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Individual marketing communication plan- report

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Individual marketing communication Plan- Report THE BRAND IS 'H&M'.
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MARKETING COMMUNICATION IN PRACTICE (FASHION CONTEXT) Student's Name Course Professor's Name University City (State) Date Executive Report Summary This report presents H&M's progress in advancing its position as a fashion leader in the industry. The report conducted a brief situational analysis for H&M to design SMART marketing objectives. The objectives include prioritizing social and environmental responsibility, collaborating with industry partners, and increasing consumer engagement within 6 months. Accordingly, the report designed a marketing communication message for the brand that tailors all the attributes of its SMART objectives. The brand strongly believes in fashion that looks, feels, and does good. Besides, the report denotes different marketing communication tactics and tools, including advertisement, social media, influencer, content, email marketing, and public relations. The report finds that H&M can leverage its existing position by focusing on sustainability initiatives. The report presents a timed action plan composed of media plan activities. The report finally exhibits KPIs for evaluating the action plan and optimizing its outcome. Conclusively, H&M can boost its existing leadership by advancing its sustainability initiative. Marketing and Marketing Communication Objectives To determine comprehensive marketing communication objectives, this report illustrates a situational analysis of H&M. According to H&M's situational analysis, sustainability concern is the prime weakness of H&M. At the same time, change in consumer perception is its crucial threat (Fig 1). Fig 1 (Pereira, 2024) The new marketing communication objectives must be aligned with the conducted analysis. Subsequently, H&M's following objectives are designed for H&M based on its recent situational analysis. * Objective 1: Source 30% production that prioritizes social and environmental responsibility and educates the target audience about it * Objective 2: Collaborate with 3 industry partners and drive innovation to increase competitive advantage. * Objective 3: Increase consumer engagement by 15% within 6 months through social media SMART Marketing Objectives Specific Prioritize social and environmental responsibility Enhance competitive advantage Increase consumer engagement rate Measurable 30% of total production 3 industry partners seeking measures for sustainability 15% Achievable H&M recently launched a 'Conscious collection' made of recycled and organic material; it can increase its contribution H&M can collaborate with environmentally friendly industries to make collaborative decisions, including sourcing organic materials and production H&M has a vigilant presence in social media, which can boost it to increase consumer engagement and determination for the brand Relevant Sustainability concern Control consumer's preference and stay competitive Seize opportunity in e-commerce and global presence Time-bound Within 1 year 1 year 6 months SMART Marketing Objectives for H&M (Author) Marketing Communication Message and Content Strategy Target Marketing Targeted Audience Description Communication message attribute Demographic Age: 15-30 Gender: Male and Female Occupation: Employed Include all the demographics Psychographic People who appreciate fashion and trendy clothing People seeking budget-friendly fashion Collaborate with trendy fashion and affordability Behavioural People after evolving fashion brand People who like self-grooming Resonate with the targeted audience Table 2: Target Audience of H&M and their communication message attributes (Author) Marketing Communication Message This report designs the following marketing messages depending on the targeted audience and their communication attributes. "H&M relies on fashion looks, feels, and does goods. Come join us in our commitment to a sustainable future. We proudly announce that our production now prioritizes social and environmental responsibility. We partner with industry leaders to push our boundaries and define sustainable fashion. Engage yourself with our latest updates on social media. Together, we can not only create a stylish, sustainable world, but we can also inspire change for good. #HMforchange." Communication/Consumer Theories Social Learning Theory This theory advocates that people learn by observing behaviours and outcomes (Ihzaturrahma and Kusumawati, 2021). Correspondingly, H&M's commitment to sustainability and collaboration with environmental-friendly pioneers will inspire consumers to adopt sustainable fashion Consumer Engagement Theory (CET) Accor...
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