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Construction Project management

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Construction Project management Name Institution/ Affiliation Abstract Over the past, project management techniques have been used in planning, estimating and controlling activities in a project. Ultimately, the methods aim to achieve desired results on time, within the -proposed budget and following the specifications. Professional’s in the construction industry continually applies various project management practices to keep pace with the incremental competition conditions and changing consumer demand. Traditional techniques based on predictable experience and predictable tools that follow the stages of initiating, planning, executing, controlling and closing. However, conventional methods have been considered challenging in achieving technical efficiency in professionals. For instance, techniques such as Gantt chart are widely used in project planning in spite of its adverse limitations of ineffective project management and deliver CITATION SHo12 \l 1033 (Hoskins, 2012). This paper seeks to explore on the project management techniques, risk factors, project opportunities as well as methods of motivating teams and individuals in a team to improve performance and productivity in a construction industry. Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Critical path network diagram PAGEREF _Toc6737366 \h 1Importance of critical path PAGEREF _Toc6737367 \h 2Risk management PAGEREF _Toc6737368 \h 4Risk table PAGEREF _Toc6737369 \h 5Risk scores PAGEREF _Toc6737370 \h 7Project management opportunity PAGEREF _Toc6737371 \h 7Motivation PAGEREF _Toc6737372 \h 8Theories of motivation PAGEREF _Toc6737373 \h 10McClelland theory PAGEREF _Toc6737374 \h 10Maslow's Need Hierarchy Theory PAGEREF _Toc6737375 \h 11Methods of motivating project teams PAGEREF _Toc6737376 \h 12Work cited PAGEREF _Toc6737377 \h 13 Part one Critical path network diagram Garden work 150480027077000 3045025165120 3830400347850 5days 140155163750Finish 5days 403965157395Roof repair Paint work 26640014412500 Carpet fittings 8 days 5days Start kitchen 586080025803500 26640032640004104000326400045648003264000 4days 3days 1 day Electrical work Plastering Decoration 5241600178179002944800178055137520026254900 4104000961500022536007972000 4days Bathroom 7days 4days 5days 4days Structural work 155520016343500 Plumbing 6 days Globally, Critical path management has gained widespread focus and acceptance. A critical path is a sequence of interdependent activities that represent the tasks that must be completed before the close of a project. This method of project management enlists all the functions critical to the accomplishment of a project, interval of time each task is expected to take and the relationship between the activities. Critical path shows the longest time from project start time to the finish as well as the minimal time in which a project closes CITATION Tar13 \l 1033 (Taroun & Yang, 2013). The benefits of this approach include; Question two Importance of critical path First, a critical path is a handy tool in scheduling and tracking tasks by visualizing such activities in a network diagram. The technique allows for easier scheduling of tasks and the deployment of resources successfully. The technique allows the developer to understand and prioritize the tasks that require greater company focus. Moreover, the critical path provides a developer with the ability to assign deadlines in each task. Consequently, this allows each worker to complete the work on the set deadline hence maintaining the project schedule, therefore, minimizing delays and resource depletions CITATION SHo12 \l 1033 (Hoskins, 2012). For instance, if the developer has an extra workforce that he wishes to place on a project to get experience, the developer can easily detect the areas where there is a float and have the project back on track. Second, the critical path makes more significant projects easier to manage. The technique allows for the division of more extensive projects into a series of distinct tasks. As a result, it is easier to measure progress and determine whether the interruptions are impending or the capitals are being misused. Further, it pinpoints the areas in which it is easier to find an additional resource to help maintain project schedule by identifying float on other tasks and using that to adjust the project timelines appropriately CITATION ZIr101 \l 1033 (Irani, 2010). For instance, if the project developer is two days behind schedule, and he is entering the period in which one employee has a free float, he can pitch to utilize the employee to get the project back on track without affecting the entire schedule. Third, the project developer will benefit from effective cost control and economic planning. Commonly, larger projects tend to encourage wastes in resources and time. By matching, resources and costs to every subtask help in easy detection of the challenges that lead to project exceed the budget or fall behind the schedule. An increase in efficiency leads to increased performance and revenues. Consequently, since the method advocates for efficient scheduling and effective allocation of resources to the, there are decreased risks on unexpected delays that cause time and cost loss CITATION Tar13 \l 1033 (Taroun & Yang, 2013). Additionally, critical path management offers a standard method in documenting, communication projects plans, time and cost performance. It also provides a method of evaluating the impacts of technical and procedural changes to the project delivery plan CITATION Tar13 \l 1033 (Taroun & Yang, 2013). Question three For the project to be complete in the proposed timelines, the project developer should adopt division of Labor and specialization. Division of Labor and specialization is a tool for project development and growth than enhances increased productivity and performance. The approach assumes that at any given time, there will be two tasks that will be running concurrently and factors that may lead stoppage are minimized. From the start, one worker will take upon roof repairs, then proceed to complete garden work and paintwork, for eighteen days. At the same time, worker two will be assigned with structural work upon completion, the electrical work, and plumbing work will be addressed. This will take about 17days. After the end, the worker will take upon plastering that goes up to the twenty-first day. On completion, worker one will take upon fixing the bathroom while worker two will work on the kitchen, the work will take up to 25th day. The worker one will go ahead to fix the decorations and carpet fitting that will see the project finish on the 30th day as proposed. Alternatively, the developer may adopt other project management techniques such as; waterfall project management, in this approach the individual team members rely on each other to complete the tasks in a defined sequence.in this approach the members are allowed to take up on large tasks. More task force is applied when more tasks and opportunities arises. Other methods that the developer may use are rational unified process, extreme project management pert project management and critical chain project management. Part two Question 1 Risk management Risk management is a very critical element in the delivery of a successful project. Delivering project deliverables within the proposed timeframes and the expected budget marks the project’s success. However, these success factors are often not achieved mainly for larger complex projects where both external impacts and internal project requirements may change significantly over time. Project risk management involves identification, analyzing, prioritizing and mitigating risks that threaten projects success aspects such as expenditure, timetable, quality, safety, and technical performance. Even for the most cautiously scheduled scheme can run into complications CITATION Tar13 \l 1033 (Taroun & Yang, 2013). The construction industry faces a high-risk factor primarily due to the uniqueness of these projects. Risks factors revolve around the social, economic and political factors on where the project is undertaken. In construction, Projects always encounter unexpected problems no matter how well they may be planned. Such issues include; developer’s insolvency, strikes and terminations, organizational breakdown, settlement litigation, fire and theft, accidents, changes in prices, rejection, weather patterns, material availability, performance failure and changes in scope to accommodate timely delivery. Typically, these risks factors inflate cost and time. Risk analysis aids in identifying the importance and the sources of risk and uncertainty and the degree of influence on the project deliverables. Risk analysis entails the assessment of the likelihood of occurrence and severity of risk effect CITATION SHo12 \l 1033 (Hoskins, 2012). For example, the site accidents are subject to the developer’s regulation and safety measures such as warning signs, wearing of protective gears, the organization culture towards safety and security. Risk table Risk summary Reason or cause impacts Risk controls Litigation and government policies Delays in approval of the project Delays in the project initiation. Increased costs due the repetitious designing. Market benchmarking, proper planning and alternative designing solutions. Fire, accidents and theft Poor worker safety practices. Delays in delivery time, increased costs. Good housekeeping, installing fire extinguisher, fire suppression controls, banning smoking, minimize open hot work, use of electronic surveillance systems, and advocate use of safety gears. changes in prices in raw materials Changes in the social, economic, environment and political settings. Increased costs, delayed delivery time, Pre planning, lean approaches ( reduce on wastages), Change in weather conditions Changes in nature Increased delays, increased costs, damages. Pre planning, insure against climate change and worker safety, adopt designs that are weather resistant, seek metrological advice before initiating project. Strikes, absentees and termination by workers Poor working conditions, poor employment chances, poor health, personal initiatives Altered processes, delays in the delivery time, increased costs. Address employees concerns on real time basis, adopt better compensation terms, increase the welfare of the employees, and maintain continuous communication line with employees. Question two Risk scores In the current business world, corporations increasingly undertake complex and ambitious projects in an environment characterized by higher risks and uncertainty. As a responsible developer, you need to be aware of risks and their effects on the project d...
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