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Global Communication: Introduction and Theory Analysis Essay

Essay Instructions:

What is the meaning of "global communication" and what are the advantages and disadvantages that exist as a consequence of global communication spread?

1. I need 1900 words excluding references.

2. At least 11 academic resources are required (please specify the number of pages, Up to 3 media resources can appear others need to be academic)

3. Use a real case study on this topic and the linked example to illustrate the point. Do not analyse the case issue itself specifically, but the way the issue has been communicated by media and the significance of this. Or the way media has contributed to the issue.

4. Discuss appropriately some related history of the emergence of global communications.

5. Don't introduce the historical background or the course of events in large quantities, or be too broad. The incident should be described briefly and the connection between the incident and the subject of the essay question should be analysed.

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Global Communication
Introduction and Theory
Communication is a crucial aspect in the contemporary society. It is linked to information exchange from one medium to another. Communication is integrates people and creates a mutual understanding regardless of their locations. In other words, it is a simple way of connecting people. On the other hand, global communication refers to a process where different persons relate but information shared across cultural, political, social, economic, and geographic boundaries. Communication integrates both sender and receiver (McQuail and Windahl 2015, p.5). Therefore, globalization and global communication can be connected. It can be noted that one of the core outcomes of globalization is global communication. Global communication is a process and must also integrate different aspects to ensure significant informational development.
Global communication can be correlated to globalization since globalization is majorly concerned with an international and broader outlook. Different world ecosystems and nations come together through global communication to attain different organizational needs and growth. Therefore, some of the aspects connected by global communication include, free flow of services and information. The existence of global communication has been theorized by different researchers depending on their professionalism and understanding of the word. It has also led to the rise of significant theory, especially cultural imperialism, dependency, and modernization. The identified aspects must adequately be noted to understand the basis of global communication. Global communication is majorly dominated by western and United States (Thussu 2018, p.52). However, the theories have failed to address global communication and instead focuses more on the global picture.
Global communication can be explained based on three critical theories, world system, electronic colonization, and new world information communication order theory (NWICO). NWICO is a real case study theory established in 1970 to enhance media representation as well as decolonization. The theory was initiated to promote global communication and suppress communication. Through the help of UNESCO, NWICO promoted news flow and mass media to ensure that there was a critical emergence between different nations with common communication interests. The main aim was to enhance the free flow of information in assisting the developing world (Buchanan 2015, p.392). The real issues that NWICO addressed were majorly in correlation with unbalanced information distribution. Information distribution is not only an issue in the traditional world but has incredibly impacted most organizations. Therefore, it is essential to understand communication growth based on significant drivers such as interaction. There was an increase in the mistreatment of most analysts by limiting the opportunity to participate in some of the key events which required media attention. Therefore, through NWICO, most journalists' voices started to be heard on the global spectrum.
Theoretically, colonialization theory can also be applied to integrate different aspects of global communication. It majorly focuses on the cultural and indigenous media. Global communication is known to integrate different cultures due to its diversity. Therefore, bringing various cultures together is an issue that ensures different values, languages, attitudes, and minds are unified to achieve a similar communication goal. Culture influences sociology which is important in communication (Bonvillain 2019, p.1). A good scenario can be addressed in terms of online replacement. For instance, a college library in New York may have significant traditional books, which upon the establishment of Google Company were replaced by online content. World-systems theory can also be adequately integrated into explaining the global communication aspect. The theory is majorly addressed through technological advancement. Advancement in technology is essential in addressing development and plays a key role in the global communication process. Countries also vary in terms of the country's level of education. There are countries with peripheral information transmission levels and those at the transition stage (Bonvillain 2019, p.15). Therefore, due to the identified difference, global communication can be identified as a hierarchical system. There are those countries at a higher level while there are those at the bottom. Therefore, it is essential to interrogate the suitable strategies that are essential for effective information flow. Different countries have to come together regardless of cultural differences to promote significant communication. Therefore based on the theoretical approach, it can be identified that global communication is a crucial aspect that enhances the integration of different countries to attain a higher level of unification.
History of the Emergence of Global Communication Spread
Regardless of the ease of communication in contemporary society, it is essential to note that global communication is a process. It involves technical, social, political, economic, and cultural growth (McPhail 2010, p.2). It is through critical communication development that most of the actions towards globalization have been enhanced. The emergence of communication can be traced from the emergence of humanity. However, global communication was established from the emergence of writing. Global communication was promoted during the establishment of writing process. It originated from the writing empires, including Rome and China. Its emergence was associated with the ability to disperse as well as collect information. Global communication was established by creating economic letters and postal systems to share information at a wide range. Its growth was also linked to increasing MTV's audience (McPhail 2010, p.3). Its generation is linked to the business aspect, especially in promoting trade. Writing is a major aspect that is still used currently to enhance global communication. It is applied to share different types of information across the board.
One of the major inventions attributed to global communication was the establishment of the Telegraph, which occurred in 1902. It was majorly established to share different propaganda during the war times. Furthermore, propaganda was also utilized to inflict fear on attackers in different regions. Therefore, stable global communication can be linked to Second World War. In this period, different nations had to establish a united forum, also known as the United Nations (Finney 2017, p.1). There was also establishing of different charters and age...
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