such as typhoid, diarrhea and cholera.
Another cause of water pollution is oil pollution. This occurs from oil spills from tankers and also from routine shipping. It also occurs from the oil that people pour down on land and that is carried off to waterways as surface run-off (Vinson et al 2008, p. 261). When tankers leak, large volumes of oil are released at once to the marine environment. In 1989 for example, a tanker, Exxon Valdez broke up in Prince William Sound in Alaska, the United States. More than twelve million gallons of oil leaked causing extensive damage to the marine environment. It is estimated that from this spill, many marine animals and birds were killed (Vidas 2000, p. 107). Apart from tanker leaks, fuel spills that take place in the road highways and home garages as well as other vehicle chemicals like brake fluids are washed away by rain water into water bodies leading to pollution. When these toxic chemicals are washed into rivers in high concentration, they have been found to kill large populations of fish overnight (Farmer 2007, p. 92). Reports have indicated, for example, that the highway runoff that occurs in a year from a single large city leaks the same amount of oil into the marine environment as a spill from a typical tanker would. Some of these highway run-offs also sink into the ground leading to underground water pollution.
Water pollution can also be caused by the discharge of chemicals from residential homes into waterways. Everyday, people use chemicals such as detergents for their dishwashers and washing machines. Most detergents are relatively mild but others are strong and when these end up in water ways, they affect the marine life (Trudgill et al 2001, p. 124). Plastics are also in massive use and are water pollutants. They are able to float in water and this makes it possible for them to travel long distances across waterways. Most plastics are non-biodegradable and therefore do not break down naturally in the marine environment. Thi...
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