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Lesson Plan for Reception Children: Identifying Living and Non-Living Things

Essay Instructions:

Lesson plan for a small group of children from the Early Years Foundation Stage or Key Stage One (up to 500 words)

Written rationale to explain the lesson plan (1000 words)

The total word-limit for the lesson plan and rationale is 1500 words in total.

To support you, there are detailed instructions below which you should follow carefully. You will explore four different groups of children in tutor-led sessions, but can review these at any time. You will plan a Science and/or Technology learning activity (lesson plan) for one of these groups.

Please read the description of the class. You will need to provide a Science and/or Technology lesson for a small group of Reception children. In the group:

Child A has English as an additional language (EAL) but enjoys practical activities.

Child B and Child C are already achieving ‘exceeding’ in the Early Learning Goals for ‘Understanding the World’ and ‘Technology’ and are very confident learners.

Child D lacks confidence and needs lots of encouragement to try new things but with support, can often achieve the learning objectives in practical tasks.

Child E prefers indoor activities and is often playing in the domestic role-play area during self-initiated learning but is very capable.

Child F in the group needs lots of support, particularly with language and communication skills as they often struggle to articulate their thoughts. The teacher has found that in group tasks, this child often waits for the other children to ‘answer questions’ and can be reluctant to participate.

While this activity is delivered by the teacher, the rest of the class will be supported by the class teaching assistant who will support children in self-initiated play.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Institution Name:
Student's Name:
Lesson Plan for Reception children. Title: Identity what is living and non-living things. Lesson Plan (this should not exceed 500 words or one page) Learning Objectives (child-speak):Define the terms "living" and "non-living" organisms.
Sort things into living and non-living categories.
Determine the requirements for living beings to live.
To encourage creative communication, children should interact with one another to debate whether something is living or non-living.To make them global collaborators: By communicating with others and engaging successfully in class.
Promote, encourage, and shape creative and imaginative thought and resourcefulness in students to enhance and stimulate their learning and creativity.
DM/NC links: Learning Outcomes (teacher-speak):-Students will have the capabilities to distinguish between living and non-living things.Students will have the capabilities to specify what livings things need to survive.-Students will be able to collaborate effectively with each other and in groups during class lessons to present their thoughts and understanding of the physical environment.- Students will be able to express themselves freely. Cross-curricular links:
Introduction (Teacher Led)To illustrate the lesson to the students, the teacher will utilize diagrams and different objects and organisms, and the teacher will then give out one example of what is a living thing and what isn't. The teacher will guide the students in an exercise that relates to the subject and the expectation. Challenge: To maintain the attention of students during the administering of instructions. Support: Be encouraging.Set goals that are attainable.Build on the strengths of the students. Assessment: Main Activity (Independent / adult guided)Play a film in front of the entire class on the monitor.After the clip has concluded, ask the students to answer comprehension questions regarding it.
Describe the theoretical definitions of living and non-living to learners.
The teacher will require some cards for the next activity, which will include the names of various things such as a lion, chair, tree, child, shoe, and so on. Make sure the cards are more than 10.
Then, one after the other, call out to each pupil and request them to pick a card.Request that the student looks at the card and sketch what is printed on the paper.After the pupil has completed the sketch, the teacher must inquire whether it is living or non-living.After each sketch, inquire as to whether the student believes it is a living or non-living entity.Collaboration among students is encouraged.
Challenge:Students are paying attention.
Students understand what the objective is. Support:Give them time to reflect.
Pair them up so that they can talk it out.
Avoid yes or no questions. Assessment:The students must distinguish between living and non-living objects.Students would be able to differentiate between living and non-living entities by giving examples.
Ask learners these following questions: What is alive?What's not alive?Is it true that anything that is living moves?End  Direct a review after the lesson to determine whether the students have grasped the content and its purpose. Challenge:
Assessment: Ask each student what they learned from the lesson using short verbal quizzes.
RationaleLearners will learn about the variances between living and non-living entities in this class. They'll be able to tell the distinctions between living and non-living organisms. They will collect information to get a greater understanding of whether something is alive or not by seeing video clips and engaging in exercises. The importance of the learners' participation in the class cannot be overstated. I included a video because this will better encourage students to participate, which will boost their morale. Another reason why I believe that including a video in this lesson is a fantastic idea because students would be able to grasp the principle further if they can see it. Short video clips, according to studies, make for further efficient playback and recollection. Short clips cater to a wider audience due to its visual and auditory features, permittin...
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