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Communication in Golf Coaching

Essay Instructions:

2,000 Word Essay


UK Coaching suggest that “communicating effectively is one of the distinguishing factors of an expert coach. It has been described as a skill that separates the novice coach from the great one” (SCUK, 2014).

Webster (2009) found expert golf instructors would routinely ask purposeful questions of students to prompt student communication.

Good communication skills can help to create a rewarding coaching experience for the coach, and at the same time help the player excel in a sport in a multitude of ways.


Write a 2,000 word essay in which you:

Discuss the importance of having good communication skills as a golf coach, specifically whilst delivering golf coaching sessions.

Open, Closed and Leading Questions are three different forms of questioning. Explain the purpose of each type of question, when and why they might be used within a golf coaching session (group or individual) and provide applied examples for each question form.

Explain the importance of listening as a coach in a coaching session. Provide a summary of the characteristics that may be exhibited by a coach who is considered to be ‘actively listening’, and provide one example of a verbal behaviour, and one example of a non-verbal behaviour, that would suggest a coach is ‘actively listening’.

Use research to support your answers and provide applied examples where possible. Research can be found on your online learning platform. Refer to the references and further reading at the end of the learning material pdf’s for further information. You may also use pictures and/or diagrams to help enrich your answer if you wish. Make sure you include an Introduction and Conclusion within your essay.

Key Resources:

The resources and further reading provided in the November ‘Communication’ section should be your first, but not only source of support. There are numerous additional resources signposted (articles, book chapters, videos) that will help you with this assessment.

Golf Coaching / PGA Applied Coaching Assignment (2022.23)

Specific Assignment Checklist

This checklist has been compiled to guide you with your Year 2 Golf Coaching assignment.

To give yourself the best chance of scoring well in this assignment, try to tick as many boxes as possible for each section. Please note, ticking all the boxes will not guarantee top marks as the quality of your work is also very important.

E-Learning & Research

In addition to conducting in-depth secondary research, I have viewed:

 The information and resources relating to Communication – including verbal and non-verbal behaviours

 The information and resources relating to Questioning

 The information and resources specific to Listening

 The information and resources relating to Types of communication typically seen in a coaching environment

 The Key Task Word document

 The Referencing Guide in study skills section

Structure and Presentation

 My essay includes an Introduction, Main Body and Conclusion

 My essay is written in the 3rd person

 My essay is within 10% (+/-) of the word count and I have put the word count on the first page

 The file size of my assignment is under 19mb

 My essay is written in black Arial font

 My essay is written in font size 12 and the text has been justified with double line spacing

 My work is presented professionally and is well organised

 My essay does not have any spelling or grammatical errors

Essay Content

 I have introduced the reader to the topics covered in the essay

 I have discussed why it is important for golf coaches to have goodcommunication skills whilst delivering golf coaching sessions

 I have explained the purpose of open, closed and leading questions andwhen and why they might be used within a golf coaching session (group orindividual)

 I have provided applied examples of open, closed and leading questions

 I have explained the importance of listening in a coaching session, and provided

a summary of the characteristics of someone who is actively listening is offered.

 I have linked my answer on listening to one or more examples of verbal and non-verbal behaviours

 I have concluded the content of the assignment

 I have used relevant and up to date research and references throughout myassignment

Word Count Guidance

 I have written around 150 words for my Introduction

 I have written around 300 words for Task 1

 I have written around 700 words for Task 2

 I have written around 700 words for Task 3

 I have written around 150 words for my Conclusion

Golf Coaching / PGA Applied Coaching Assignment (2022.23)

Specific Assignment Checklist


 All sources I have used are cited in the main body using the Harvard

Referencing System

 My referencing style is consistent

Essay Sample Content Preview:

By (Name)
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Communication in Golf Coaching
Communication is critical in any coaching environment. Good communication skills are essential for any golf coach, as they enable them to effectively instruct, motivate their players, deliver coaching sessions, and help players improve their game. Good communication skills are essential to convey information and instructions to golfers during coaching sessions effectively. It can include explaining a golf swing's proper techniques and mechanics, providing feedback on a golfer's performance, and offering guidance and support to help golfers improve their game (Stone et al., 2021, p.637). A good golf coach must possess strong communication skills, including the ability to ask open, closed, and leading questions and the ability to actively listen during coaching sessions. Active listening, which involves verbal and non-verbal behaviors that show the coach is engaged and attentive, is crucial for effective coaching and can improve the coaching experience for both the coach and the golfer.
Open, Closed, and Leading Questions
Open, closed, and leading questions are different types of questions that can be used in various situations, including during a golf coaching session.
Open questions are broad and allow the person being questioned to give a detailed response. These questions can be used to encourage the person being coached to think more deeply about a topic and provide more information about their thoughts and feelings (O'Connell and Palmer, 2018, p.276). For example, a golf coach might ask an open question during a coaching session: "How do you feel about your performance on the course today?" They are used by coaches to open up a dialogue with their players and to encourage them to think deeper about the subject matter. Open questions cannot be answered with a yes or no, and require the player to provide more detail in their response (O'Connell and Palmer, 2018, p.274). The second example of an open question could be, "How can you improve your backswing to help you hit the ball further?" Another example might be, "How do you feel about your recent performance?" This question allows the golfer to express their thoughts and feelings and provides the coach with valuable information that can tailor the coaching session to the golfer's needs and goals.
Closed questions can be answered with a simple "yes" or "no" or precise information. These questions can be used to gather specific information quickly or to confirm something the coach already suspects. They are also useful for confirming something the speaker already suspects (Kho et al., 2019, p.1117). For example, if a coach suspects a player has been injured, they might ask a closed question like "Are you injured?" to confirm their suspicion quickly. Another example, a closed question that a golf coach might ask during a coaching session might be, "Did you remember to align your feet properly on your last shot?" Coaches use them to gain specific information from their players. Another example of a closed question could be, "Have you been practicing your putting this week?"
Leading questions are phrased in a way that suggests a particular answer. These questions can be used to steer the conversation in a specific direction or to encourage the person being coached to consider a specific perspective. For example, a leading question that a golf coach might ask during a coaching session might be: "Have you ever considered trying a different grip on your club to improve your accuracy?" Another example of a leading question could be, "What do you think you need to do to improve your driving accuracy?" Leading questions are phrased to guide the player toward a specific answer or solution. Leading questions can be useful in coaching situations because they can help to clarify the person's thoughts and feelings and can also help to encourage them to think more deeply about a particular issue or problem (Kho et al., 2019, p.1125). However, it is important to use leading questions carefully and thoughtfully, as they can also be manipulative or biased if not used appropriately. In general, it is best to use leading questions to gently guide the conversation, rather than trying to force the person being coached to come to a particular conclusion.
Overall, the purpose of using different types of questions during a coaching session is to help the coach better understand the thoughts, feelings, and experiences of the person being coached and to guide the conversation in a way that is productive and helpful for the individual's development as a golfer. Using the questions in a coaching session encourages players to think more deeply about their game and find solutions to any problems they may have (Kho et al., 2019, p.1120). Open questions stimulate discussion and allow players to think deeper about the subject. Closed questions can be used to gain specific information from the player and to help the coach understand where the player is at in their development. Leading questions can direct the player toward a specific answer or solution and give the coach a clearer understanding of the player's thought process.
The Importance of Good Communication Skills as a Golf Coach
Good communication skills are essential for any golf coach, enabling them to instruct and motivate their players effectively. Golf coaches must be able to communicate with their players in a clear, concise, and effective manner to ensure that their players can understand their instructions and make the necessary improvements (Van den Berg and De Villiers, 2022, p.146). The ability to communicate effectively is key for a golf coach, as it will allow them to effectively explain the concepts and technicalities of the game and give their players the confidence to try new things and take risks. Good communication skills are also essential for golf coaches to create and maintain a positive relationship with their players. A golf coach must be able to create an environment of trust and respect and be able to communicate effectively with their players to build a strong bond. It will enable the coach to get the most out of their players, as they will be more likely ...
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