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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Role & Responsibilities of Paediatric & Child Health Nurse

Essay Instructions:

1) Identify the similarities & differences in the role and responsibilities of Paediatric Nurse compared to Child Health Nurse 2) Apply knowledge of the cultural needs, rights and expectations of infants, children, young people and their families within a legal and ethical framework. 3)Resources- Kozier's and Erb's Fundamentals of Nursing Vol 1 Australian Edition (3e) Please use Australian Text books & other resources for referencing .

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Role & Responsibilities of Paediatric & Child Health
The Aspect of protection and care necessitates the need to develop effective approaches aimed at proving care for all children from a tender age with the aim of ensuring they grow responsibly, fit and healthy in their adulthood. In order to achieve these goals, pediatricians and child health practitioners are trained in caring for children from the time of they are delivered until they reach the age of 18 years (Walsh, Barnes, & Mitchell, 2015, pp.2588). This care providers and practitioners are considered as professionals in this sector, endowed with skills and knowledge in addressing the needs of children.
It is however important to note that several perceptions have been developed over the roles of nurses and community child health care providers, an aspect that has resulted in the rising of philosophical beliefs on the similarities and differences in the roles and responsibilities of paediatric nurses and child health care nurses (Raman, et.al.2011, pp. 568). However, criticism from the development of practice-based focus groups clearly indicates that the differences and similarities between these practitioners do not only lie the aspect of care, but in the delivery approaches and the context of practice. This paper seeks to establish the similarities and differences in the responsibilities and roles of Paediatric Nurses as compared to Child Health Care Nurses. On the other hand, the paper will incorporate the acquired knowledge of cultural needs, expectations, and rights of children, infants, young people and their families within the ethical and legal frameworks.
Similarities and Differences in Responsibilities and Roles of Paediatric Nurses as Compared To Child Health Care Nurses
It is essential to first establish that the definition of a child is based on the laws that govern a particular state. In many cases, children are considered as those below the age of 16 years(Sawyer,2011, pp.37). In this case, it is essential to note that child health nurses and pediatricians are both health providers whose major responsibility lies in taking care of the children assigned to them for care.
First and foremost, the primary responsibility and roles of child health nurses and pediatrics is to provide primary healthcare services to children. Both of these practitioners ensure that children not only live a healthy life, but the same is assured over the future(Remedios, et.al.2015, pp.37). In order to achieve this, they develop appropriate measures aimed at preventing future health challenges, an aspect that results in the promotion of healthy living, curative measures, and rehabilitative approaches for those recovering from different health complications.
Secondly, it is imperative to note that both the paediatric nurses and child health care nurses play major roles and responsibilities that include consultation services, education, research, and clinical practice. On the other hand, the primary responsibilities of these practitioners remain in the application of clinical competency in a holistic care of children and their families within different health care settings(Dillon-Wallace, et.al.2014, pp. 1220). Lastly, paediatric and child health nurses have a reasonability of keeping quality standards of nursing in the provision of care for both children and their families. In this manner, both the practitioners demonstrate the element of accountability and self-direction in practicing their roles and responsibilities.
In establishing the differences between responsibilities amongst these practitioners, it is important to note that pediatric nurses are trained to provide curative, preventive, promotive, and rehabilitative care within all the levels of health services as compared to child health care nurses(Morris, et.al.2012, pp.12). Child health care nurses are tasked with the responsibility to provide ongoing care and support for different families including the provision of information about different aspects of parenting such as family health, healthy lifestyles and maternal services.
In addition to this, a contrast between these two practitioners is notable in the manner in which paediatric nurses play important roles and responsibilities in combining different health care team members. Pediatric nurses on the other hand maintain essential inter personal communication with children, health teams, and families, an aspect that is attributed to the coordination of nursing care among other services in meeting the needs of children(Brown, et.al.2014, pp.1174). In contrast to this, child health care nurses ...
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