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Why Employee Motivation is Important

Essay Instructions:

The final assessment will be an essay, details see below:

A research proposal that shows (1) why your chosen topic is important;

(2)how you would go about collecting key information to conduct the study (without actually conducting it);

(3)what theory/past research you would rely on to form your economic argument;

(4)your expectation of the results that you would find; and

(5) what is the policy implications that we, as readers, would take away from your study.

Note that you do not need to actually conduct your research. This is a research proposal aimed at assessing your research/business instinct, analytical skills, and the ability to convincingly sell your idea to others. During the semester, you will be very familiar with these skills.

The final assessment should be no longer than 5 pages with 1.5 line spacing in Microsoft word. It should neither be very short, since it has to cover the 5 points listed above.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

By (Name)
Professor’s Name
Why Employee Motivation is Important
Employee motivation is the commitment, energy, and creativity that employees contribute to their jobs. Employee motivation is among the top priorities in multiple businesses due to its high contribution to better engagement and productivity. Employee motivation is a crucial aspect of modern business operations since it is highly connected to employee engagement, promoting high productivity. Employees with low motivation work at a slower rate, avoid their duties and spend most of their time on their phones. They are generally not focused and do not put energy into their work. As a result, company resources are wasted, and its operations fail to meet crucial targets. On the flip side, motivated employees are self-driven and proud of their work (Quain, 2019). They achieve their objectives quickly and want to do a good job for themselves and the company. Some companies fail to understand the relevance of employee motivation at work, resulting in low motivation that affects the enterprise’s general productivity.
Employee motivation in an organization is associated with multiple benefits, such as increased productivity. Implementing effective employee motivation techniques in organizations motivates workers and results in increased revenue outcomes. Productive working environments also promote employee experience due to high job satisfaction. Motivating workers with rewards creates an innovative culture in organizations. Employees will always challenge themselves whenever they are appreciated and supported by their companies. Also, employee motivation reduces the levels of absenteeism in organizations. Management that understands the relevance of motivation knows that supportive leaders achieve the best with their teams compared to critical leaders (Jensen, 2018). A manager who cares about his team’s well-being and workload reduces absenteeism since workers are less stressed. As expressed, employee motivation is a crucial topic that requires attention due to its influence on the overall success of an organization.
Data Collection
The data collection process will involve multiple steps to gather adequate information from employees working for various organizations. The research will involve employees from multiple organizations selected on different grounds in terms of size, location, and operations. The information collected will be conducted through interviews, questionnaires, and direct observation. Interviews with employees from the selected organizations will be conducted within a certain period. The interviews will be conducted through phone calls to reduce costs since the organizations are located in different locations. The interviewing process will systematically ask pre-set questions to collect information about employee motivation in the organizations and determine the extent of the management’s commitment toward employee motivation. The respondents will have meaningful actions to choose from to promote efficiency.
Additionally, I would apply questionnaires and surveys to collect closed-ended responses. Numerical values would be assigned to the data to speed up data analysis. Questionnaires and surveys require adequate planning for efficiency. Unlike interviews, surveys are expensive and valueless if handled incorrectly (Ainsworth, 2020). The surveys would be conducted online, an effective and modern way of conducting surveys. Questions in an online survey change depending on the response received, unlike in written surveys. Employees from the selected organizations will answer multiple questions in the questionnaire regarding employee motivation in their workplaces. The questions will help determine employee motivation levels in the organizations and the impacts connected to the topic. Lastly, I would conduct direct observation in the organization to observe the employees’ commitment to their duties and behaviours at work. The main aim of direct observation is collection responses free from observer bias. Also, the method is appropriate for observing of natural behaviours of workers without pressure or restriction.
Past Research to Rely on Formation of Economic Argument
One of the past researches I would rely on while forming my economic argument is published by Mura et al. (2019) in business and economics. The authors argue that employee remuneration is a crucial personal management function that unfolds other operations and relationships in an organization. Every organization has a unique employee remuneration system, whether financial or non-financial, but both affect employee motivation. The research indicates that the main function of the human resource department is ensuring that organizations find, customize and retain human capital in the form of talented employees who can promote the organization’s objectives across the globe and expand technological goals. The authors depict that the most crucial factor that forms healthy relationships in an organization is a mutually acceptable remuneration system. The overall success originates from employees’ willingness and creativity around the workplace and the company’s ability to enco...
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