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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
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The Functioning Of The Human Brain

Essay Instructions:

Explanatory text on how the brain works. With as many technical words as possible

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THE BRAIN By Course Name Professor’s Name University City, State Date of Submission Despite the many scientific advancements made over the years, the human brain remains largely a mystery. A strong grasp on how chemical and electrical signals result into amazing things such as intelligence, consciousness, and creativity does not exist. One of the facts known about the human is that it is made up of approximately 100 billion neurons through which signals are transmitted. However, a complete understanding of the relationship between the macro and micro has traditionally eluded scientists. This paper seeks to explore the functioning of the human brain as a way of understanding its mysteries. The human brain is the largest of all vertebrates. The main functions of the brain include relaying of information between the body and the brain, controlling of critical functions such as heart rate and breathing, communication and language, memory and learning, endocrinological functions, among others. The largest part of the brain is known as the cerebrum, which is divided into two hemispheres. The cerebrum performs higher functions. Each of its hemispheres is divided into lobes, which carry out distinct functions. The lobes are the frontal, occipital, parietal and temporal. The frontal lobes are involved in the coordination of high-level behaviors such as judgment, problem solving, motor skills, attention, as well as emotional and impulse control. The parietal lobes are involved in the in the integration and interpretation of the sensory information from different parts of the human brain. The temporal lobes are involved in the coordination of visual memory, verbal memory, and also help in the inte...
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