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5 pages/≈1375 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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What Is The Fiduciary Model The Nurse - Patient Relationships?

Essay Instructions:

Key words: Principles of bioethics such as autonomy, beneficence, ethics, philosophy, justice.

. Fundamental moral and ethical duty for nurses to treat others with dignity and respect.

. Justice, advocacy

. Fiduciary obligation where nurses commit to the patient's needs before their own.

Please include more Australian scholarly references (books, journals or University of Tasmania online library). Could you please send one in Word format in addition as well so I can add and edit more references. Also aim for at least 5 - 11% text match and not 0%. 1,400 words required.

Please follow the Harvard writing and referencing style and number of spacing ( is it 1 or 2 spaces in Harvard?). Why 5 pages for 1,400 words? I thought it was just 2-3 pages (like 5 to 6 paragraphs) plus 1 page for the reference list. Sorry for all the questions.

I can add 275 words if needed.



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The alliance between the health practitioner and the patient has significant healing power. The collaboration between the nurse and patient ensures that the patient’s quality of life and their health condition is significantly improved. But this therapeutic relationship between the nurse and the patient requires specific obligations on the health practitioner. These obligations have evolved over the years. In the past, the relationship paradigm involved the absolute dependence of the patient on the health service provider and their professional authority. A paternalistic relationship model developed since the patient believed they would derive benefit from the health practitioner. As a consequence, the preferences of the patient were mostly never elicited, and the health practitioner would override them if they somehow conflicted with the health service provider’s convictions regarding what kind of care to be given (Burke and Ludwig, 2014).
However, as the profession grew in the latter half of the 20th century, the relationship between the patient and the nurse shifted to a more shared decision-making paradigm (Hart, 2010). This shift acknowledged the autonomy of the patient and their right to have differing standpoints, their right to choose and they ability to make decisions based on what they believe in or value. Patients were given the opportunity to weigh the alternatives and select the one that they derive the most value (Burke and Ludwig, 2014). On that note, this paper will try to discuss the tenets of the fiduciary relationship between the patient and the health service provider. Subsequently, the essay will focus on what ethical responsibilities are embedded in such a relationship, in particular on the part of the nurses, and why they are considered important.
Fiduciary Relationship between Nurse and Patient
A fiduciary relationship is rooted in confidence or trust (Hendrick, 2001). It is crucial to the diagnostic process for there to be trust between the nurse and the patient. A proper diagnostic process depends on open communication between the patient and the health practitioner. The only way that a nurse can be able to do a proper observation is if the patient can provide accurate and relevant information about their illness or injury. On the other hand, the nurses are constrained from divulging confidential information. This is a duty grounded on the recognized codes of professional ethics, and it elaborates on the nature of the health practitioner-patient relationship (Burke and Ludwig, 2014).
Fiduciary obligation arises where nurses commit to the patient’s needs before their own. They must promote the well-being of the patient above any other personal interests. Indeed, the application of the fiduciary obligation is at the core of describing the attributes of a profession. Consequently, the financial obligation concept gives rise to the issue of physician-patient boundaries. It provides limits as to what is ethically appropriate behavior in such a professional relationship (National Ethics Committee of the Veterans Health Administration, 2003).
In summation, a fiduciary relationship amounts to a special confidence rested on an individual, who in equity and sound conscience, is compelled either by law or otherwise to act in good faith and considering the interest of the person reposing the confidence (Grace, 2017). Therefore, to promote trust and assure the privacy of personal matters, they should be established proper boundaries in the professional relationship. The best way of ensuring there are appropriate boundaries and limited abuse of power is by maintaining an equal distribution of power between the two parties. For instance, most observers postulate that health care professionals have more power as compared to the patients. Ergo, it is prudent that there be professional boundaries between the nurse and the patient. And to maintain such boundaries, for instance, the nurse should not discuss their financial status or their personal relationships. However, all this depends on the values of respective individuals and how transparently they live their lives (DeWolf Bosek and Savage, 2007).
Managed Care Organizations.
The emergence of managed care organizations has revolutionized the nursing practice. Historically, the health service provider had the final say on what kind and how the patient would receive care. There was limited interference from third parties and the physicians determined what tests to be done, the number and what kind. They also dictated the length of hospitalization and type of drugs to be prescribed. The medical practitioner had a carte blanche to act on the patient’s behalf albeit with a few limitations.
However, as the costs of health care skyrocketed the payers of the bills started questioning the decisions made by the health professionals. They, additionally, started limiting the length of hospital stay, insisted on preapproval before any expensive procedures are done and demanded the use of cheaper generic medicine. Thus, at the beginning of the 21st century, the managed care organizations changed the way health care decisions are made. The power of decision-making is now shared with the insurance company. This has somewhat shifted the fiduciary relationship and brought about a new twist. The health care professionals are no longer the only fiduciary obligated parties and instead have to liaise with insurance companies concerning health care decisions (Hall, ...
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