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Case study

Essay Instructions:
For writer Ernie ONLY! I will upload 2 cases study and also 2 different file that has question for each case study. please answer these questions must be from your own mind, no plag! no references needed
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Name: University: Course: Tutor: Date: (29) 1. How is it important for companies such as Nike and Wal-Mart that source exclusively from foreign suppliers located in countries where wages are low and substandard working conditions are common to institute supplier codes of conduct and undertake programs to monitor and ensure supplier compliance with these codes of conduct? Answer: In today’s society it is significant for universal companies to certify that the products they put on the market are produced in compliance with laws. However, companies must proceed to avoid the real and incommunicable results of hiring unreliable labour practices. 2. Who has the strongest supplier monitoring program- Nike or Wal-Mart? Why? Answer: Nike Supply Chain is the best. Nike has focussed on its process innovation and is unique as compared to other competitors. This is witnessed in its strategy to maintain a continuous relation with its suppliers so as to be able effectively respond to market demands. Furthermore, cost from outsourcing has enable Nike to focus on its core competence like product design, marketing as well as Air Sole technology. 3. Would you recommend that a company join the Fair Labour Association and use its mechanisms to monitor supplier compliance instead of trying to set up its own supplier monitoring and compliance effort? Why or why not? Answer: It will be imperative for a company to use its own supplier monitoring and compliance effort. Joining the fair Labour Association will present the organization to exposure and as a result, several undertakings of the company will be at stake. For instance confidential information might be licked to the public. In order to prevent this, it is advisable to set up your own monitoring and compliance effort to preserve the company’s image. 4. What can a company do to detect and combat the efforts of unscrupulous foreign suppliers to deceive inspection/compliance teams? Answer: It is necessary that a company have a supervisor who will monitor activities on site continuously, and not just sporadic checks. 30) 1. What are the fundamental elements of Queensland Rainforest Resort’s (QRR) strategy? Answer: This company chose a story-based brand strategy to connect more deeply with their consumers and to differentiate themselves from their competitors more effectively without sacrificing their uniqueness and authenticity. This approach enabled them to create value and meaning because their brand was grounded in their identity and stories that captured who they were and what they wanted to be. This move has allowed them to reap substantial rewards. 2. What do you see as QRR’s core competencies? Answer: Core competencies are the soul of a company and as such are defined as the processes that connect with core competence management. In line with this, QRR is an international provider of services to the luxury leisure industry with leverage core competencies in branding, exchange services, club operations, travel networks, concierge services, propriety technology and quality assurance. The company also unlock the value of leisure assets in vacation ownership, real estate, hospitality, travel tourism, and with affinities. 3. What business principles and values seem to be guiding the way QRR operates and conducts its business? Answer: QRR uses technology to improve and streamline both internal and external functions and they are thoroughly modern and efficient, especially in the area of information technology. 4. Is it fair to characterize QRR as an “operational and ethical shipwreck?” why and why not? Answer: On going through Mr ...
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