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Eurovision Song Contest: Women in Management Positions within the Music Industry

Essay Instructions:

Impact Assessment Report

Instructions / Requirements

Purpose of the assessment task

To produce a report investigating a sphere of impact of an event of your choice.

Description of the assignment:

You are required to research an event of your choice and provide an analysis of the impacts that are associated with it. The report only requires the use of secondary research.

The event must be different to the one that was debated in CW1 and 2.

You should pay close attention to ONE IMPACT (of Social & Cultural, Economic & Touristic, Environmental, and Political) of the event and provide an evidenced based discussion of this impact as associated with the planning and staging of the event on both the host and the international community.

You are also required to identify the current leveraging techniques as strategies that are being used by the event planners and organisers to maximise the positive and minimise the negative impact associated with the event.

Your report should recommend event planning solutions to event organisers to minimise the negative, and maximise the positive impacts associated with the specific impact area.

Any specific instructions:

Your assignment should be written in report format (1500 words +/- 10%) and should include:

Introduction to your report and an overview of the event; (300 words)

Analysis of the impact of your chosen event; (500 words)

Identification of leveraging techniques and strategies used by event planners and organisers; (300 words)

Recommendations for event organisers, supported by theory; (300 words)

Conclusions (100 words)

Your report should be supported by theories, secondary research and evidence from other events where necessary. Please use in-text referencing throughout.

Knowledge & Understanding:

Assess the social, cultural, political, economic and environmental impacts associated with the planning and staging of events and festivals.

Acquire knowledge of techniques for leveraging the benefits of events and festivals for the host destination

Evaluate strategies for minimising disruption from events and festivals on the local environment and local community.

Skills & Attributes:

Recommend event planning solutions for enhancing positive impacts of events and festivals for host areas


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Essay Sample Content Preview:

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"Women in Management Positions within the Music Industry"
1.0. Introduction
Festivals play a vital role in promoting the host destination's cultures along with creating opportunities at political and economic levels. Besides, events bring people from different nations close to each other and help them develop sociocultural harmony (Getz, 2018). This report aims to assess the impact of a renowned event, "Eurovision Song Contest," held annually since 1956. Eurovision Song Contest, or ESC in short, is the world's longest televised song contest. The core people and talent of the event include the songwriters and artists who participate in the competition. Songwriters from each country represent their country in the contest, while other countries are supposed to vote for the songs depending on their liking (Kalman et al., 2019). Based on the vote and evaluation from the jury, winners are determined, and the winning country is awarded the opportunity to host the event's next edition. The event draws participation from more than 55 countries in Europe and a massive footfall of spectators. It is rated as one of the most-watched non-sport events worldwide (Kalman et al., 2019). This way, the event offers a level-playing field for all the participants.
The paper begins with context setting and explanation of the event as provided earlier. Then, there is a detailed assessment of the event's impact at multiple levels, followed by identifying strategies and techniques currently used to maximize its positive impact and minimize the negative side. The next section contains recommendations for the event organizers based on the insight gleaned from evaluating the current strategic approach. The recommendations are supported by the theoretical foundation. Finally, there is a succinct conclusion to sum up the findings and shed further light on the recommendations.
2.0. Analysis of the Impact
The success of an event depends on a holistic picture of its impact that extends into multiple dimensions (Carlsen et al., 2000). For impact analysis, this report narrowly focuses on the economic and touristic impact of the event on the host nation and international community. The economic impact is measured by assessing the difference between cost and revenue, allowing for the estimation of its net value (Getz, 2018). Evaluating short and long frames is also important to gather a precise and realistic idea.
As for the cost of holding an event, it depends on the status of the country concerning the event. If the host country has already hosted the event, it will likely have the infrastructure to capture any future opportunity to organize it again (Dwyer et al., 2019). However, the countries that are supposed to host it for the first time or have hosted it long ago are likely concerned about the infrastructure cost. A similar dilemma surrounded Ukraine in 2016 when it was granted the opportunity to host the event following its victory in the contest (Dwyer et al., 2019). The concerned authorities and stakeholders were concerned about the ability of Ukraine to hold the event, considering the cost of financing its preparation and planning (Averchuk, 2016). Therefore, a country's status is one of the key predictors of the profitability of hosting the event for a country.
Staging also involves considerable cost since the countries must provide a secure environment for the core talent, audience, and media representatives. Besides, ensuring flawless production of the event and any loophole may stain the host's reputation (Dwyer et al., 2019). Hence, the pressure of ensuring precautions and strategic acumen in hosting add up to the cost of the event.
The event's direct revenue source is the tickets sold to the participants. The average footfall of the event is estimated at 55 million. However, the cost of infrastructure development is likely to outweigh the revenue, especially for fresh hosts. In this way, from a short-term economic perspective, the event may not appear fruitful despite massive attendance.
However, host nations may expect long-term rewards stemming from enhanced exposure to an international audience to their touristic destinations. In this way, the event is likely to instigate the growth of inbound tourism, which indirectly contributes to the GDP of the host nation.
As for the international community, the event is mutually beneficial in economic terms. It creates opportunities for the nations to develop cordial relations that ultimately reflect in their bilateral relations (Abudy et al., 2020). The countries participating in the event have the opportunity to set aside their geopolitical differences and open the doors of bilateral trade. Similarly, the investors have the opportunities to explore the destinations and gauge their suitability for the prospects of foreign direct investment (FDI) and other areas. Another core benefit for the international community is the opportunities created for labor, media outlets, and sponsors (Abudy et al., 2020). Hence, the event is promising in economic terms from an international standpoint.
3.0. Identification of Leveraging Techniques and Strategies
Even leveraging strategies involves identifying the risks, articulating the desired outcomes, and laying out the roadmap to achieve both short-term and lo...
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