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Diversity And Inclusive Environment In The Workplace

Essay Instructions:



Date for submission of coursework: By 12.00 midday, Monday 18th March 2019

Point of submission:

a) An electronic copy of the individual essay should be uploaded on the HR112 Myplace class page using the “Final Upload” link. Please note that you should use the SBS Turnitin Checking Area to check your work before posting the final copy. This will help you check if any inadvertent copying of material (plagiarism) has been done before posting the final draft.

b) In addition to the electronic copy, each student should hand-in a hard, paper copy of the individual essay to the Department of Work, Employment and Organisation Office. This is required to be done by the deadline indicated above. The Department of WEO Office is located on level 4 of the Duncan Wing, Strathclyde Business School, Room 4.07. Please make sure that you also have a completed HRM front cover on your essay before handing it in. The front covers are available on the “HRM Undergraduate” Myplace page.

Date by which coursework will be marked with feedback:

Length of coursework:


Contribution of coursework to overall module assessment:

By Monday 8th April 2019

Approximately 2,000–2,500 words (note: this does not include references, bibliography or appendices). Students exceeding the word limit by more than 500 words will be subject to penalties.

Essay-style (no sections). The coursework should be word processed with line spacing set at 1.5. and should include an appropriately structured bibliography.

The essay contributes to 50% of the overall coursework mark.


The task:

Choose one of the following questions and construct an academically informed (....and

referenced!) essay answer.

A. Using an example of an organisation, examine the business case and strategies for promoting diversity and an inclusive environment within the workplace, while also discussing the role of first-line management in embedding this approach.


B. Using an example of an organisation, examine the business case and strategies for developing an effective learning environment within the workplace, while also making reference to the role of first-line management in embedding this approach.


One of your first tasks will be to choose the organisation that you wish to use in your essay. Importantly, please note that you are not required to undertake extensive research concerning the company/organisation. You simply need to establish the basic location, function and general overview of the organisation/company’s products or services etc. Normally you would find such information from either newspapers or journal articles, professional magazines but more likely, from the company’s website. Please make sure that you reference the source of such information in the main body of your work and bibliography. Remember, the company/organisation is simply a platform upon which to build your main discussion concerning the business case, strategies and role of first-line management in answering either question ‘A’ or ‘B’. The key challenge will be, however, to integrate the company/organisational circumstances into the main discussion.

If you are doing question ‘A’, it might be a good idea to choose one particular social group associated with diversity management and outline this approach in your introduction e.g. choosing gender, or younger workers, or older workers, or ethnic minorities, or workers with disabilities. Keep the same focus throughout the question.

A potential starting point for your reading is obviously the main chapter in Wilton (3rd Edition, 2016) but you may wish to examine more specialist sources concerning your chosen social group e.g. women, ethnic minority, age etc. Have a look at the main sociological textbooks in the library and simply get the basic outline of the debates. Do not go too deep as you may start to pull away from answering the essay question which requires a focus upon the business case, the strategies to create a more inclusive workplace and the role of first-line management in embedding this. The following academic sources may also support your work:


Kirton, G. and Greene, A.M. (2010) The Dynamics of Managing Diversity: A critical approach, 3rd edition, Butterworth-Heinemann, London: UK. This book is available as an e-book.

Kumra S and Manfredi, S. (2012) Managing Equality and Diversity: theory and practice, Oxford University Press, Oxford : UK (you will find this available on short-loan.

Cartwright, R. (2002) Managing diversity. Capstone Pub, Oxford: UK. 2

Harvard Business Review. (2001) Harvard business review on managing diversity. Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation.; Harvard Business School Press, Boston : US.

Noon, M., Blyton, P. & Morell, K (2013) 4th ed. The Realities of Work. Palgrave Macmilan, Basingstoke: UK.(See chapter 10: ‘Unfair discrimination at work’).

Also look in the main collection of HRM texts as many have a special chapter on ‘diversity management’.


CIPD Fact Sheet (2013) Diversity in the Workplace: An Overview. Access from: http://www(dot)cipd(dot)co(dot)uk/hr-resources/factsheets/diversity-workplace-overview.aspx (also look at the references cited at the end of this report).

Bowes, B. (2008). The business case for workplace diversity. CMA Management. Vol. 81 Issue 8, p14-16. 3p. (available electronically).

Herring, C. (2009) Does Diversity Pay?: Race, Gender, and the Business Case for Diversity. American Sociological Review 74.2 : p 208-224. (available electronically).

Noon, M. (2007) The fatal flaws of diversity and the business case for ethnic minorities. Work Employment Society 21: 773. (available electronically).

If you are doing question ‘B’, you may find the following a useful starting point: Books:

Obviously start with the core reading in Wilton, N. 2016, (3rd edition). An Introduction to Human Resource Management. London; UK: Sage. Chapter 9.

Easterby-Smith, M.; & Lyles, M.A. (2011) 2nd ed. Handbook of organizational learning and knowledge management, Wiley, Chichester, U.K..

Hislop, D (2013) 3rd ed. Knowledge management in organizations : a critical introduction. Oxford University Press, Oxford: 2013. (see chapter on ‘HRM Policies and Knowledge Management).

The Learning Organization [electronic resource]Bradford, England MCB University. Press Day, A., et al. (1999) 500 tips for developing a learning organization. Kogan Page.

Werner, J.M. & DeSimone, R.L. (2009) 5th ed. Human resource development. Cengage Learning, US.

Also look in the main collection of HRM texts as many have a specialist chapter on ‘organisational learning and development diversity management’.


Herring, C. (2009) Does Diversity Pay?: Race, Gender, and the Business Case for Diversity. American Sociological Review 74.2 : p 208-224. (available electronically).


CIPD Fact Sheet (2014) Learning and development strategy. Access from: http://www(dot)cipd(dot)co(dot)uk/hr-resources/factsheets/learning-talent-development-strategy.aspx Also, look at the references at the end of this fact sheet.

Easterby-Smith, M. (1990) "Creating a Learning Organisation", Personnel Review, Vol. 19 Iss: 5, pp.24 – 28. (available electronically).

Swan, J. Newell, S., Scarbrough, H. Hislop, D., (1999) "Knowledge management and innovation: networks and networking", Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 3 Iss: 4, pp.262 – 275 (available electronically).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Diversity and Inclusive Environment in the Workplace
The nature of diversity in the workplace has experienced significant changes over the years. Factors that have contributed to the changes include an increase in immigration, expansion of companies across international boundaries, and latent population growth. The human resource department in organizations has had to deal with several challenges in an effort to explore and manage the increase in diversity of workplaces. Part of the process includes creation of an inclusive environment, which allows each employee to practice individual corporate responsibilities in a work-friendly environment. Human resource managers have the duty to utilize appropriate strategies for promotion of diversity, and creation of an inclusive environment. The first-line management approach is a useful tool in the endeavor. The paper explores the importance of diversity and inclusive work environments, and strategies for promotion of the same in the workplace.
Coca Cola Organization
The nature of the company informs the suitability of the company for a business case study. The Coca-Cola Company is the biggest company that produces beverages in the world (The Coca-Cola Company, 2016). The company produces over 500 types of sparkling drinks, and produces at least 3,800 choices of beverages. Some of the brands the organization produces include Coca-Cola Zero, diet coke, dasani, sprite, fanta, powerade, vitamin water, simply, Georgia, and minute maid. The company serves at least 200 countries worldwide (The Coca-Cola Company, 2016). Company operations are in the US, Africa, Asia, Europe, and Middle East. The organization commits to the creation of sustainable communities, and focuses on the creation of an inclusive and safe working environment. The endeavour is essential because Coca-Cola employs workers from all over the world, and has at least 700,000 associates within the organizational structure. the human resource management of the company has managed to implement strategies to promote diversity and provide an inclusive environment. Workplace policies at the company account for the necessity of fairness and respectful treatment of workers (The Coca-Cola Company, 2016). The company strive to maintain an inclusive work environment for all employees, which values the differences and contributions of all associates. The workspace comprises of a globally inclusive and diverse environment for proper engagement and performance. There are strategic pillars, mission, and vision in the company for encouragement of inclusion and diversity (The Coca-Cola Company, 2016). The vision is to become as diverse and inclusive as company brands, unleash the power of different perspectives among associates to encourage sustainable growth and innovation within the system. The mission is to reflect the richness in the diversity of markets the company serves by capitalizing on the inclusive culture to draw, grow, engage, and maintain global talent, which will fuel the competitive advantage of the company. The success Coca Cola has enjoyed in the successful implementation of strategies is worth emulation of similar strategies.
Importance of Diversity
More companies are beginning to embrace diversity in the workforce because of the benefits associated with such an arrangement. The first factor is exposure to a wide array of experiences, skills, and talents (Deering, 2015; Dike, 2013). Employees from different backgrounds can provide various experiences, skills, and talents that could benefit the company, and individual work performance. If the skill set of the employees are diverse, and suit individual roles in the company, employees can learn from each other, and the company can utilize a crossover of skills through employees offering each other assistance. The second factor is creation of innovation (Deering, 2015; Dike, 2013). Creative ideas are easy to develop when working with people of different backgrounds, with different working styles and experiences, and when members of a team offer suggestions and feedback. The employees can also strengthen productivity and responsiveness through adaptation to the diverse nature of the workforce, and effective management of individual strengths and shortcomings. The third factor is growth of the company talent pool (Deering, 2015). A company with a diverse workforce receives the perception of a progressive organization, and attracts individuals with different exposure. The company possesses a higher chance of employing exceptional candidates, and develops a higher capacity for employee retention. The final factor is improvement of employee performance (Deering, 2015; Dike, 2013). Workforce diversity creates an opportunity for personal growth. Exposure to new ideas, perspectives, and cultures can help people to inquire about intellectual concerns, and obtain a clear insight of individual positioning in the surround, and global environment. In addition, employees feel happy and comfortable in environments that promote inclusivity. Workers from different backgrounds become confident in personal ability, and give a better performance.
Strategies for Promotion of Diversity
The human resource department can undertake several steps to promote diversity in workforce. One strategy human resource managers can employ is to introduce effective management policies for a diverse workforce (Davis, Frolova & Callahan, 84 & 85, 2016). The practices for provision of equal chances should cover more than non-discriminative practices. Conscious management of the diversity is necessary to enforce change in existent cultures at the workplace. There is need to provide clarification on specific behaviours that are unacceptable. Human resource managers also need to understand the managerial style each uses, and adjust to a method that encourages diversity. Another approach is to utilise an effective communication approach across diverse categories (Chin, Desormeaux & Sawyer, 14, 2016). The use of diverse leadership helps to address the differences in social identities within the workplace. If leaders are unfamiliar with the perspectives of other workers, such differences between employees and leaders create suspicion, fear, and concern. Diverse leadership would enable representation of various perspectives and viewpoints. The third tactic is the use of mentorship for diverse employees (Chin, Desormeaux & Sawyer, 15 & 16, 2016). Diverse leaders benefit from the strategy by receiving guidance and support, which each extends to the diverse members of the team. The diverse leaders will be able to create a safe environment for other diverse employees through sponsorship, skill development, and navigation. The final approach is creation of a collectivistic culture and climate in the workplace (Guillaume, Dawson, Otaye-Ebede, Woods & West, 288 & 289, 2015). The effects of such an incentive on creativity, individual cooperation, and productivity are positive. A supportive climate moderates the negative effects of gender differences, and has a general persuasive effect on personal, group, and company behaviours.
Importance of an Inclusive Workplace Environment
The presence of inclusivity is beneficial to the operations of an organization. First, an inclusive environment promotes the development of quality relationships between team leaders and team members (Brimhall et al., 12 & 13, 2016). The quality of the relationship between the two groups of employees influences the nature of inclusivity in the organization. Positive feelings of inclusion create better commitment to an organization, and improve job satisfaction levels. The interventions for inclusiveness enable appreciation of the unique skills and talents of each employee, and enhance feelings of individual belonging to a company. In companies with an inclusive environment, team leaders work with team members who share similar self-identities and personal values. In addition, delegation of tasks encourages empowerment and mutual trust between team leaders and members. The employees enjoy good quality relations. The second aspect is enjoyed benefits such as an increase in commitment, job satisfaction, overall wellness; and a decrease in turn over and conflict (Brimhall et al., 13, 2016). The presence of inclusion in the workforce improves employee retention in human service companies. In addition, there is a lower chance of employees feeling a lack of inclusion as time goes by when perception of inclusivity is high. Another significance is the influence of inclusivity of organizational culture on employee interaction. The presence of inclusivity facilitates the retention of employees with high potential (The Catalyst, 2015). Such employees value the emphasis on collaboration and integrity, which an inclusive environment facilitates. The constructive behaviours associated encourage achievement of individual and team goals. Employees are likely to experience higher levels of satisfaction. The final importance is inclusiveness serves as a tool to leverage diversity (Irde, 2016). Some companies may experience challenges with the creation of a diverse workforce. Inclusion becomes an instrument for collaboration with employees of diverse backgrounds, and full realization of individual talents.
Strategies for Creation of an Inclusive Workplace Environment
Human resource managers can use the following strategies to ensure inclusivity at the workplace. First is to apply concerted effort in the enforcement of non-discrimination policies (Ozturk & Tatli, 796, 2015). Different administrative leaders and specified HR personnel can influence industrial practices and norms. The group can utilize equality legislation as a driver towards change to ensure equality. Enforcement of the policies incorporates external pressure on the organization to increase representation of less dominant groups in the workforce because some companies can be less responsive towards such an initiative. Professional associations and organizations can institute action at the industrial level to enforce approaches that promote inclusivity. Another tactic is the use of diversity officers in company operations for p...
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