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FreshNFast Supply Chain Operation In The Pandemic

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[Date]FreshNFast Supply Chain
FreshNFast is a supply chain that provides a variety of products. They are mainly for dry goods and other supplies like school supplies, and home necessities. FreshNFast partners with different foreign and local business entities where they source their products out in the supermarket. FreshNFast is also a supply chain to supermarkets. It mainly wholesale school supplies and home necessities from foreign suppliers.
Risk and Opportunity
Like other business operations, FreshNFast has also been affected by the health crisis. The sudden need to cut down the employees coming to the warehouses and offices drastically decreased the operation efficiency. Thus, there is a need to strategize for the operation of FreshNFast while in the pandemic. The strategy is to increase the production despite the decreased employees due to health protocols. Also, the pandemic has prevented the importation of foreign products that is why there is shortage in the inventory. Nevertheless, FreshNFast supermarket has found local suppliers in place of the foreign suppliers. These suppliers meet the same standard as the foreign business partners. It is also more convenient to do inventory because it is lower in cost and shipment time
Allocated Responsibilities
One member will collect and investigate the cases of business establishments that had to permanently close down due to the pandemic. The investigation report will tell the contributing factors, aside from the pandemic, that fail the sustenance of the business operations. The second member will check the operation status of the supply chains of FreshNFast. The checking will include sales, financial statements, operations management, and human resource management. The third member will look into the previous business cases and identify the most effective strategies used to maintain the operation of the business. The cases to be used will have the same worldwide situation and those that dealt with a decrease in employees and production. The fourth member will investigate appropriate strategies when it comes to changing suppliers and adjusting the inventories. The investigation will look into previous cases as well. The fifth member will look into online service and delivery and how it can increase the sales of FreshNFast. After completing the tasks, all the members will come up with a plan and strategy based on the result of their respective investigation. The planning will rely on the previous cases as well as the factual information about FreshNFast’s operation and management.
Current Position
.FreshNFast, as a supply chain business, has been dealing with the effects of the pandemic. The supply chain is currently in partners with dry goods suppliers from China, in the province of Hubei where Wuhan, the center of the virus, is located. The proximity of the suppliers to the center of the infection affected the operations because the supermarket could not replenish supplies in the inventory. The health protocols and travel restrictions have prevented the exportation transactions for the meantime to avoid further spread of the virus.Aside from the disruption in inventory and supplier, there are also restrictions in public spaces and...
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