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Business report recommending Management Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

Business report recommending a graduate recruitment and selection plan to an organisation of your choice(1,500 words)

2. Your report should include 3 PPT slides (summarising the report’s highlights)

3. You may include up to 3 appendices supporting your report.

Organization overview

Here you write a brief analysis of the organization, values, needs – challenges and opportunities) – (approx. 300 words)

Job Overview

Here you write a brief summary of the job, desirable competencies, strengths, ideal candidate for the specific organization – critical analysis – (approx. 200 words)

Recommended recruitment and selection strategy

Here you write a summary of the recommended recruitment and selection step-by-step plan with a critical explanation on how this will offer the best value for money for the organization – and generate the best graduate recruits – (approx. 600 words)


Here you write an insightful summary of report and recommended next steps to develop your (approx 200 words

Reference Harvard style

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Graduate Recruitment and Selection Plan
Graduates with appropriate skills are in demand for employment opportunities as business organizations are forging their strategies towards operational sustainability. The new professionals are hired with the principle objective of improving the business bottom line, worker productivity, job satisfaction, and leadership challenges. To that extent, organizations must ensure that they find the right employees for their organizations. Finding the right employees does not necessarily imply the grades that one achieved in college. This paper recommends a graduate recruitment and selection plan for GallifordTry Partnerships. The final recommendation in this analysis is vital to organizations that intend to implement stable selection and recruitment plans from multiple lenses, including an organizational overview, job overview, and a step-by-step recruitment plan.
Organization Overview
GallifordTry is a young organization that is beginning to showcase a motivation to lead the UK’s construction industry. The company was founded in 2000 with only 100 employees. GallifordTry has grown to a recognizable organization with more than 3000 employees within the UK. Its growth trajectory has been embedded in its values. At GallifordTry, they value integrity. That is, the organization sets its strategies towards offering the best value for their customers. GallifordTry is also an organization that values diversity. The company has employed individuals from different backgrounds. In their understanding, diversity gives them the unique opportunity to be creative and to solve problems differently from their competitors. The last element of value at GallifordTry is innovation. GallifordTry management understands the trajectory of change in the current construction industry. Many competitors and potential competitors are developing. As such, creating a workplace culture in which innovation is valued is something they believe will enhance their operational presence soon.
GallifordTry is facing challenges and opportunities that it must address strategically. As opposed to the large competitors and bear economies of scale, GallifordTry is still young and showcases resource limitations. The organization is also faced with instability in the labor market. Their employee turnout index is increasing. With competitors offering better opportunities, it has become challenging for GallifordTry to cope with the competition. The last challenge is on the change process. The organization needs a system that can propel it to proactivity towards changes within the operational environment. Fortunately, GallifordTry is positioned to revitalize some of the challenges it currently faces. One primary opportunity for this organization is the availability of graduate employees who can re-engineer its human resources at cheaper costs. GallifordTry is also a young organization that can easily change its culture to match the needs of the competitive environment. Proper synchrony in the needs, challenges, and opportunities discussed above should propel GallifordTry to the best construction company in Texas as implied in its vision statement.
Job Overview
GallifordTry is interested in employing two project coordinators to help with the operational failures that the organization has experienced for the past two years. The need for project coordinators stems from the delayed completion of its projects. That has led GallifordTry into losing its valuable clients to competitors. Bearing the diverse clientele that the organization serves, GallifordTry intends to employ individuals with an advanced understanding of multiple industries, including construction, technology, and logistics. The successful candidates will be responsible for planning, supervising, and executing projects. With their help, GallifordTry intends to ensure that the projects are planned efficiently. Besides, the projects must meet the set criteria besides matching the allocated time for completion. The organization intends to employ individuals with sound leadership and management skills. The applicants should hold a bachelor’s degree in project management or any recognizable technical discipline.
Various personal attributes are necessary for an applicant for this position. A project coordinator will be required to manifest impeccable communication skills. The diversity in the organization and reliance on teams to deliver results means that leaders must showcase the ability to communicate efficiently. Interested candidates must...
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