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Argument Essay about Language

Essay Instructions:
English is the most dominant language in the world today. Discuss whether you believe it will retain its dominance or whether another language will soon supplant English. Describe the trends and explain the reasons for your position. I need reference from e-books and academic website and journals I agree with this question, could you write that in conclusion, please.
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(28, May, 2011)
Argument Essay about Language
English language has been known to be used and spoken by most countries globally especially by a third of the population in the world. It originated from the fusion of languages and dialects which found its way to the eastern coast of Great Britain by the Anglo-Saxon who was known to be Germanic settlers. With time, it replaced the German language and became dominant throughout the world and this was boosted by the rise of the America becoming a super power in the world. One may wonder the reason why English has become powerful throughout the world but if you look around, evidence is everywhere.
For instance, the reason why English has become dominant throughout the world is because of where it is being used. When it comes to searching for some materials in the internet, most of the articles found in the internet are written in English language ( HYPERLINK "http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Amy_Nutt" Nutt, 2010). A few are not written in English but are at one point translated to English. This then proves the reason why the English language has become influential when it comes to matters related to technology. Many of the technological devices are also designed with the English-speaking users. Most keyboards or even the older type writers contained the standard letters written in English alphabets. This then shows how technology has embraced the English language hence promoting its dominance.
When it comes to sciences where researches are performed, the language used is English and most of the Science citation index reports are known to be English documented even though most of such documents or materials are normally written by the non-native English speakers. Medically (Schmidt, 2006). English language is used as a unifying language hence promoting the idea of medical doctors learning the languages for them to be able to learn and understand the reports and journals concerning latest medical breakthrough.
Reputable international organization uses English language as a means of communication whereby, when there is an international meeting that involves most of the countries (Wilkins, 2009). It is always agreed on which language that should be used during such meetings and the language that is normally chosen is English. Sports wise, when making announcements, they use Eng...
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