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An Analysis of Human Development: A Case of Susan Miller

Essay Instructions:

I will attach everything in word documents. i need about 2 pages added on to what is already written and some changed as well. i will attach what has already been written and guidance on what to add and what to change.

To support you with understanding and using your feedback, and our commitment to high quality marking, we have grouped your summary feedback into four sections.  Approximately 25% of your work will be close marked. The number of comments may vary depending on the quality of your work and the grade band your work falls into. You have also had the opportunity to receive formative feedback through tutorials for this module.

1)    Learning Outcomes and Grade information

LO1 - Relates to knowledge and understanding – reflect on key factors influencing children’s physical, social and emotional development.

Feedback on LO2: this work demonstrates a limited knowledge base and understanding of the factors influencing the physical, social and emotional development of the chosen case study child. Met

LO3 - Relates to knowledge and understanding – present and analyse evidence which examines children’s physical, social and emotional development.

Feedback on LO2: this work demonstrates a limited analysis of evidence of which examines children’s physical, social and emotional development, with reference to the chosen case study child.


LO4 - Relates to knowledge and understanding – demonstrate an understanding of safeguarding for children.

Feedback on LO2: this work demonstrates a limited knowledge base and understanding of safeguarding for children with reference to the chosen case study child.


2)    Structure, formatting, language and referencing

Structure: Your assignment is adequately structured in an article format.

 The word count stated on the cover sheet of this assignment is 1102; the word count that comes up on Turnitin is 1078: either way, it is extremely difficult to meet the learning outcomes to even a basic standard with so few words. And what you have written is descriptive: your brief discussion of theory does not mention the case study child, and your discussion of the child has no references to theory. The whole point of this assignment is to analyse how theoretical perspectives can be used to help us understand the problems that this child is facing. Please attend to the actions above as a matter of urgency.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
059055Perspectives on the Child 1Summative AssessmentTheme Two: Case Study EssaySID: 2007500Word Count: 1747Chosen Case Study: Susan Miller2020/2100Perspectives on the Child 1Summative AssessmentTheme Two: Case Study EssaySID: 2007500Word Count: 1747Chosen Case Study: Susan Miller2020/21
An Analysis of Human Development: A Case of Susan Miller
Children undergo various developmental stages through experiences that help them make decisions at present and in the future. The development encompasses physical, cognitive, and psychosocial changes. To understand the events that surround these phenomena, this paper shall associate the developmental stages and patterns together with the perspectives of a child, in the case of Susan Miller.
Classification of Human Development and Analysis of Susan’s Case
There are several classifications of human development. First, physical development refers to the alterations in physical form, motor skills, senses, brain functioning, and health and wellness (Shute and Slee, 2015. p. 4). Second, cognitive development encompasses attention, learning, memory, reasoning, thinking, language, and creativity. Third, psychosocial development encompasses personality, emotions, and social relationships. The three domains are interlinked and develop simultaneously (Pem, 2015, p. 2573).
Concerns on Miller’s Development
Susan Miller’s developmental problems were evident in the case. Despite being six years old, she also has difficulty holding her pencil, showing poor fine motor skills. She was also mentioned to have mild physical disabilities. Moreover, the cognitive-developmental problems include difficulty concentrating, as seen with her struggle to finish jigsaw puzzles while working with the educator or listening during group storytime. Furthermore, she also has psychosocial problems such that her social relationship with peers is poor, she needs constant commendation from her teacher, and she takes her father’s warning as a joke.
Attention Span. The average attention span of six-year-olds is approximately twelve to eighteen minutes CITATION Bra21 \l 1033 (Brain Balance Achievement Centers, 2021). Segal-Triwitz et al. (2016) explained that a shorter attention span might be linked to psychiatric disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which can only be up to two minutes in a twenty-minute activity. Regarding Susan’s case, the child cannot concentrate for approximately five minutes or less because group story and completing the jigsaw puzzle requires a short time.
Fine Motor Skills. Visser et al. (2016) studied the hand manipulation techniques of six to seven-year-old primary school children. The results revealed that 98.3% and 94% of the six- and seven-year-old participants, respectively, showed an efficient pencil grasp. Kid Sense (2021) also iterated that the tripod grasp used to hold the pencil should have been developed by four to five years of age. This means that Susan, being a six-year-old, has a developmental delay.
Psychosocial Issues. Two of the most significant concepts related to the case are temperament, which is the child’s natural response to the world’s stimuli and his interaction with the environment, and attachment, which is the bonding of the child with others, which begins to develop at birth with the bonding given by the mother. Temperament can be classified into three, namely, easy or flexible, which describes children who are compliant, friendly, and easy-going; active or feisty, which describes children who are non-compliant, feisty, and apprehensive to the new environment and people; and slow to warm-up or cautious, which describes children who are shy and withdrawn to unknown situations (Malik and Marwaha, 2021). Susan’s temperament can be classified as cautious since she tends to disregard the treatment of her peers, despite being bullied. Instead, she asks for constant validation from her teachers. However, her actions are different in front of her father, where she can be classified as flexible, as she follows what her father says and does not take offense even to violence. There is no need for validation from the father because she is probably appeased by whatever her father tells her based on assessment.
Related Theories
Fundamental development theories explain the changes children go through as they grow, and they center on aspects including physical, cognitive, and emotional growth. Erickson’s Psychosocial Developmental Theory focuses on social interaction and conflicts that arise in different stages of development to describe growth and change throughout life (Shute and Slee, 2015. p. 142).
Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development explains the stages by which an individual develops cognitive function based on the nature of human intelligence. It describes how humans obtain, formulate, and utilize information (Ahmad et al., 2016).
Lastly, social learning theory entails that people learn based on their observation of the world and others. Their characteristics will be based on their environment, perception of others, and motivation to mimic their visualized behaviors (Edinyang, 2016).
Issues with Susan’s Case
Susan is already at the stage of industry versus inferiority. This stage is characterized by building self-confidence by indulging oneself in complex tasks and mastering novelty. The adult’s commendations matter as this helps boost their self-esteem (Cherry and Morin, 2020). Susan demonstrated poor self-confidence, as manifested by her constant need to be defended by her teacher. She hides behind the teacher’s shadow and fails to stand up for herself, especially when her peers ridicule her. Moreover, her problems with concentration affect her skill development, as manifested by her difficulty in finishing a jigsaw puzzle, which is an easy task for her age.
Furthermore, based on Piaget’s theory, Susan has reached the preoperational stage, which ranges from age two to seven years. It is characterized by the inability to fully understand concrete logic, lack of excellent information interpretation, and failure to assume other people’s points of view (Cherry and Susman, 2021).
Susan demonstrated this stage as she was not able to interpret the stimulus with logic. For instance, when she hears loud music and doors banging, she interprets these as her father’s friends coming in and out of the door. However, this may mean that her father is already hitting on her stepsisters, as she once sent Susan to school with a black eye. Additionally, she interprete...
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