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Sustainability and Social Innovation

Essay Instructions:

These are two assigments, the first is a 300-word position statement, and the second is a 600-word Post-debate reflection. Because we have a debate in this class, the topic is about genetic modification, and my group is Farmers’ and food producers’ representative. Both assignments are about this debate. In the attachment, I will put two assignments brief and information about our group's research before the debate. Please read it carefully. But there are many lecture videos in this lesson, I can't put them up, I will give you my school website uername and password, when you log in, it will send a real-time verification code to my mobile phone. You can message me to ask code. You don't think it will trouble me, because I think it is very important. You have to read lectures, cases and watch videos, because theories are needed in writing.


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Assignment 1 (300 words):

Write a Position Statement on Transgenic technology from the perspective of a stakeholder

of your choice. Please chose to represent a stakeholder that you would normally do not


Please structure you position statement to communicate the following:

• Brief description of the issue/topic/problem

• Current practices and/or any challenges

• Solutions or recommendations to address the issue/problem.

• Please keep it within 300 words.

An example of a position statement can be found in Figure 1 below.

Assignment 2 (600 words):

The aim is to provide an opportunity for you to reflect on your learning from the debate exercise, and particularly new insights you may have acquired by placing yourself in the position of your stakeholder group. The post-debate reflection will also provide an opportunity of reflecting on your team working skills, a fundamental attribute for a successful professional career. To do this, you will be asked to answer the following questions and submit your answers to Turnitin:

Question 1 (300 words max): Upon reflecting on the debate exercise, what insights have you acquired by placing yourself in the position of your stakeholder group?

Question 2 (300 words max): Describe your experience in working in group towards the debate exercise. For example, wht role did you play and how did you contribute to the group work?

A note on reflective writing: Reflective writing is much more than a description of facts or events. You will be expected to demonstrate your critical writing skills, including for example, questioning different viewpoints, examining reasons, identifying similarities and/or contrasts, alignments and/or disassociations between theories/practices and your research topic, etc.. The most productive and efficient way of get yourself well organized and well prepared for submitting an outstanding reflective essay to take notes of your reflections before during and after the debate. That way, when is time to write your reflection, you will have a solid starting point.

In this debate, each group needs two people to debate with other groups, and other people do other work. We are the Farmers’ and food producers’ representative. Our group have 5 people, we are against genetic modification, and there are many other representatives. It is a free debate, so we may debate with any group. Before the debate, we divided the work quickly, we decided that two more organized people would debate with other groups. Each of us needs to research data, understand the standpoint of our representatives, and understand other representatives, to figure out how to refute them, think about the questions that they might ask us and how to answer them. My work is a researcher, I am in charge of Bayer-Monsanto/industry representative (mandatory). We used the Teams app for the first meeting, we analyzed each person's strengths and completed the division of labor. Three days later, we had the second meeting. We put together the data of our research and discussed and improved. But during the second meeting, two members did not come. One of them had finished his work, and the computer of the other was broken, so he could not conduct research. So we can only share his work. But we thought he would finish his part soon, so we still focused on our part until the day before the debate. He kept saying that he would finish it quickly, but that was not the case. So in an emergency, I took on his work and completed the two parts that he was supposed to be responsible for.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Sustainability and Social Innovation
by (Name)
The Name of the Class (Course)
Professor (Tutor)
The Name of the School (University)
The City and State where it is located
The Date
Part 1: Debate: Bayer – Monsanto/Industry’s Position on Transgenic Technology
Brief description of the issue/topic/problem
We need to feed the growing world population that currently stands at 7.5 billion, with a billion suffering from chronic hunger, which is part caused by annual crop loss due to pests accounting for 20-40 percent of the global crop losses (Bologna & Aquino, 2020, p.2). Despite our success in applying transgenic technology to solve agriculture challenges, environmental activists have been at the loggerheads with the industry over the social, economic, and health impacts of genetically modified (GM) crops. Nevertheless, we are prepared to work with our critics to find a common ground, keeping in mind the evolving relationship between business and society and issues surrounding economic, political, and social sustainability.
Current practices and/or any challenges
To end world hunger, we use transgenic technology in producing GM crops to feed the world’s population. GM crops have enhanced nutritional values and are resistant to pests, diseases, and poor environmental conditions such as salinity. Examples of food crops produced through this technology include the Flavr Savr tomato, maize/cone, potatoes, and glyphosate-resistance Roundup Ready soybeans (Raman 196). While GM crops ...
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