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How Personality Theories can Enhance Formal Organizations

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The title needs to be decided by the teacher, the maximum number of words is 1500, and the citation needs to be in Harvard format, just finish it in mid-April

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How Personality Theories Can Enhance Formal Organizations: Exploring the Increasing Interest in Personality at Work.
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HRMG2205: People Management
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Personality combines characteristics and qualities that make each person unique and influences their behaviour and attitude (Roberts and Yoon, 2021). It comprises individual differences in character, feelings, thoughts, and actions. It includes confidence, extroversion, self-esteem, and openness to experience. Various factors, including genetics, environment, upbringing, culture, and life experiences, shape personality. It is constantly evolving as individuals develop and mature. Personality is also a powerful influence on relationships, career success, and overall well-being. Personality comprises mood, attitude, values, behaviour, cognitive abilities, communication skills, creativity, leadership skills, motivations, social skills, and integrity (Stachl et al., 2021). These traits combine to create a unique personality for each individual. It is essential to be aware of how different combinations of these traits can influence how a person is perceived and interacts with others.
Personality in the Workplace: A Growing Focus
Recently, the study of personality in the workplace has become a popular topic of discussion, as it can significantly impact many elements of a job (Pletzer et al., 2019). Personality can influence how employees interact with each other and their supervisors, as well as how effectively they complete their tasks. It can also affect how employees react to changes in the workplace and how motivated they are to do their job (Buil, Martínez and Matute, 2019). Additionally, personality can have a considerable influence on job satisfaction, which can have a significant impact on employee retention and productivity (Törnroos, Jokela and Hakulinen, 2019).
One of the main reasons the study of personality at work is gaining attention is the increasing complexity of the modern workplace (Woods et al., 2019). In today's business environment, many companies rely heavily on the ability of their employees to collaborate, innovate, and problem-solve to be successful (Li et al., 2019). As a result, employers need to understand the personalities of their employees to ensure that they are working together efficiently and effectively. Additionally, employers must be able to identify any potential problem areas that may arise due to personality differences and work to ensure that they are addressed positively.
Another reason the study of personality at work is gaining attention is its impact on employee engagement and job satisfaction. Employee engagement and job satisfaction are critical factors in determining employee productivity and overall performance (Salmony and Kanbach, 2021). When employees are happy and engaged in their job, they are more likely to be productive and efficient and less likely to leave the company. By understanding their employees' personalities, employers can create a work environment conducive to high employee engagement and job satisfaction.
Personality is increasingly seen as essential in predicting how people will perform in the workplace. Personality traits, such as conscientiousness, agreeableness and neuroticism, are all seen as important indicators of an individual's capacity to adjust to and cope with the demands of their job (Paais and Pattiruhu, 2020). Furthermore, individual personality traits can be used to determine which roles and tasks an individual is best suited for. By understanding and utilizing personality traits, employers can more accurately place employees in the roles that best suit them, increasing their chances of success. Additionally, understanding an individual's personality can give employers insight into how they will respond to different challenges and stressors in the workplace. Therefore, the study of personality in the workplace is becoming increasingly important (Supratman, Entang and Tukiran, 2021).
The importance of personality in predicting work outcomes has been demonstrated in various studies. For instance, research has found that individuals with higher levels of conscientiousness and agreeableness tend to have higher job performance ratings, are less likely to be absent from work, and are more likely to stay in their jobs for longer. Additionally, research has found that higher levels of neuroticism are associated with lower job performance, more significant job stress, and higher absenteeism rates (Salmony and Kanbach, 2021).
These findings suggest employers should consider an individual's personality when making hiring or promotion decisions (Caliendo, Fossen and Kritikos, 2021). By understanding the personalities of their employees, employers can create a better work environment that is more conducive to productivity and job satisfaction. Additionally, employers should consider each individual's unique traits and how those traits may best fit with the team or organization. Therefore, employers must strive to create a comfortable workplace that respects all personalities (Gozali, 2022).
The importance of personality in the workplace is further highlighted by the fact that it can be used to predict the success of different organizational leadership styles (Hogan and Sherman, 2020). Studies have found that certain personality traits (e.g., agreeableness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism) are associated with different leadership styles, such as transformational and transactional leadership. Research has also found that certain personality traits (e.g., extraversion, openness to experience, and conscientiousness) are associated with higher levels of organizational commitment and job satisfaction (Suharto, Suyanto and Hendri, 2019).
Finally, studying personality at work is becoming increasingly important as employers recognize its potential to aid career development. By understanding employees' personalities, employers can better identify the tasks best suited for each individual and assist in their skill development (Hoff et al., 2020). Additionally, understanding personality can help employers recognize when employees are not performing to their full potential and develop strategies to help them improve. This can lead to improved productivity and job satisfaction, as well as increased efficiency and effectiveness in the workplace. Ultimately, this research can help employers create a more positive work environment and ensure optimal performance from their employees. As such, studying personality at work is becoming an essential tool for employers (Mehta et al., 2019).
The Utility of Theories of Personality in Formal Organizations
Theories of personality play an important role in formal organizations, as they can provide insight into how individuals interact with each other, how they respond to different types of tasks, and how they are likely to perform in specific roles (Cervone and Pervin, 2022). Organizations can better understand their employees and create more effective working environments by understanding these theories. (Sosnowska et al., 2019). Personality theories are helpful in formal organizations to varying degrees depending on the type of organization and its goals. Nomothetic, psychoanalytic, idiographic, and humanistic theories provide insights into human behaviour that organizations can use to their advantage (Horstmann and Ziegler, 2020).
The nomothetic theory is a school of thought focusing on generalizations and statistical averages to study human behaviour. Organizations mainly use it to draw broad conclusions about how people behave and how that can be applied to the organization (Cervone and Beck, 2020). This theory is beneficial when developing new employee training programs, as it can provide an average amount of time it takes to learn a specific skill. Additionally, it can be used to assess the overall performance of employees and how they interact with each other. Lastly, it can provide insight into how social an...
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