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A Room With A View

Essay Instructions:

‘Writers use their characters to explore their themes and ideas.’

Explore the ways in which Forster uses the character of Lucy, or Lucy and one other character of your choice, to explore themes and to reflect contemporary issues.

Ideally Lucy AND another character. But not essential.

Identify the primary and wider reading you will undertake. How will you respond to the title?

In your essay, make sure that you focus your response on the question (2.1).

Within the essay, use your subject experience to apply critical terminology to the novel and the task (1.1), in particular to analysis of the writer’s use of language (1.2).

Create a well argued discussion, in a recognised academic format (2.1), which includes discussion of different perceptions and interpretations of the novel (2.2)

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A Room with a View
Forster creates a shifting social landscape in his novel, “A Room with a View.” He puts Lucy in the middle of the whole scenario in different ways. The story indicates the conflicts of Lucy's expectations, a conventional British lady of an upper-class social status, and her desires. Lucy is from a famous family that has varied expectations of all its members. She traveled for a holiday to Italy, where she met a young man, George Emerson, who fell in love with her. They spend some time together, and within a few days of her stay in Italy, George kissed her while they were in a grass field. She did not anticipate the kiss and was slightly surprised as it was within her norms to be asked before being kissed (Forster, E. 2020). She backed away slightly, but only after participating in the kiss. The indication is a conflict of desires and expectations within her.
The functional aspect of George in the story is quite clear. He comes out as the source of passion in the life of Lucy. Lucy represents a society locked from pursuing its heart’s desires by the norms set by its people. Kissing Lucy unexpectedly indicated the natural passion and desire that George had towards her. The same passion elicited a feeling from within Lucy, and she felt obliged to kiss him too. Her guilt resulted from her family and society's expectations, leading her to back away from the kiss. She traveled back to Britain and met Cecil, another gentleman respected for his achievements, who proposed to her (Forster, E. 2020). Lucy accepted the proposal with the knowledge that it was the right thing for a gentleman to do to a lady. Cecil asked her for a kiss, and she obliged. The action set the pace for the comparison of desire and convention within her.
In the story, Lucy’s spirit is chained in conformity, and she is not free to pursue her pleasures. She lives in a world designed by her family and society with norms set out based on her social class. George’s character comes out clearly as the solution to her bondage by opening her to new ideas of chasing her heart’s desires. He gets a second chance to kiss Lucy and explains to her the love he has for her. In his seductive words...
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