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Climate Action and Environmental Degradation

Essay Instructions:

Ross Kemp: Battle for the Amazon (start video at 36mins)

During the 1st Colloquium session we will begin by watching the video of Ross Kemp around the Battle for the Amazon.

As we watch this video think about the following questions that we will discuss during this session. You will also be using the essential readings to inform your input as well as to retort to others. Please also bring your own experiences, own literature you may have found on the topic and think about themes you can draw on in order for you to participate as fully as possible with this debate:

1) Climate Action does it matter?

2) Discuss the roles of the global south and north with respect to climate change and its impact on the economy and the real lives of people.

3) Is environmental degradation an inevitable consequence of economic growth?

4) Should the world listen to celebrities, politicians or scientists?

Video link:https://www(dot)facebook(dot)com/watch/?v=1299449893547662

Please answer the questions in order of number

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Climate Action
Does climate action matter
Climate action is needed as the impacts of climate change, such as the variations in rainfall patterns and temperature increases, continue to result in flooding, droughts, and other serious challenges that affect the livelihoods of modern populations (Somorin, 2010). Countries that largely depend on forest ecosystems are most impacted in terms of economic development, as alternative strategies to reduce overreliance on forests continue to be sought. For many years, the livelihoods of populations in the global south, especially in Africa, have depended on forests. However, deforestation, especially in the Brazilian Amazon, is one of the anthropogenic activities that have resulted in some levels of global climate change (HugyawBisaya, 2019). Climate action is also necessary to maintain a uniform message from authoritative scientific facts about climate change, which has been distorted by climate change skeptic groups comprised of some politicians and celebrities (Moernaut et al., 2020). Besides, climate action matters based on finding effective policies to be implemented in maintaining a balance between economic growth and sustainability based on environmental protection.
Roles of the global south and north concerning climate change and its impact on the economy and the real lives of people
Compared to the global north, countries in the global south, including many African countries, are the least contributors to global climate change. Nevertheless, such countries are likely to face serious economic challenges that will affect people’s real lives. Somorin (2010) recognizes the long-term benefits of forests to the lives of many rural poor in Africa, where more than half of the population directly or indirectly depends on forests. Based on environmental footprints, the global north largely contributes to climate change through increased greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions compared to the global south (Vanham et al., 2019). Climate change is threatening the economic development in global south countries as the relationship between deforestation and its direct impact on global warming continues to be evident. The Finance Centre for South-South Cooperation (FCSSC) (2015) maintains a list of countries belonging to the global south that continue to collaborate in the economic, political, cultural, social, environmental, and other technical domains. Concerted efforts to arrest climate change in the global south involve two or more of these countries on an interregional, multilateral, or bilateral basis by sharing knowledge, skills, resources, and expertise to meet the SDGs. There is a need for international efforts to be invested in sustainable development that factors human behaviors and decision-making while engaging in economic activities.
Is environmental degradation an inevitable consequence of economic growth?
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