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Communication in health and social care

Essay Instructions:
By using relevant materials from any reliable/authorized source please attempt learning outcome one. Description of problem to be solved Please produce a written essay of 3000 words (bearing in mind the learning outcomes) and demonstrate your understanding of communication principles, techniques and strategies used in a health and social care settings. Please refer to the scenarios below. Meet all criteria points and for examples use given scenario Outcomes and assessment requirements Outcomes Assessment requirements To achieve each outcome a learner must demonstrate the ability to: L1. Be able to explore how communication skills are used in health and social care 1.1 Apply relevant theories of communication to health and social care contexts 1.2 Use communication skills in a health and social care context 1.3 Review methods of dealing with inappropriate interpersonal communication between individuals in health and social care settings 1.4 Analyse the use of strategies to support users of health and social care services with specific communication needs L2. Understand how various factors influence the communication process in health and social care 2.1 Explain how the communication process is influenced by values and cultural factors 2.2 Explain how legislation, charters and codes of practice impact on the communication process in health and social care 2.3 Analyse the effectiveness of organisational systems and policies in promoting good practice in communication 2.4 Suggest ways of improving the communication process in a health and social care setting L3. Be able to explore the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in health and social care 3.1 Access and use standard ICT software packages to support work in health and social care 3.2 Analyse the benefits of using ICT in health and social care for users of services, care workers and care organizations. 3.3 Analyse how legal considerations in the use of ICT impact on health and social care. Background Info – Learning Outcome 1 to be submitted on week 5 for feedback (Formative assessment). Word count 1000. By using relevant materials from any reliable/authorized source please attempt learning outcome one. Description of problem to be solved Please produce a written essay of 3000 words (bearing in mind the learning outcomes) and demonstrate your understanding of communication principles, techniques and strategies used in a health and social care settings. Please refer to the scenarios below. Case Study/Background Info – Part 1 (Formative assessment) Scenario 1: Hospital Appointment. A partially sighted patient arrives 30 minutes early for her appointment for a skin problem and has to wait 40 minutes in the waiting room before being seen by a nurse. Eventually, the doctor arrived and briefly and asked the patient a few questions before calling in the nurse to give her a prescription for some antibiotics. As a result, the patient felt the doctor had not spent much time with her. The patient had no opportunity to voice her concerns. She had not been given a chance to ask the doctor for a sick note for her employer verifying that she was sick. The patient may have left the doctor's office feeling unsatisfied with the visit because she was still uncertain about what could have been the cause of her skin problem. Negative experiences such as these, with healthcare providers are often due to various communication problems that usually occur within healthcare settings. Attempt following learning outcome one and demonstrate how a patient can overcome the above situation and other communication related issues within healthcare context. Deliverables: Learning Outcome 1. 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 Feedback Strengths Areas for Improvement Lecturer Signature: Date: Background Info – Learning Outcome 2 (Word count -1000 words) Description of problem to be solved Attempt question number 2 and 3 also in essay form by using the above instruction and the other relevant literature. Case Study/Background Info – Part 2 (Word count -1000 words) Scenario 2: A patient experiencing recent dental problems visits her local dental surgery for an examination. The receptionist enquired reasons for attending the dental surgery. The receptionist spoke loudly so that other patients in the waiting room overheard the conversation. The patient told the receptionist that she would discuss the reasons for her visit, only with a female doctor. The receptionist then requested that the patient used the computer screen in the waiting area to register her arrival. However, the patient informed the receptionist about her difficulties in understanding the English language and operating the computer screen. The patient felt the receptionist did not listen to her. Furthermore, the receptionist was not concerned about her difficulties. In relation to the scenario above please answer learning outcome two. Description of problem to be solved Attempt learning outcome 2 in essay form by using the above scenario as guideline and the other relevant literature. Deliverables: Learning outcome 2: 2 -2.1, 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4. Feedback Strengths Areas for Improvement Lecturer Signature: Date: Case Study/Background Info – Part 3 (Word count -1000 words) Scenario 3: In learning outcome three, the assignment is about the benefits of IT to the Health and Social Care worker. How do you use IT to benefit service users and how does it help in achieving organizational strategic objective and in improving organizational efficiency. Explain the legislation we need to consider when using IT in our day to day operations in our organization. Description of problem to be solved By using the all range of sources attempt question no. 3 in essay form covering all assessment requirement. Deliverables: 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3
Essay Sample Content Preview:
INTRODUCTION Communication has been established as a significant aspect of human existence, and numerous resources especially attest to the importance of communication in healthcare. Indeed, it is through communication that the provider is able to establish a relationship with the patient, gather the data needed for assessment, administer the appropriate intervention, and evaluate the effectiveness of the interventions provided. Thus, this paper will explore communication in the health and social care context, as well as the skills needed in order to achieve effective communication. Also, this paper will aim to discuss the role communication plays in the care of the patient. That most of the time, the success of the intervention administered to a patient or client is determined by the relationship established between the caregiver and the patient, made possible by communication. However, numerous factors affect the said communication between the patient and the caregiver. This paper will aim to define these factors and their ability to either facilitate or hinder the communication process. This paper will then explore the said factors that influence communication in health and social care. It will first look into the role played in communication by culture and values, followed by how legislation, charters and codes of practice impact on the communication process in health and social care. Afterwards, it will analyse the effectiveness of organisational systems and policies in promoting good practice in communication. This paper will attempt to suggest different ways of improving the communication process in a health and social care setting. Finally, this paper will discuss the said topics through the analysis of the case scenario provided for second learning outcome. Lastly, this paper will attempt to discuss the benefits of IT to health and social care worker. The role of IT in achieving organizational objectives as well improving organizational efficiency will be discussed. Also, the paper will attempt to discuss the legislation to be considered in the use of IT in the provision of care as well as the legislations that will act as a guide for the employees and the employers alike. Learning Outcome 1: Communication Skills and Their Use in Health and Social Care Theories in Communication in Health and Social Care Services Context The quality of healthcare received by a patient everyday will vary in terms of the communication process that has passed between the client and the healthcare provider (Fisher et al., 2005). A few theories may be used to explain certain situations and events. Take for example the scenario given, when viewed with Social Learning theories in communication, it may seem that the patient is socially inept to interact with her healthcare provider. She may be too timid or shy that the doctor will not be able to gather enough information from the patient. On another side, the doctor, having been too busy or preoccupied will not be inclined to ask more questions because he thinks that he has taken enough data from the patient to allow him to give a diagnosis and a plan a course of treatment for the client. According to Bandura, Social Learning Theory is a learning theory wherein the use of observation of other`s behaviours, attitudes and outcomes of other`s behaviours. In terms of this learning theory, a client may learn that she must be more open towards giving the doctors information next time she goes for a check up and the doctor may learn from this experience that not all his questions may be applicable to every patients. That he must learn to learn from his patients. As stated in the Cognitive learning theory, learning is enhanced through experience. The patient may translate the experience in the healthcare facility. This may lead her to think that the services offered by the hospital in terms of social interaction of doctors and patients is not of quality thus prompting her to seek another facility when she is in need of medical attention. For example, if I apply the leaning theory to myself as a patient, i will learn through observation that I would be able to help myself if i learn from previous encounters with doctors. I would be able to learn that stating things that I feel immediately and not waiting for the doctor to ask will greatly help me. Also, if I were the doctor and applying the theory on me, I would be able to learn from that experience that I would have to be more observant and ask more questions to be able to make a proper diagnosis. Communication is a key ingredient in healthcare. It allows information to pass through from one person to another, from one healthcare provider to another. The care of patients involve individuals expert in different fields of healthcare. The information gathered by the nurse or doctor is then discussed between individuals, interpreted as well as rechecked through medical tests done by experts (Moonie, 2000). It is then through communication that the treatment process can be planned and initiated. The doctor may come up with a plan which may be carried out by the nurses or other members of the healthcare team. Aside from the correct interaction or communication between the clients and the doctor or nurse, it is also important to take into consideration the correct dissemination of the information gathered from the patient to the other members of the healthcare team (Argyle, 1994). Take for example the scenario given. The patient came in for the treatment of skin problems, while conducting her assessment, the nurse may notice another symptom that is worth looking into, and she then would communicate it to the doctor to confirm or to make sure that the concern is also given treatment. That way, the client would be given more care than what is expected. It would also reduce the hassle of having to return for another check-up because both concerns were seen to by the healthcare team. Also, listening to the patient`s concerns and experiences may also prove beneficial for the healthcare providers. Obtaining the history gives the person inkling as to why the client is experiencing such symptoms. Say the client may be experiencing skin problems because she is allergic to a certain food or beverage. Communication Skills in Health and Social Care Use of communication skills would also be an advantage when obtaining the correct information from the patient. It may all come down to the correct body posture, use of the proper tone during the interviews, providing ample time for answering the said questions as well as proper listening skills implemented by the provider. Adopting an open posture by placing your arms to the sides and use of warm friendly tone rather than assuming a cool and detached attitude during the interview invites the patient to be more open. The patient may also feel comfortable when you make a point to show that you are ready to listen and show that you make a point to understand the point that they are trying to make. Clarifying the data gathered reduces the chance of drawing a wrong diagnosis thus allowing you to provide the correct treatment. Asking open ended questions gives the healthcare provider the chance to gather more information and allow the patient to disclose more information. Open ended questions are questions not answerable by a simple yes or no rather a substance-filled answer (Hargie, 2006). Take for example communicating with a friend. The posture that you assume is an open one and you can sit closer because of the established camaraderie between you. Also, by adopting an open posture, you make your friend feel more open in talking to you, you may also be inviting them to open up and speak their mind when need be. Another example come in when a doctor is talking ot a patient. When a doctor assumes a hostile posture such a s crossing his arms on his chest, and leaning away from the client, this makes the client feel unwanted and not want to talk to the doctor. Whereas when the doctor assumes an open posture and leans toward the client, this makes the client feel more relaxed and would want to talk to the doctor. In the end, the quality of information that a doctor can get from the client would be often come down to how well can feel the client comfortable. Inappropriate Interpersonal Communication in Health and Social Care There will be times that more a provider will need more that skills for communication to be effective. There will be times that a healthcare provider will have to manage factors that may affect the data gathered (Nolan, Marsden and Winn, 2005). For example, the patient has been in for her check-up 40 minutes earlier and had to wait for another 30 minutes before being attended by a doctor. It must then be understood that the client may either be bored or irritable to being asked questions that they think will not be very helpful. Another delay in their check-up may cause them to leave without being diagnosed properly or they may direct their frustration to the doctor or nurse conducting the assessment hindering the proper flow of diagnosis. There will also be barriers that will affect interpersonal communication. Being unable to listen to the patient properly, not paying attention and environmental factors such as temperature and noise are a few examples (Moss, 2012). These barriers are breached when healthcare providers take time to listen to their clients, provide or maintain a therapeutic environment which includes a soothing or less stimulating room for interview as well as promoting a comfortable room for patients and healthcare providers alike. Supporting Health and Social Care Services in Special Communication Needs Another barrier that may affect interpersonal communication also includes learning disabilities and language barriers. These barriers may be salved with the use of pictures and gestures (Riggio and Feldman, 2005). Individuals that are deaf, blind, and learning difficulties fall into this category. These individuals are in need of more time in learning for they are unable to use most of their senses. A blind individual may fin it difficult to learn because he is unable learn visually so he must then turn to the use of his other senses. These individuals have better grip in learning using their ears and hands in leraning. The use of brail in learning is an effective tool for these individuals. For deaf individuals, they are unable to lean using their ears and hearing, they are also unable to speak so in order for them to bridge this learning gap, the use of sign language and picture have been initiated. Reason behind the use of picture and sign language is that they do not vary much in different countries and conditions. A picture depicting the scale of pain will be the same for a person who is from another country of origin. Also, studies done by shows that individual with learning disabilities are able to connect better to their healthcare providers through pictures rather than words. Lastly, it is seen that individuals with learning disabilities are able to learn more with one on one styles of learning. They learn more when a tutor provides special attention. Learning Outcome 2: Factors Influencing Communication in Health and Social Care Culture and Values Recent resources and authors have increasingly acknowledged and emphasized that culture has an important role in the communication process (Institute of Medicine, 2002). Indeed, Kreuter and McClure (2004) wrote in their paper that this role of culture in communication is made more important by the fact that it usually affects health-seeking and health promotion practices of individuals. These authors added that by understanding and taking into consideration the cultural characteristics of a certain group of individuals, especially minorities, communication can be facilitated, and services provided can be tailored to better address the needs of the members of the said group. In the case scenario, the role of culture and values was first glimpsed in the receptionist`s use of a loud voice, that the other patients overheard their conversation. In this case, the receptionist`s negative values served as a barrier to communication. By depriving the patient of the sense of privacy a quiet conversation would have provided, the patient is placed at a disadvantageous position, especially if the possible response to the question is embarrassing. The receptionist`s use of a loud voice is against the values of respect and privacy advocated in health and social care. Thus, this follows Servellen`s (2007) statement that "differences in values and the inability to understand the messages sent by others are significant because they can produce social distancing" (p.49). Social distancing poses a significant risk for the patient-provider relationship because it fails to cultivate trust and empathy. In the case scenario, the loud voice used by the provider failed to gain the patient`s trust. Further, the role of the individual`s culture and values in communication can be observed in the case when the patient stated that she would only discuss her problems with a female doctor. For most cultures which still observe or emphasize gender differences, such a separation can serve as a barrier in the communication process. This is especially true if, in the case, no lady doctor were available at the time of consult. The patient would have denied the help of a male doctor, and she would have been placed at risk of not being treated. Furthermore, differences in culture more often than not also entail differences in language. Such is the case in the provided scenario, wherein the patient had difficulty in understanding the English language. This difference again posed a barrier to communication wherein the patient was unable to register her arrival in the clinic`s computer. Moreover, the receptionist`s lack of sensitivity towards the need of the patient made matters worse, as reflected by the fact that the patient was not satisfied with the services she had received. Thus, it can be understood that differences in culture and values pose possible barriers for communication. However, it must also be noted that despite these differences, by being open and sensitive to the culture of others, the health or social care provider can greatly help in promoting an effective communication with the patient (Bryan, 2009). Legislation, Charters and Codes of Practice Although seemingly a separate ...
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