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Individual essay. Leadership Essay: Warren Buffet. Leadership Approach

Essay Instructions:

Leadership questions :

Choose one of the following current Global inspirational and/or business leaders: The leader should be a figure whose leadership approach has been discussed in writing in a public available form.

1.Briefly describe this leader’s background – including details such as their current role and organisation, work history, educational background, family background if relevant, industry involvement.

2.Describe their approach to leadership, drawing on at least one leadership theory from the academic literature. Provide evidence to support your assessment of their leadership approach. That is, describe two specific examples of actions they have taken that demonstrate this particular leadership approach you have described.

3.What are two key challenges they have faced as a leader? How have they managed this challenge? What could they do differently to be even more effective?

4.What have you learned about leadership from studying this particular leader?


Structure and content

The introduction describes what you are going to discuss – who (which leader), why you have chosen this person, what leadership style they embody, which challenges they face

Provide an overview of the leader’s background.

Identify and explain their leadership style , drawing on at least one leadership theory from the academic literature, and provide evidence why you would say they are this kind of leader

Describe two challenges they have faced as a leader and how they have managed these challenges

Offer suggestions to improve their leadership

State what you have learned about leadership from studying this leader

The conclusion should summaries the key points/findings of the paper

Writing & Critical Thinking

Paragraphs should be no longer than 4 to 6 sentences.

Seek to link the flow of discussion from one paragraph to the next

Provide clearer definitions and explanations of core concepts used – for example ensure you describe the leadership style before applying it

Assertions must be supported by references

Referencing & Inquiry/Research

Please use Harvard referencing style

In your essay refer to at least ten (10) references, eight (8) of which need to be current academic references no older than 2010.

Leadership    questions   :
Choose one of the following current Global inspirational and/or business leaders: The leader should be a figure whose leadership approach has been discussed in writing in a public available form.
1. Briefly describe this leader’s background – including details such as their current role and organisation, work history, educational background, family background if relevant, industry involvement. 2. Describe their approach to leadership, drawing on at least one leadership theory from the academic literature. Provide evidence to support your assessment of their leadership approach. That is, describe two specific examples of actions they have taken that demonstrate this particular leadership approach you have described. 3. What are two key challenges they have faced as a leader? How have they managed this challenge? What could they do differently to be even more effective? 4. What have you learned about leadership from studying this particular leader?

Structure and content• The introduction describes what you are going to discuss – who (which leader), why you have chosen this person, what leadership style they embody, which challenges they face• Provide an overview of the leader’s background.• Identify and explain their leadership style , drawing on at least one leadership theory from the academic literature,  and provide evidence why you would say they are this kind of leader• Describe two challenges they have faced as a leader and how they have managed these challenges• Offer suggestions to improve their leadership• State what you have learned about leadership from studying this leader• The conclusion should summarise the key points/findings of the paper  
Writing & Critical Thinking • Paragraphs should be no longer than 4 to 6 sentences.• Seek to link the flow of discussion from one paragraph to the next • Provide clearer definitions and explanations of core concepts used – for example ensure you describe the leadership style before applying it• Assertions must be supported by references
Referencing & Inquiry/Research • Please use Harvard referencing style • In your essay refer to at least ten (10) references, eight (8) of which need to be current academic references no older than 2010. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Leadership Essay: Warren Buffet
By (Name)
Leadership Essay: Warren Buffet
This essay will discuss the leadership style of Warren Buffet, the chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. I chose Buffet because he has managed to build a successful business that is recognized all over the world. Over the years, Buffet has applied the laissez-faire leadership approach successfully. His approach has provided managers with the autonomy to run the various companies under Berkshire Hathaway conglomerate. The challenges Buffet faces with this approach are creating the perception of passivity, and lack of interest with that is happening in the company. However, Buffet has overcome these challenges by hiring talented, skilled and motivated workers which enables him to give them the autonomy they require to operate.
Warren Edward Buffet is the chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. Buffet has remained the chairman of the company since 1970. He is among the successful investors in the globe today (Hagstrom, 2013). His name is practically synonymous with this biggest success; Berkshire Hathaway. As part of the company, Buffet has expanded it to become one of the largest conglomerates in the world. Buffet was born on August 30, 1930, in Omaha, Nebraska, the second of the three children to Leila Stahl and Howard Buffet (Finkle, 2010). Buffet demonstrated his interest in finance and business at a tender age. He attended the Wharton School in 1947. Buffet later transferred to the University of Nebraska and graduated at the age of 19. Buffet then attended and graduated from the Columbia Business School. After attending the New York Institute of Finance, Buffet began various partnerships. In 1956, he formed Buffet Partnership, Ltd and purchased a textile manufacturing company known as Berkshire Hathaway and diversified it into a holding company.
Leadership Approach
Buffet uses the laissez-faire leadership approach. This approach involves a leader allows employees to undertake their duties without much guidance (Chaudhry and Javed, 2012). The employees have more freedom to make most of the decisions regarding what to do. Instead of having managers dictating what workers should do, a laissez-faire leadership approach empowers employees to solve problems on their own (Alkahtani et al., 2011).
A majority of managers micromanage the employees (White, 2010). However, this is not the case with Buffet. He offers a lot of freedom and leeway for the employees who work for him. Buffet employs a hands-off management style because he believes that individuals work best when they have autonomy (Khan et al., 2015). Berkshire Hathaway operates as a holding company that acquires other companies. Since the CEOs of the purchased companies have the required experience, Buffet’s style of leadership works. In other words, Buffet gets out of the way and gives them the freedom to undertake their duties.
The laissez-faire style works best where the followers are motivated and highly skilled (Al Rahbi, Khalid and Khan, 2017). Where followers are incompetent, unskilled and do not engage in problem-solving skills, an organization using this leadership style is bound to fail. The employees end up failing at their duties and do not meet the set deadlines. Buffet is aware of the need to have competent and motivated managers. While choosing the management team, Buffet is careful to ensure that the managers can thrive in a results-oriented environment. He takes time to choose who to trust in the company. The move enables Buffet to afford the managers the autonomy they require to be successful.
When it comes to hands-on management, Buffet is “sloppy.” He does not like telling the managers in the subsidiaries what they should do. According to Tosunoglu and Ekmekci (2016), individuals become less responsible when their leaders apply the laissez-faire leadership method. In the 2014 shareholder meeting, Buffet indicated that when it comes to making personal changes, he is slow. He narrated a case where he allowed an ineffective manager was allowed to stay for too long in one of the subsidiaries (CNBC, 2014). Such a move hurt the performance of the subsidiary. If Buffet was a disciplinarian, he could have avoided such an instance.
The second challenge Buffet has faced is the lack of commitment and responsibility from some of the employees. Some of the managers take advantage of his leadership approach and perform much less than expected. As a result, Buffet ha...
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