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Promotion of Mental Health and Well-Being

Essay Instructions:

This is an essay based on examples from school setting.

Reflection centred on the well-being of a young person or adult in the work place applying the principles of coaching and mentoring and or resilience.

The learning outcomes are:

Lo1 apply theories of coaching and mentoring, resilience and priming of well-being to personal or professional situations.

Lo2 evaluate the effectiveness of support strategies for individuals or group well-being

Lo3 analyse personal skills and qualities in a relation to this approaches.

Introduction: 240 words

Describe the general subject, then briefly summarise the main topics and highlight the central idea or argument of the essay. Can also include the context of the setting or definitions of key research/models

Body 1920 words

Introducing the orgánica al context

Identify the approaches of support

Linking theory to practice when discussing the approaches, thinking about this in the personal and professional context

Apply theories of approaches, possibly examine what has worked before or need adapting

The skills and qualities in relation to these approaches



Briefly re state the main points from the body of the essay and use these to present your summary, possible considerations for the future. Think of the wider implications YOU individuals and the organisation. Highlight contracting views may be the part of your thinking here.

Please keep it in simple words and easy to read and understand.

There shouldn’t be any bullet points. The text should flow all the way through.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Promotion of Mental Health and Wellbeing
Institution Affiliation
Promotion of Mental Health and Wellbeing
According to CDC (Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention), mental health is an individual's emotional, psychological, and social well-being, which affects how they feel, act and think ( CDC,2021). Notably, mental health promotion and well-being involve integrating strategies to increase and encourage protective factors and sustainable healthy behaviors to prevent harm from mental health disorders ( WHO,2022). In addition, mental health promotion aims at reducing the risk factors that can lead to the development of mental disorders. Further, according to WHO, mental health promotion involves creating an environment that encourages a healthy lifestyle through policies and programs emphasizing healthy mental health ( WHO,2022). School institutions provide an excellent environment for such policies and programs on mental health to be implemented. Schools entail an array of professionals equipped with skills and knowledge to deal with mental health awareness among students. Notably, depression, anxiety, stress, and panic attach are the commonly identified mental disorders in a school environment (O'Reilly et al., 2018, pp 649). These mental health challenges negatively affect the concentration and learning success of the students. To deal with the challenges, schools must integrate practices and policies that encourage students' mental health and well-being. Therefore, this paper will address approaches and practices an institution can use to promote the healthy mental health of students using relevant scholarly theories.
Elizabeth, a grade five student was having struggles to concentrate in class. She was distracted and often absent-minded in class. Her grades dropped significantly and could barely finish a single assignment. She appeared withdrawn and other teachers complained about her recent behavior change. She was an excellent student and thus, this change was noticeable. Being one of my best students I took it upon myself to find out what was wrong with her. Through coaching and mentorship principles, I realized she was depressed and going through a difficult face in her life. Her parents were drug addicts and often fought in her presence. It got worse when her parents divorced and she was left with her mother who could barely work as she was an addict. This turn of events affected her emotionally and she could not put up with it. through guidance and counseling, Elizabeth was able to overcome the situation and graduated as one of the best students.
Application of Coaching and mentoring Theories, Mental Health, Resilience, and priming of well-being to personal or professional situations.
Coaching and Mentoring Theories
Bigg's presage-process-product model and Zone of proximal development are mentoring and coaching theories I applied in Elizabeth’s situation. (Freeth & Reeves, 2004, pp 49). Bigg's presage, process, and product is a mode of teaching and learning that examines the nature of the learning environment established to enhance and promote collaborative teaching. It consists of three phases; presage ( pre-learning), process ( learning in progress), and product ( outcome ) of learning. Additionally, the model provides a clear understanding of students' learning perspectives, teaching environments, strategies, and outcomes. The presage phase shows the student's existing abilities, skills, and knowledge in mentoring and coaching. The framework enabled me to collaborate with Elizabeth as I understood she was one of the best students and the sudden change required an alternative strategy. I offered a free tutorial to Elizabeth and made her understand I was there for her whenever she needed help.
Further, the theory determines students' existing abilities, knowledge, and skills and how to improve performance in a professional environment (Ginns et al., 2013b, pp 487). Bigg's 3P model has been demonstrated to be effective throughout learning history. Professionals can perceive students' attitudes toward learning by evaluating their performance, skills, and abilities. The model was effective as eventually, Elizabeth improved her grades. Also, I realized Elizabeth had a positive perception of learning and wished to do well in her education to improve the situation of her parents.
On the other hand, the Zone of the proximal development model is defined as the difference between what a student can do without assistance and what they can do with professional assistance or collaboration with more capable peers( Billings & Walqui,2017). The primary concept is that a more capable individual influences learning by guiding and encouraging students through tasks somewhat above their capabilities. This framework impacts education positively by establishing self-reliance techniques of teaching. Professionally, educators teach students by subjecting them to consistent education, which increases competence and resilience. Thus framework worked for Elizabeth's case as required assistance with the lessons she had ignored earlier. She was a capable student but always came to the teachers and teaching staff for assistance when she experienced difficulties. Further, I linked her to another student who helped her in mathematics.
Mental Health Theories
Different theories about mental health originate from different scholars: behaviorism, cognitive, humanistic, biological, and psychodynamic elaborate further on mental health. Consequently, schools play a significant role in the growth and development of students and their mental health status. Schools provide holistic school-based interventions suitable for mental health and well-being through different approaches such as counseling and mental health awareness and interventions. Therefore, psychotherapy theories are the most applicable theories in a school environment. Psychotherapy theories allow the therapist to analyze patients’ behavior, thoughts, and feelings and find out what they can do to help clients navigate their situations (Northwestern Counselling, 2021). The cognitive theory addresses how individual thinking can change their feelings and behavior. For instance, after Elizabeth’s parents divorced, she felt no need to continue working hard as she wanted to be the best in both parents’ eyes. Her grades deteriorated and becoming aggressive. Through counseling, she was able to overcome all these, and with time she regained her zeal.
The cognitive theory was developed in the 1960s by Aaron Beck (Northwestern Counselling, 2021). According to research, the cognitive theory is brief and focuses on present situations, which makes it appropriate to solve mental illness disorders, such as anxiety, grief, personality, eating, and substance use disorders, through cognitive behavioral therapy ( CBT). Cognitive theories allow patients to talk about their feelings to the therapist in an open session. This improves how individuals feel, and they can overcome whatever challenges they face through talking. In addition, CBT holds that our thoughts. 
In addition, CBT holds that our thoughts, feelings, body sensation, and behaviors are connected, and what we think and do affects what we feel. Also, CBT has proven effective in promoting healthy mental health and well-being (Whalley, 2020). Therefore at professional levels, institutions should hire mental health professionals and trained counselors to provide guidance and counseling to individuals and their families. Consequently, effective guidance and counseling promote mental health and well-being, which helps individuals to be effective socially, economically, and politically. Further, for the success of this approach, teaching comprehensive health programs and policies, resilience, safety, and health education are significant factors to consider. Thus, this approach is considered a holistic approach to promoting mental health and well-being. For instance, metacognition is an approach that can be used in education for professionals to evaluate learning and strategies applicable in a class by offering private sessions for groups or individuals.
According to American Psychology Association ( APA), resilience is the ability to adapt successfully to challenging life experiences thro...
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