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Transformational Leadership Theory And Leader Member Exchange Theory

Essay Instructions:

The assignment is - Comparing and contrasting two leadership theories (Transformational leadership theory compared to Leader-member exchange theory).

An essay of Comparison & Contrast takes two aspects of an issue and compares them. The introduction of the essay presents the context for comparing the two different aspects. Also, the introduction presents why (thesis statement) you should compare and contrast the two aspects. And then in the body of the essay, you will develop a point-by-point comparison by giving examples of the advantages/disadvantages and pros/cons according to different situations. The conclusion of the essay is a summation of the analyses by way of the comparison to decide when one aspect is better than the other.

Your analysis will should demonstrate third year capabilities for conducting thorough and detail research and critical thinking.

The essay must be properly formatted with cover page, table of contents, introduction, body, conclusion and references (12). Of course, your essay will have a cover page, an introduction, and a conclusion.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Comparing and Contrasting Leadership Theories: Transformational Leadership Theory Verses Leader-Member Exchange Theory
Student’s Name
Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc9184675 \h 3Comparison of theories PAGEREF _Toc9184676 \h 4Transformational Leadership Theory and Leader-Member Exchange Theory PAGEREF _Toc9184677 \h 4Similarities of Theories PAGEREF _Toc9184678 \h 4Differences in the Theories PAGEREF _Toc9184679 \h 5Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc9184680 \h 6List of References PAGEREF _Toc9184681 \h 7
Leadership theories play a significant role in explaining how and why some people are good leaders while others have poor leadership qualities. Good leadership is critical in improving the productivity of workers in an organization (Kumar, Adhish and Deoki, 2014). Understanding of leadership theories mainly focuses on learning of characteristics of different leaders in different leadership capacities. The presented theories attempt to identify different behaviors among individuals that they need to adopt in order to enhance their leadership abilities in different situations. The psychology of leadership identifies leadership skills as abilities that people were born with and are clearly depicted through positive outcomes in leadership positions (Cherry, 2019). Among the major theories of leadership to be addressed herein include the transformational leadership theory and leadership member exchange theory that greatly influences the leadership capacity of an individual. The understanding of theories is essential in establishing best approaches in differentiating the different types of leaders and their roles in establishing changes in society. Such theories also define the best type of relationships among individuals in different leadership capacities as well as the vertical relationship in an organization as presented herein.
Comparison of theories
Transformational leadership theory mainly focuses on how organizational leaders can create valuable and positive changes among the team members and for the organization (Damirchi, Rahimi and Seyyedi, 2011). Transformational leaders gain compliances by giving or withholding rewards and benefits which provides support for the entire team. On the other hand, leader-member exchange theory focuses on the dyadic relationship between the leader and the members (Lunenburg, 2010). This assists the leader to understand the potential of the team he leads. The leader according to this theory is expected to form different relationships with different group members depending on their abilities and potential.
Transformational Leadership Theory and Leader-Member Exchange Theory
Similarities of Theories
All leadership theories provide the best leadership approaches among leaders in an organization that affects their effectiveness and leadership standards. Both transformational leadership and leadership member exchange theories play great roles in enhancing workforce performance in an organization (Abbas and Asghar, 2010). The theories have been identified to play a significant role in enhancing the role of business leaders in aspiring members of an organization to produce a positive influence on the entire organization performance (BiasharaLeo, 2019). The two leadership approaches enhance the relationship between leaders and the organization’s team members thus influencing business performance positively. For instance, an organizational leader with transformational leadership skills is in a capacity to influence a good working relationship among members in an organization (Chen et al., 2016). This is essential because it ensures productivity and high-performance of an organization.
Both transformational leadership theory and leadership member exchange theory plays a significant role in the identification of potential change leaders in an organization. For instance, change leaders are required to have appropriate interaction and relationship with their juniors to impact them positively with change minds and intentions. For any organization to grow, team members need to adopt positive changes that would influence business performance positively (Cherry, 2019). In this case, leadership theories help in identification of individuals with the potential to bring together team members and create a change-driving force among them. With this approach, it is therefore clear that most of the leaders with transformational leadership skill also develop leader-member exchange skills, which mainly relates how a leader treats different team members in a...
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