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Thinking Hate and Where Does Hate Come from: Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

Read "Sweetness" by Toni Morrison which is the opening chapter of her novel God Help the Child. 300 words and Positioning Hate 300 words

Bear in mind this week's session's key question, which is "Where does hate come from?" & It should note one or two things that you thought about or learnt this week. What struck you as important? What did you like? What was new to you or made you think differently? What questions remain for you? do thsi for both readings

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Thinking Hate and Where Does Hate Come from
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Thinking Hate and Where Does Hate Come from
Hate is a feeling of intense dislike for a person, a group, or an entity. It comes from discrimination. Many people hate others because they do not share race, color, origin, class, or gender. For instance, a white person may hate a black person due to the history of discrimination. It implies that the environment where one is born contributes to the feeling of hatred towards another person. The article ‘‘Sweetness by Toni Morrisson tells an instance where a mother nearly hates her baby because of her color. The mother never expected to deliver a baby with dark skin. The fact that she wanted to abandon the baby shows that she hated dark-skinned people, not because of their character but color. In other words, she discriminated against dark people.
Hate also comes from a lack of understanding. People hate others because they do not understand them. In Morrison’s article, the father abandoned the mother and the baby, not necessarily because the baby was dark-skin, but because he assumed the mother had an affair with another man. Therefore, he hated the baby because he thought she belonged to another man. He also hated her wife because he was convinced she was fooling around with another man since the baby’s hair did not resemble her skin color. In this case, the man did not understand how this situation was possible. He a...
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