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How do the muscles and bones work together to flex the knee?

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How do the muscles and bones work together to flex the knee?

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How your Knee Flexes
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December 9, 2020
There are two primary contributors to the person's body's movement, making it possible to perform his everyday tasks; namely, these are the Muscles and Bones. Muscles are soft tissues that contract and relax to create movement and are attached to the bones. Bones, on the other hand, are the solid parts that comprise an individual's body structure. Without this, we are unrecognizable like jellyfish, and we would not be able to do anything. The Muscles and Bones work together to create simple body movements like walking, jumping, and lifting objects. In this article, the author will focus on how Muscles and Bones work together to flex their definitions.
How does the Knee Flex?
The knee movement happens through the cooperation of the four bones and seven muscles that directs its movement. Among the muscles, four could be found at the front of the thigh, while three are located at its back.
Let us start with the seven Muscles that contribute to the flexing of the knee. The Muscles that are located at the front of the thigh are; (1) Rectus femoris, which is a chunk of "muscle located at the center compartment of the thigh and the only muscle that crosses the hip," (2) Vastus lateralis is placed the lateral part of the thigh and is the largest of the four muscles, (3) Vastus medialis originated at the top part of the femoral shaft and inserts as a flattened tendon inside the quadriceps femoris tendon, which inserts into the top border of the patella, (4) Vastus Intermedius is located directly underneath Rectus femoris (Physiopedia contributors, 2020). Moreover, the knee's remaining muscles at the posterior portion of the knee can be grouped as the hamstring muscles, namely the Biceps femoris, Semitendinosus, and Semimembranosus.
Lastly, the four Bones that significantly contribute to the knee's flexing are; (1) Femur is the heaviest, longest, and strongest bone in the human body; (2) Patella is also known as the knee cap that tendons connect to; (3) Tibia connects the knee and ankle joints and is a large long medial bone of the lower extremity CITATION Phy204 \l 1033 (Physio...
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