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Corporate Social Responsibility Practices and Ethics

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Please choose this one: Critically discuss the statement ‘Sympathy with persons remote from us, (is) much fainter than that with persons near us’ (Hume, 1751). Use examples to debate the recommendation that if we live in a ‘global village’ this suggests that some global social norms/rules of conduct might be required.

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‘Sympathy with persons remote from us, (is) much fainter than that with persons near us’ (Hume,1751).
The globalization of business operations among different organizations coupled with the rising concern for sustainable growth and development of businesses calls for the integration of the concept of corporate social responsibility by such entities. Hence, business entities have an obligation of carrying out their daily operations in ways that may not result in adverse repercussions on the individuals with whom they interact for the smooth running of their businesses. Among the key stakeholders of the business organizations are the suppliers or the supply chain, which is responsible for the delivery of raw materials for the production of finished goods. It is also the supply chain that accounts for the delivery of the finished goods and services to the consumers. Globalization presents new challenges to the interaction between business organizations and the suppliers owing to the geographical barriers for entities importing raw materials from abroad CITATION Ghe11 \l 1033 (Ghemawat, 2011). It, therefore, becomes difficult for both the stakeholder and the organization to hold each other accountable for their actions, which may affect either of their daily operations.
It is undeniable that the effects of a business are far reaching from its immediate environment but the people, businesses and natural environment next to the business shoulder the biggest burden. Thus, for any business, resources, support and any other form of social responsibility to the immediate environment should be greater than the people further from the business. This is in the spirit of (Hume, 1751) quote ‘Sympathy with persons remote from us, (is) much fainter than that with persons near us.’ Thus, the nearest environment and people are the most affected by any adverse effect of the business organization operations. Ironically, in most cases, the immediate community highest beneficiaries are far away from the central business organization location and they suffer the least consequences of the adverse effects of the organization. For example, the effects of heavy industrialization and use of coal as a source of energy in some cities in China such as Beijing has caused some degree of environmental degradation which affects the Beijing residents, Chinese people and the world at large. However, the people nearest to these factories suffer more from the fumes such that they have to wear air filters because the air is very polluted. Any corporate social responsibility by these factories must, therefore, be channeled to help the immediate residents first who pay a higher cost of the existence of the factory before it reaches out to help people in other parts of the country who experience less effects of the factory’s impact on the environment.
No business can exist on its own without dependence on other stakeholders. All businesses need other stakeholders to operate. They will need the immediate community to provide labor, immediate environment to provide water, the government for protection, consumers to purchase their products for them to earn profits, etc. Concisely, no business can exist without depending on various stakeholders, and therefore it is its obligation to take care of each of these stakeholders. Corporate social responsibility refers to the business or corporate organizations’ moral and responsible behavior towards their interactions with their stakeholders. Maintaining such standards in the interactions between the two parties is essential for both of their survival in their areas of specialization (Dobson, 1990). The principles of the two concepts, corporate social responsibility, and stakeholder theory, intersect through the moral and ethical obligations embraced by both the business organization and the stakeholders (Dobson, 1990). Corporate organizations have the responsibility of attending to the interests of the stakeholders such as suppliers to ensure timely payment for supplied products and compliance with the ethical code of business conducts as well as the legal stipulations. On the other hand, the stakeholders must play their role in working with the businesses to enable it to achieve its objectives. The symbiotic relationship demands that each entity must be wary of its policies and impact (intentional and non-intentional) on the other party and ensure that they do not affect it adversely.
Businesses need to be responsible for the welfare of the people who work for them directly and indirectly. A business should be concerned about every person who contributes to its existence including and especially the employees CITATION Gri17 \l 1033 (Griek, 2017). The business has a moral obligation to do what is right and ethical for these people. These people are very critical to the existence of the business and for its optimal performance, productivity and hence profitability. The company has to ensure that anyone working through the supply chain is treated well and works in a safe environment. They must have protective gear and insurance if they work in hazardous conditions. They must also be working under reasonable working conditions, i.e., reasonable working hours and fairly compensated. Such measures would ensure higher efficacy of the supply chain since the workers are well-catered for and they will significantly have higher productivity and performance. Therefore, the business must ensure that the supply chain operatives treat their employees well. The business also benefits by having less resistance in the form of strikes and boycotts from the workforce which may jeopardize the objectives of the company. In most cases, workers are also consumers of the products of the business directly or indirectly, and therefore the business also benefits from larger market size.
Businesses also need to be responsible for the environment under which the supply chain operatives conduct their businesses. This must be aligned with the company’s sustainable growth and environmental conservation goals which they should have. If the environment is not conserved, then eventually cost of running the business will be higher and it will also affect the business operations directly and indirectly. For example, there have been oil spills which have occurred in the oceans when crude oil in transit in various parts of the world and it has affected the marine environment CITATION Saa15 \l 1033 (Saadoun, 2015). The oil spillage adversely affects the businesses as it may attract investigations for compliance with environmental sustainability regulations and other issues. It may affect the business’ brand reputation and cause stock market valuation loss or lower revenue from sales. In some cases, it may cause the leadership to be publicly lynched in the media, and prompt resignations as it happened with the CEO of BP Oil Tony Hayward had to resign following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill CITATION The10 \l 1033 (The Telegraph, 201...
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