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Reflective essay on teamwork on a poster design using the Gibb's reflective model.

Essay Instructions:
I am required to reflect on my contributions to the team when designing and producing a poster. I am required to focus on strategies used for communication and how effective they are. The focus should be on my contributions and using the opportunity to evaluate what was good and what could be improved to develop strategies for effective teamwork in the future. If there have been challenges or conflicts, then try to use these as opportunities to learn how to deal with them, rather than an opportunity to blame others. There is an expectation that I should use Gibbs’s reflective model, literature and evidence of teamwork models to support my reflection. Please, I will want you to use the literatures provided below: Best S, Williams S. (2018) Integrated care: mobilising professional identity. Journal of Health Organization and Management, 32(5). pp:726-740. doi: 10.1108/JHOM-01-2018-0008. Cullati, S., Bochatay, N., Maître, F., Laroche, M. (2019) ‘When Team Conflicts ThreatenQuality of Care: A Study of Health Care Professionals' Experiences and Perceptions’, MayoClinic Clinic Proceedings. Innovations, quality & outcomes, 3(1), pp: 43–51 Available at:https://dx(dot)doi(dot)org/10.1016%2Fj.mayocpiqo.2018.11.003 Foronda, C., MacWilliams, B. and McArthur, E. (2016) 'Interprofessional communication in healthcare: An integrative review', Nurse Education in Practice, 19pp. 36-40. doi:http://dx(dot)doi(dot)org/10.1016/j.nepr.2016.04.005 Schot, E., Tummers, L. & Noordegraaf, M. (2020). Working on working together. A systematic review on how healthcare professionals contribute to interprofessional. collaboration, Journal of Interprofessional Care, 34(3), pp. 332-342, Available at:DOI: 10.1080/13561820.2019.1636007 Koubel G, Bungay H. (2012) The Challenge of Person-centred Care, An InterprofessionalPerspective. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.MacNaughton, Stevens, E., Hulme, A. & Salmon, P. (2021) ‘The impact of power on health care teamperformance and patient safety: a review of the literature’, Ergonomics, 64(8), pp.1072-1090, DOI: 10.1080/00140139.2021.1906454 Journal: Community Care Journal of Interprofessional Care Health Promotion International The British Medical Journal The Lancet Websites: Centre for the Advancement of Interprofessional Education, https://www(dot)kingsfund(dot)org(dot)uk(Accessed: 09/8/2023)Heakthtalk.org, https://healthtalk(dot)org/ (Accessed: 09/8/2023) Patient Voices http://www(dot)patientvoices(dot)org(dot)uk/ (Accessed: 08/12/2021)https://www(dot)hrhresourcecenter(dot)org/HRH_Info_Teamwork.html (Accessed: 08/12/2021) Royal College of Physicians Improving teams in healthcare: Resource 2 - Team culture | RCPLondonThe Kings Fund, https://www(dot)kingsfund(dot)org(dot)uk Accessed: 06/8/2023). Please note that this is all the literature that is expected to be used and referenced in Harvard style. If you have any other information, please let me know.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Title Your Name Subject and Section Professor’s Name Date INTRODUCTION We began the project with the demanding task of creating a visually attractive and instructive poster. It was a task that needed not only imagination but also detailed planning and organization. Given that I was a dedicated member of the team, the project became my top priority and I was well aware of the challenges that we had to deal with as a team. Brainstorming sessions were our playground of creative thoughts, where no idea was left untold, and flowing thoughts triggered a collaborative spirit. I participated in these sessions, drawing from my own knowledge and experience, to add value to our rich discussions. Every suggestion was a brick, forming a pattern for our poster and bringing us to a collective goal. Moreover, the key element of our success was a consistent use of a structured approach all along the project lifecycle. We systematically assigned tasks according to the strengths and weaknesses of each of us so that we could ensure everyone was working at their maximum potential. The judicious distribution of tasks amongst the team members not only improved our productivity but also instilled a feeling of ownership and responsibility in the team members. Also, we were mindful of the necessity of making work distribution in an equitable way. Through different areas of commitment of each member and capacity, the team has successfully worked to ensure no one felt overworked or undervalued (Royal College of Physicians, 2017). The collaboration helped us to create a productive team atmosphere and made us more productive and successful at the same time (IntraHealth Librarian, n.d; Koubel and Bungay, 2008). Hence, our experience in preparing the poster was thoroughly collaborative and well-communicated from the beginning to the end. Through joined brainstorming attendance and given challenging tasks, I was able to get a lot of skills and knowledge to shape the final product. Our organized workings along with the equal distribution of workload formed the basis of our achievement allowing us to face difficulties together and solve problems with a common goal and strength in unity. FEELING The project started with me having a new feeling of enthusiasm and purpose which was strengthened and developed due to the teamwork. I had been longing to positively influence the community and after discovering an opportunity to create something significant, I embarked on my job with so much zeal, excitement, and determination. Somehow, the initial brainstorming sessions were different. The charged atmosphere was there when people got carried away and ideas were fired from everywhere. This was the time of joy as I saw the future of the project and its impact on society as whole. To a larger extent, it was not until after the project was already in progress when I realized that the line of emotions was more layered. If we forget that both of these things coexist, it means that we had forgotten about the synergy and collaboration that really propelled our success, but also that the tension and frustrations of this process had not completely disappeared. These emotions very often come from the struggles that arise from the fact that we are working as a team, sometimes miscommunication or differences in opinion. Miscommunication has occasionally generated spiteful feelings or communication delays (Cullati et al., 2019; Foronda, MacWilliam and McArthur, 2016; Stevens, Hulme and Salmon, 2021), and this has been a big problem within the group as it has caused frustration among team members. In our understanding, we sometimes have small gaps between us, which unveil a necessity of setting out an effective communication tool and the proactive clarification. Navigating these emotional highs and lows was a learning process that taught me to be resilient and adaptive which are the key of team success (Schot, Tummers, and Noordegraaf, 2020). In spite of all the challenges I faced, I continued to work at the goals which we shared as a team. I sought to find constructive ways of addressing conflicts even as I learned from the setbacks and improved our collective effectiveness. Overall, the project was full of ups and downs, and in the end, it was a journey of self-development, fellowship, and teamwork. By recognizing and responding to the challenges, we were able to take our teamwork to a new level and deepen our understanding of the group dynamics. EVALUATION During my evaluation, I completed a detailed assessment that comprised my achievements, the strong points, an...
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