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Action Plan for CSR Management: The Vandalism Football Club

Essay Instructions:

You have been allocated two Corporate Social Responsibility Emergencies.

For this exercise, you will play the role of Chief Executive Officer of a football club.

For each CSR Emergency, you are asked to prepare a written ‘action plan’, detailing the football club’s response to the emergency, and specifying the actions that will be taken by the club.

You are also asked to prepare a press release to deal with ‘media interest’ in each CSR Emergency.

You must deal with the two CSR Emergencies.
1,500 word limit per CSR

CSR Emergency 3
“Chairman drug disgrace”

The Club recently sacked one of its players for a drugs offence. He had been arrested and convicted of possessing and using cocaine and was sacked by the Club. There had been some criticism of the Club at the time, suggesting that the Club wanted to get rid of the player (due to his very expensive wages and poor play) and that the drugs conviction was just an excuse. When the player was sacked, the Club’s Chairman issued a very strongly worded statement condemning all drug users and saying that they “had no place in society and should be locked up”.

To reiterate the Club’s stance on illegal drugs, the Club has signed up to a ‘zero tolerance on drug use’ pledge, organised by the League. The Chairman was photographed signing the pledge. The Club Chairman’s wife, who works at the Club as a receptionist and hosts the Boardroom on match days was arrested for possessing and using cocaine last night. She has been bailed and will appear in court shortly. The Chairman has instructed you that his wife will continue to work at the Club, whatever the outcome of the court case.

CSR Emergency 8
“Club community chief charity shame”

The General Manager of the Club’s Community Scheme announced two years ago that he was running in the London Marathon – and sought sponsorship from fans and local companies, saying that he was running for a local kids’ charity, “Oswestry Kids in Care”, who raise money to send children in care on holidays.

A routine audit of the charity’s financial books suggests that the £5,000 that the General Manager said he had raised through sponsorship, never arrived with the charity. It would appear that the General Manager has pocketed the money.

The General Manager is currently off work sick, suffering with work-related stress

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Chairman Drug Disgrace
The Vandalism Football Club (VFC) announced regulations to control drug consumption among players in the provided scenario. Drug consumption causes players to experience fatigue, lose focus, and challenges related to health deterioration. As the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of VFC, I announced the zero tolerance on drug use pledge. Leading players participated and supported the pledge with enthusiasm. Besides, the Chairman of VFC attended the event and signed the pledge for the club. However, Chairman’s wife is arrested for possessing cocaine. His wife is bailed out of prison and set to appear in court. The Chairman insisted on letting his wife continue with her roles as Receptionist and Boardroom Host regardless of the outcome of the court’s verdict. Considering the zero-tolerance pledge against one of the players, following an emergency action plan is proposed to maintain harmony, fairness, and integrity.
Emergency Management
The first step of the emergency action plan is to prepare processes to avoid the incident. The emergency management team (EMT) would deploy primary considerations, such as dialogue exchanges, policy implementation, and other internal actions to prevent the incident (Grissom and Condon, 2021). The EMT of VFC would make necessary considerations to mitigate the incident. First, the EMT would approach Chairman with integrity and harmony to eliminate his biased decision. The team would discuss the club’s vision and the importance of zero-tolerance of drugs for prosperity. EMT would emphasize maintaining fairness for each member by taking similar provisions. Second, the EMT would remind the Chairman of the pledge he signed for the club related to zero tolerance on drug consumption. The team would show photographs of his signing as evidence to influence his decision toward his wife.
Third, the EMT would attempt prevention by reminding the Chairman of his statement that drug users “had no place in society and should be locked up.” The team would negotiate Chairman by asking the wife to resign from her position with integrity. The resignation would disassociate VFC with Chairman’s wife, and the court’s verdict would remain personal for the two individuals. In a case of failed negotiation, VFC Board would conduct a vote of confidence to decide the wife’s association with the club. The overall focus of this stage is to discontinue relationships between the Club and Chairman’s wife due to drug possession. However, the club would take necessary actions to control the influence of the Chairman on exploiting the zero-tolerance pledge, which could compromise the club’s integrity.
According to Grissom and Condon (2021), mitigation is the second phase that allows Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) representatives to define parameters and controls to reduce the probability of the occurrence of an event. Teams from each hierarchy, namely top, middle, and lower, are bound to follow the guidelines. The parameters would also impose negative reinforcements on each employee, regardless of the designation and authorization within the management (Grissom and Condon, 2021). In this context, the EMT of VFC would publish a CSR anti-violation guideline, which employees will receive through a memo. The guidelines would include the following parameters:
* Players, employees, and board members found with drug possession will experience termination from the VFC with immediate effect.
* The club has a zero-tolerance pledge against drug possession, consumption, and abuse. The club will take necessary actions through penalizations to discourage drug indulgence among the VFC family.
* The club would not allow players, employees, and board members, directly or indirectly, to become part of events, matches, meetings, and other professional exchanges if drug possession is found.
* Players, employees, and board members would not engage with the club events and exchanges until accusations of drug possession were proved false.
* If accusations are proven true, the player, employee, or board member will undergo legal and corporate consequences.
* The CSR anti-violation guideline is equal for each family member of VFC. The club, EMT, and other designated bodies would share zero empathy, favors, or biases towards any member, regardless of their influential position at VFC.
The guidelines would allow VFC, CEO, and other board members to fall under the Chairman’s influence in a case of prevention failure. The guidelines will be published on social media platforms, engaging star players of VFC to narrate for public display.
The third step is preparedness, which involves proactive communication within the teams. The preparedness would distribute guidelines and instructions for emergency mitigation. The step acquires psychological agreement from each team member to proceed with the action (Grissom and Condon, 2021). As the CEO of VFC, I will initiate taking oaths, agreements, and consents from each internal stakeholder towards the CSR anti-violation guideline circulated through memos and social media platforms. The consents and oaths would allow me to defend the position of the Chairman and his wife regarding drug possession. The approach would assist me in disallowing the authorized influence of the Chairman for retaining the club’s position of his wife, considering that zero-tolerance for drug possession was practiced strictly against a player.
Furthermore, I would vote against the Chairman’s influential demand, which is the response measure for failed negotiations. The voting would engage players, employees, and board members anonymously to determine the proper action against the Chairman’s wife. The voting would occur through a digital polling session to decide the majority’s action. The Chairman would be ineffective in his duties tentatively until the voting results arrive. In a case of an unfavorable outcome, Chairman would be reinstated for his position, while Chairman’s wife will receive termination and a lifetime ban from VFC.
This stage aims to gather each family member and provide freedom of speech in the interest of fairness. As the CEO of a reputed football club, I cannot accept or encourage biased decisions that could alter the team’s integrity, harmony, or fairness in the long run. Hence, the preparedness phase is devised to systematically acquire fair results without collectively integrating power authorizations from the Chairman of the board members.
The response stage involves actions that are immediately done after acquiring results through preparedness. A response would determine if the emergency management plan is effective and competent to mitigate reoccurrence in the future (Grissom and Condon, 2021). After reaching this phase, considering a negative vote of confidence toward the Chairman’s wife, I would issue an immediate termination letter against the accused individual. The termination letter would include the following clauses:
* The individual is banned from her duties, responsibilities, and roles with an immediate effect.
* The final settlement of financials will complete within 30 working days in the calendar after the issuance of this letter.
* The individual is banned from participating, visiting, or serving VFC and its events.
* The decision is taken with the consent of the entire VFC family. No future considerations or revisions will take place against the action, which could reinstate the individual.
Subsequently, the club would take response action against the Chairman after terminating the accused individual. The actions would consider Chairman’s unfair and false influence on the board members and VFC management team to continue the wife’s engagement regardless of the zero-tolerance policy against drug possession. After taking the pledge, the club would conduct an inter-board meeting independently to decide the Chairman’s role, engagement, and position for violating the zero-tolerance policy. The Chairman could experience termination or demotion from his current role and responsibilities, which would intend to maintain harmony and integrity within VFC. The overall action plan for emergency management is devised to set an example for players, employees, and board members to avoid drug possession in the future.
Recovery is the final phase of the action plan for emergency management. The recovery stage allows corporations and entities to stabilize the process controls for future events (Grissom and Condon, 2021). The response phase would measure the probability of occurrence of future events. As the CEO of VFC, I will create two independent teams to sustain recovery through a balanced approach. The teams are:
* Action Monitoring and Evaluation Team (AMET): AMET will include individuals that work as silent observance in the VFC’s management team. AMET members (AMETs) would closely observe each player, employee, and board member to ensure zero drug possession, consumption, sharing, and abuse. AMETs would gather evidence and information from suspicious individuals, maintain confidential records, and share with th...
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