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Leadership Theories and Models

Essay Instructions:

Assignment Part A

Choose one of the leadership theories or models which have been explained in class and write anessay of no more than 2 0 0 0 words describing the relevance, the strengths and the weakness of the theory or the model chosen from both an academic and a practical point of view. The essay should be written to support one assumption/ question that you want to address about thetheory itself ( for instance: “ applicability of path- goal- theory in a world without obstacles” ) .

Therefore, the guidelines for your report are:

• Read the brief thoroughly. Ensure you answer the question effectively

• used a variety of sources including academic and professional international journals and books, includingcore texts, company reports, case studies in academic or professional journals, company websiteinformation, newspaper articles and background research websites to support your argument

• engaged with, and demonstrated your understanding of the relevant literature

• demonstrated an analytical approach to the material. What are the strengths, weaknesses, limitations or usefulness of particular perspectives?

• presented cogent, well- structured arguments

• justified your arguments and supported them with empirical evidence, examples and references

• academic written style and in particular in referencing source material.

• clearly labelled all figures, showing their source as well as what they show

• used appendices appropriately - these should be referred to in the text and should provide supportinginformation

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Leadership Theories or Models
Leadership is characterized by various elements such as leadership traits, models, and theories. These elements have been put across to help organizations retain loyal and committed employees. Given the current technological advancements, leadership models play a major role in effective leadership as they have been aligned with the changes in organizations. Leadership models have been designed based on diverse characteristics to meet the ever-changing needs of an organization. Currently, several authors have proposed models that promote leadership. Therefore, this paper will focus on how the leader-member exchange leadership theory has impacted modern organizations.
The leader-member exchange leadership theory states that leaders are the members of a team who share participation and power within their organization. The theory is based on the concept that employees must be involved in their organization's decision-making process as it will help them create a good relationship with the employees. Participation in the first element of this leadership theory shows how employees must be involved in making decisions that will help them perform their roles more effectively. According to this theory, a leader should ensure that team members make decisions and provide information that can help the team achieve its goals. Employees' involvement will help them identify problem areas where they can be helped with development and growth (Chenji and Raghavendra, 2021, p. 2150). This model identifies that it is important for leaders to identify issues within their teams and facilitate them before they become serious problems. If a leader-member exchange theory focuses on the involvement of team members and development, it is evident that this model helps leaders understand their workforce.
According to the leader-member exchange leadership theory, leadership is the process of influencing others in such a way as to bring about organizational change toward some goal. It is important for members of various organizations not to be neglected when it comes to leadership. Leaders will then try and offer them opportunities for growth and development. This culture ensures that employees are aware of their roles and responsibilities within the organization. In modern organizations, the culture for growth is essential because it provides the employees with growth opportunities and allows them to develop various skills that will help them perform their roles effectively. Leaders have a responsibility to facilitate their employees through their growth and development. Since employees are made aware of how they can be better at their roles, they are motivated to develop new skills to make them more productive. This is evident in the fact that the leader-member exchange leadership model allows for employee onboarding. Employee onboarding is when an employee joins a company (Chenji and Raghavendra, 2021, p. 2150). This can be done alongside other members of the team trained to gain skills required in their roles.
The leader-member exchange is a theory that focuses on how leaders and members become exchange partners. This interaction between leaders and members determines the success of an organization. The success of an organization is determined by its ability to provide employees with a culture where they will feel comfortable while performing in their roles. The key determinant in this interaction that determines the success is the leader-member exchange leadership. The purpose of this interaction is to ensure effective performance in the organization. The leader-member exchange is a process of information sharing and motivation, which helps employees perform well in their roles (Robert and Vandenberghe, 2021, p. 540). The leader-member exchange leadership theory has been associated with various organizational theories such as social exchange, social identity theory, and structural competence theory to determine the effects on organizational outcomes and performance.
The leader-member exchange leadership theory was designed to help organizations achieve their goals and based on various factors that help leaders understand their employees and motivate them to achieve organizational goals. The leader-member exchange leadership theory was developed due to various issues organizations face. This leadership theory is a good model that promotes employee development as it encourages both leadership and member participation in the decision-making process. When employees are not allowed to participate in the decision-making process, they might feel uninvolved and disengaged. This leads to low performance and low productivity in the organization. Therefore, leaders need to engage their employees with various motivational methods to motivate them to achieve organizational goals.
The leader-member exchange leadership model was developed based on interventions that could promote employee performance. The concept of employee development is believed to be the key determinant in motivating employees to achieve organizational goals. Employees are more willing to perform well because they want to be treated well and rewarded for their hard work (Khorakian and Sharifirad, 2019, p. 1120). Therefore, this model provides leaders with many skills to help them understand their workforce and motivate them to achieve organizational goals. The theory drives innovation in modern organizations, thus enabling them to achieve a competitive advantage over other companies in the industry. The leader-member exchange leadership theory is concerned with the process of two types of members involved in an organization; transactors and transformers. Transactors are employees who work daily and do not get involved in decision-making. They contribute to their organization by offering their skills, knowledge, and expertise as they perform their roles (Peng, Gao and Zhao, 2019, p. 4). The transformers are employees motivated to participate in the decision-making process in their organization. They are high performers and know what the industry requires of them and their organization. The transformers play a crucial role in the success of an organization, which is why it is important for leaders to engage them and include them in the decision-making process. This will encourage them to take ownership of various projects in their organization and make decisions to help the organization achieve its goals. Transformers will be motivated to achieve organizational goals due to being involved in the decis...
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