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Labor Unions and Their Advantages and Disadvantages

Essay Instructions:

What is a labour union? Referring to specific examples or case studies, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of unions in three sectors of your choice. To what extent are unions beneficial to the advancement of workers’ rights?

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Labor Unions
A labor union denotes an organization established by employees in a particular company, industry, or trade to improve working conditions, benefits, and pay. A labor union chooses representatives to negotiate with workers in a collective bargaining process effectively. This process leads to an agreement that stipulates the working conditions of employees in a specific period. Markedly, a union organized by different workers to fight for the protection and rights of workers, including minimum wage and reduced workday, has a long history in the United States of America. To be sure, unions hold a salient democratic structure and conduct elections to elect officials responsible for making beneficial decisions. Workers are responsible for paying dues to associations that advocate for their rights and privileges. In sum, unions are sector-specific and mostly tend to be prevalent among government or public sector organizations and those in utilities and transportation.
A wide range of steps is involved in forming a successful union and determining its operation. Specifically, unions have a practical democratic structure where elections are held to select officials who are responsible for making beneficial decisions. Workers pay their dues to the union, which in return serves as their advocates (Vallas, 2019). Most unions primarily appear to be sector-specific and are shared among utilities and public sector employees. A national-level labor organization gives a charter to employees to form a successful union. Precisely, the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) and the Change to Win Federation (CtW) oversee most labor unions across the United States of America (Von der Leyen, 2019). Also, almost all unions work and are structured in the same manner. American laws demand workers bargain with their unions in utmost good faith, although the employees do not enjoy the right to agree on specific terms. The union's unit performs the required negotiations. Moreover, a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) that includes employment terms, working conditions, working hours, sick days, pay scale, and vacations are agreed upon and signed (Durazzi and Geyer, 2020). A worker cannot alter the agreement without the approval of a union representative. Thus, the formulation of a labor union revolves around following fundamental tenets and laws regarding its operation and overall function as a protector of workers' fundamental rights.
Advantages of Unions
Unions offer considerable benefits for workers in the manufacturing sector in terms of building trust and affording workforce safety, which makes them essential for employees in the current work environment. Unions offer a unique mechanism for dialogue between employers and workers, which plays a central role in building commitment and trust within the workforce (Durazzi and Geyer, 2020). Moreover, it is easy to identify and solve problems fairly and quickly through unions. Consequently, companies can gain substantial benefits from timely problem-solving. Besides, union membership implies that there is one point of contact for negotiating and discussing conditions and terms for the workforce (Frymer and Grumbach, 2021). Employees' performance further enhances when there is an independent approach toward addressing challenges instead of ignoring them. In the same vein, unions are essential in lowering accident rates in the work environment by reducing stress-related illnesses caused by working in a poor environment, being poor, and working long hours in addition to affording safe working practices (Kochan et al. 2019). Markedly, unionized workplace environments are safe and benefit from mitigating accidents and ill health costs.
Increased productivity, savings, and access to skills and learning are other advantages of unions, especially prevalent in the public service sector. Unions are essential in building high-trust work environments that can contribute to substantial savings. Unions save money by reducing turnover, accident compensation, temporary sick covers, sick pay, and reduced productivity (Durazzi and Geyer, 2020). What is more, unions have a robust reputation for collaborating with the workforce to identify cost savings and efficiencies opportunities. Notably, employees and workers have a common focus and interest in organizational or business success. Besides, unions are essential in establishing high-trust environments where workers can address challenges, are highly skilled, and are healthy, contributing to a productive and committed staff (Lazar and Sanchez, 2019). Unions are also crucial in maintaining productivity, especially during workforce innovation, where collective bargaining agreements offer an instrumental model to consult with employees and mitigate their resistance (Von der Leyen, 2019). Additionally, ensuring members' access to training and education is a crucial union priority. Union recognition is positively associated with remarkable impacts on the range and amount of training provided to the workforce. Well-trained workers offer huge productivity advantages for employers (Frymer and Grumbach, 2021). Therefore, unions play an indispensable role in promoting productivity, saving money, and accessing practical training and educational opportunities for the workforce.
Other advantages of unions revolve around improving workforce retention, auditing non-compliance with critical labor codes, and making informed decisions, which are evident in the service industry. Unions represent employees in business and other associated organizations, offering a comprehensive view of numerous workplace challenges and sector knowledge indispensable for many firms (Lazar and Sanchez, 2019). Consulting and informing expert representatives in the union can play an instrumental role in helping organizations to make informed decisions (Durazzi and Geyer, 2020). What is more, unions are an excellent source of information regarding workplace practices. They are also positioned to collaborate with workers to identify and solve non-compliance with labor standards and poor working conditions. Unions are vital in implementing and enforcing meaningful labor standards. Unions can ask their members about their work and its conditions and coordinate measures to monitor the role of new procedures and policies efficiently. They also provide a framework and route for employees to report non-compliance with labor standards without worrying about reprisal consequences. Unions can mitigate the need for social audits by enabling workers to improve and monitor their working conditions in an empowering and sustainable manner (Frymer and Grumbach, 2021). Similarly, unions are prudent in lowering accident rates in working environments by reducing stress-related illnesses caused by working in poor environments, being bullied, or working long hours, in addition to affording safe working practices (Kochan et al. 2019). Notably, unionized work environments are incredibly safe, which presents the upside for employers in decreasing the costs associated with accidents and ill health.
Unions further bear the advantage of improving staff retention and promoting equality in the wor...
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