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Case Study and Modelling 2 Management Essay Research

Essay Instructions:

Be sure to write and complete the required process as required this time. Last time, I knew that you tried very hard, but the final result was not very satisfactory. This time, I provided the chart made by the professor himself, and he asked to use it to analyze and as reference. But the process is not comprehensive, so you need to improve it.

Be sure to use References in the Harvard format. Be sure to be academic and/or from case studies provided.

If have any questions .please tell me early, not like the last time, when deadline told me to added pages. Thank you.

I failed last time, and if this time don't do well this time, I will FAIL this course. I hope you can help me



The purpose of the Team Case Study is to develop and evaluate relevant representations of complex business processes - of a real-world case study - in a consistent and unambiguous way. You will synthesize the principles of organisational strategy and process design and recognize the interdependencies of business processes within and across organizational boundaries to make them achieve high performing business processes in a service-oriented business environment.

The Team Case Study involves the analysis of a real-world case study (COVID Case Notifications at UNSW) where your team will document and analyse the performance of the existing process: from process identification to process automation. Based on your analysis, you will identify inefficiencies in this business process and formulate improvements to the process; you will create an implementation strategy and plan for the organisation.

This assignment addresses all the student learning outcomes of the course. By completing each requirement of this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the principles and practice of Business Process Management.

  • CLO1: Synthesise the principles of organisational strategy and process design.
  • CLO2: Explain the role of Information Technology and other resources in BPM.
  • CLO3: Document processes using a process mapping tool complying with Business Process Management Notation.
  • CLO4: Analyse the performance of existing processes and identify process improvement opportunities/strategies
  • CLO5: Propose business solutions in written and verbal forms for process innovation and redesign Projects.
  • CLO6: Create a BPM implementation strategy and implementation plan for an organization.





1          Tasks and Deliverables


Use the COVID Case Notifications to perform the following tasks:

  1. A value-added analysis matrix of the as-is process: you will be assessed on the quality of the analysis, the evidence of your analysis of the case study and its relation to the conceptual material. [maximum 1000 words]

Please base on file (UNSW COVID Case Notification - ALL) to do this work, this is the solution of process. Please do this work according to the process, some activities of the AS-IS modelling may not be shown, because when you finish the work, you also need to improve the process correspondingly during your analysis.

  1. To-be process map (collaboration diagram): you will be assessed on the syntactic quality, semantic quality and pragmatic quality of your model.

You need to change the AS-IS process to TO-BE process.

  1. You can include a list of all assumptions made by yourself  if necessary.








 Marking Scheme (50% of Team Case Study)

Check that each team member has signed the cover sheet – this is a UNSW requirement. If not circle the team member name on the cover sheet 





High Distinction (HD)


Distinction (D)


Credit (C)


Pass (P)


Fail (F)










Criterion 1: Written communication: Organisation, clarity and grammar (10%)



The writing is professional in tone and presented in an outstanding manner with no spelling or grammatical errors.


Referenced sources and formatting are appropriately/accurately in-text and/or in the reference list (following Harvard style standard). Sources are integrated effectively into the report/argument.


The group followed the submission guidelines AND the assignment is submitted with UNSW cover sheet (all members signed) AND the correct file naming convention is followed.


The writing is professional in tone and presentation with a few very minor spelling and/or grammatical errors.


Referenced sources and formatting are appropriately/accurately in-text and/or in the reference list (following Harvard style standard). Sources are integrated effectively into the report/argument with a few minor errors (e.g. Reference List not alphabetised or word length slightly over).


The group followed the submission guidelines AND the assignment is submitted with UNSW cover sheet (all members signed) AND the correct file naming convention is followed.



The writing is mostly professional in tone and presentation, but there are occasional spelling and/or grammatical errors.


Referenced sources and formatting are mostly accurate and in the reference list but with some errors (e.g. slight inconsistencies in how authors are referenced).


The group followed the submission guidelines AND the assignment is submitted with UNSW cover sheet (all members signed) AND the correct file naming convention is followed.



Some attempt has been made to use a professional tone and presentation in writing the report, but there are some spelling and grammatical errors.


Referenced sources and/or formatting have systematic errors (e.g. inconsistency in how authors are referenced).


The group followed the submission guidelines AND the assignment is submitted with UNSW cover sheet (all members signed) AND the correct file naming convention is followed.


The report writing is not professional in tone and presentation and there are major spelling and grammatical errors throughout.


Referencing is absent or does not conform to Harvard style; &/or report does not consistently conform to formatting requirements (e.g. headings missing, page numbers, etc).


The group did not follow the submission guidelines OR

No cover sheet is provided with the needed information OR

No table of content is provided OR The word limit has not been adhered to.










Communication (written)






Criterion 2. Value-Added Analysis

Quality of analysis, evidence of your thinking about the case and its relation to the conceptual material - (20%)


The team have thoroughly conducted value-added analysis using the course concepts; AND the concepts analysed align well with the business scenario provided, AND the group provided highly sophisticated analysis and justifications.


The team conveyed a multidimensional understanding of the context of the main steps of the case study. Showed ingenuity, made insightful connections between course concepts and the case study, excellent interpretation of the sub-steps, and perfect explanation.



The team have appropriately conducted value-added analysis; AND the concepts analysed align well with the business scenario provided.


The team demonstrated a sophisticated understanding of main steps of the case study. The group demonstrated a wider thinking about the sub-steps, appropriate engagement with the course material and clear explanation. No important sub-steps are missing.



The team have adequately conducted value-added analysis; AND the concepts analysed align well with the business scenario provided.


The team demonstrated an adequate understanding of main steps of the case study. The group demonstrated a wider thinking about the sub-steps, adequate engagement with the course material, however few important steps are missing or explantion unclear (no justification)



The team have endeavoured to conduct the value-added analysis steps using the cource concept. A reasonable attempt made to forge links between course concepts and the case study.


The team demonstrated an understanding of main steps. However, the value-added analysis is weak due to being highly descriptive. More detailed steps are required. (i.e. some sub-steps are missing).







Failure to do value-added analysis using course concepts OR steps relating to the case study are highly descriptive or abstract.







PLO 1. Business knowledge


PLO 2. Problem Solving


Criterion 3a: to-be model: Syntactic Quality (Structural Correctness and Behavioral correctness) (4%)


The model is structurally fully correct; the group followed all element-level rules and model-level rules AND the model satisfies the 3 behavioral rules (option to complete, proper completion and no dead activities)

The model is structurally correct; the group followed all element-level rules and model-level rules AND the model satisfies the 3 behavioral rules (option to complete, proper completion and no dead activities) - with no more than 1-2 errors

The model is structurally correct; the group followed all element-level rules and model-level rules AND the model satisfies the the 3 behavioral rules (option to complete, proper completion and no dead activities) - with no more than 3-4 errors

The model is structurally correct; the group followed all element-level rules and model-level rules AND the model satisfies the the 3 behavioral rules (option to complete, proper completion and no dead activities) - with more than 5 errors



Evidence of structurally wrong modelling technique. OR as-is model is missing or completely inappropriate for the case.




PLO 2.

Problem Solving





Criterion 3b: to-be model: Semantic Quality - Validity and Completeness (10%)


The model is correctly demonstrated in a way that all model instances are correct and relevant AND all possible process instances are covered (the model is fully aligned with the case scenario and the suggested improvement based on the analysis) - (NO activity is missing or is significantly misspecified).


The model is correctly demonstrated in a way that most model instances are correct and relevant AND all possible process instances are covered (the model is fully aligned with the case scenario and the suggested improvement based on the analysis) - (1-2 activities are missing or are significantly misspecified).


The model is correctly demonstrated in a way that most model instances are correct and relevant AND all possible process instances are covered (the model is fully aligned with the case scenario and the suggested improvement based on the analysis) - (3-4 activities are missing or are significantly misspecified).


The model is correctly demonstrated in a way that most model instances are correct and relevant AND all possible process instances are covered (the model is fully aligned with the case scenario and the suggested improvement based on the analysis) - (5 activities are missing or are significantly misspecified).




Evidence of semantically wrong modelling technique OR the to-be model is somehow similar to the as-is model.





PLO 2.

Problem Solving






Criterion 3c: to-be model: Pragmatic Quality - how well a user understands the model (6%)

The model is accurately/exceptionally visually structured (easy to read and comprehend) with all elements laid out following a top-left to bottom-right orientation and no crossing arcs AND the group followed correct naming techniques (Activities as imperative verb+noun, events as noun+past- participle, conditions on XOR splits, etc).

Readability: Each process/sub- process is very well depicted and easy to read on 1xA4 paper, clear fonts used, no screenshots, etc.

The model is clearly visually structured (easy to read and comprehend) with most elements laid out following a top- left to bottom-right orientation and very few crossing arcs AND the group followed correct naming techniques (Activities as imperative verb+noun, events as noun+past-participle, conditions on XOR splits, etc.)

Only 1-2 errors of the above. Readability: Each process/sub- process is very well depicted and easy to read on 1xA4 paper, clear fonts used, no screenshots, etc.

The model is mostly visually structured (easy to read and comprehend) with most elements laid out following a top- left to bottom-right orientation and few crossing arcs AND the group followed correct naming techniques (Activities as imperative verb+noun, events as noun+past-participle, conditions on XOR splits, etc.)

3-4 errors of the above.

Readability: Each process/sub- process is very well depicted and easy to read on 1xA4 paper, clear fonts used, no screenshots, etc.



The model is adequately visually structured (easy to read and comprehend) with most elements laid out following a top-left to bottom-right orientation and some crossing arcs AND the group followed correct naming techniques (Activities as imperative verb+noun, events as noun+past- participle, conditions on XOR splits, etc.)

5-6 errors of the above.







Evidence of pragmatically wrong modelling technique.







PLO 2.

Problem Solving



Essay Sample Content Preview:

Value-Added Analysis.
Course code:





* Access forms
* Communicate resolutions
* Check requirements
* Escalate case

* Provide updates to corporate and student comms
* Case escalation

COVID core team


Required for escalation of the case

* Activity and location tracing
* Welfare check
* Update case
* Generate report

* Identifie all potential contact on campus
* Notifies Corporate comms
* Updates case notes

* Local response team
* IT
* Security/EM
* HR/Student welfare

* VA
* VA

Required for efficient contact tracing

* Review
* outcomes
* Notify NSW health
* Approve
* communication
* Notify students / staff
* Evaluate action completion

* Notify of potential transmission
* Provide updates to corporate and student comms
* Update case notes

* COVID core team
* Corporate communication
* Student communication

* VA
* VA

Waste- Processes don’t impact identification or containment of COVID

The process of case assessment is initiated by the notifier/subject that triggers the UNSW management to act and identify it as a new case. It utilizes information provided by the public health authorities, staff, and students by accessing forms submitted. The process enables the UNSW management to identify the positive case and individuals that may have come into contact with the case. The COVID core team is mandated to analyze the situation and forms submitted and come up with predictions of case escalations. As this is the first process, it kickstarts the process of COVID identification and containment. The COVID case forms require staff/student contacts, zID if they have been tested if they are asymptomatic, their state of accommodation, and if they have recently traveled to a known hotspot.
Investigation of an active case is conducted by four departments affiliated with UNSW; faculty case tracking team, IT, security, and estate management. The faculty tracking team receives information on escalated cases that trigger activity and location tracking. IT, security and estate management departments contribute to location tracking by tracing Wi-Fi logs, and swipe cards. The faculty tracking team receives information on escalated cases that trigger activity and location tracking. IT, security and estate management departments contribute to location tracking by tracing Wi-Fi logs, and swipe cards. This process looks to achieve three main things; locations this case has visited, times in which they likely visited, and potential contacts they would have had during their tim...
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