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Leadership and Management in Organizations

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How does leadership differ from management? What are the most important aspects of leading and managing a social enterprise organisation?

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Leadership and Management in organizations
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Leadership and management play a crucial role in the running of an organizations and delivery of goods and services. The use of leadership and management is often interchangeable; however, there are significant differences in their application at an organizational level and the interaction level with the involved stakeholders. Leadership and managerial skills are important for effective operations on the various levels of an organization. Good managers require leadership skills while good leaders require managerial skills. The various differences between management and leadership will be highlighted through their roles while carrying out their responsibilities (Wajdi, 2017).
One of the key differences between management and leadership is that leadership is a multidirectional influence while management is a unidirectional influence. In its application, leadership often engages various stakeholders in the making of decisions in regards to the organization thus impacting the influence on various directions within an organization. On the other hand, a manager relies on a unidirectional influence where authority is one-directional; from the top to the bottom. There is limited engagement with other stakeholders thus leading to limited flow of authority within an organization. Therefore, leaders engage stakeholders extensively in their operations, while managers limit their engagement with other stakeholders in the carrying out of their duties and responsibilities (Wajdi, 2017).
Another difference between management and leadership is based on their duties and responsibilities. In the execution of their duties, leaders promote change, and new approaches in order to understand the belief of the people involved and gain their commitment. On the other hand, managers exercise authority, promote stability, and focus on getting things acc...
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