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Approaches for Supporting and Understanding Behavior in Context

Essay Instructions:

identifying and explaining approaches, policies practices and skills required relevant to supporting and understanding behavior in a specif context. provide behavior strategies to improve the outcomes and support learners. Assignment should be coherent: focused on a key topic that needs to clearly outline in paragraphs. opening and closing sentences. The following topics and paragraphs but do not use subheadings. include the following to meet the outcomes:
-identify policies/approaches for supporting and understanding behavior in context
- A consideration of the behavior challenges faced in the workplace
- Evidence of incidents of good and poor behavior management
- Highlight a practitioner's role for supporting behavior for effective learning
- ideas how behavior might be managed more effectively
- supported by educational theory and academic references
paragraphs of 200 to 400 words depending on key point, supported by 2+ references per paragraph.
use as many resources as possible to support the assignment.
i would like to have my draft in before hand
The content of the essay and sources to support the ideas are in American. I would like to have in UK style as well as the sources to support the essay.

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Human behaviour proves very different depending on the environmental setup they are subject to. In this case, behaviour defines attributes and personal values for any individual, identifying how they relate to the community and places of work. Human behaviour is subjective and tends to illustrate how people think of themselves CITATION Sag17 \l 1033 (Sagiv, 2017). Human behaviour influences their action, and there it is fundamentally critical to understand their behaviour and document factors that contribute to such behaviours and formulate strategies that can be utilised in place to change the behaviour. The behaviour of mankind has evolved in the history of mankind. Archaeologists have well-documented evolution since the identification of the first site at Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania CITATION Pot17 \l 1033 (Potts, 2017). For this study, workers’ behaviour at flower farms was analysed and considered for the causes of their behaviour, theories, and strategies. The categories are classified as bad and good and remedies that can be implemented.
The world has become a very competitive hub, and every organisation gears towards profitability. Due to this insight, companies are seeking to remain relevant, and everyone wants to lead in their business field. For this to be realised, companies need to have a competitive edge, and one way is to have excellent reliable management that can come up with good strategic decisions. Therefore, such companies concentrate on specifying and adhering to strategic management in order to reach their long-term goals (Morden, 2017).
Management of organisational behaviour refers to a continuous process aiming to align individual behaviours, skills, organisation’s plans with the environment of operation so as to have the maximum benefits as much as possible. This is because the market has had an increase in competition due to the changing customer preferences as well as technological change (Ansoff, Kipley, Lewis & Helm-Stevens, 2018). This study focuses on the need for organisational behaviour management, which requires implementing strategies that can aid the achievement of crucial results in the firm based on the organisation’s principles and various supported theories. Therefore, strategic management is applicable in aligning the corporate strategy to the changing environment (Morden, 2017).
Supporting and Understanding Behavior
There are different factors that influence employees’ behaviours at the workplace. The working environment that employees work in can influence their behaviour. This is mainly related to job satisfaction at the places of work. The staff who are feeling unsatisfied at the workplace tend to have negativity as they feel their competence is not matched with their effort at work. Job satisfaction is highly influenced by the level of remuneration, the working environment, the organisation staff’s management style, and the freedom of interaction at the workplace.
Mental strain at the workplace can highly influence the behaviour of people at the workplace. This highly affects their wellbeing and influences their behaviour which can be felt at the workplace. The mental strain can be attributed to bullying and work overload at places of work. In an environment where workers feel they are bullied, they tend to rebel both against their management but also to their colleagues. In most mental strain cases, the employee feels less motivated and perceives their roles with less significance CITATION Sag17 \l 1033 (Sagiv, 2017). This, in most cases, results in lower productivity and, at times, resignation and desertion of duty. Some behaviours at the workplace are influenced by peer pressure when newly employees tend to borrow some behaviours from their colleagues. In most organisations, this happens to influence behaviour.
The various behaviour and understanding theories include the Person environment theory, which is built on the premise that people tend to flourish in an environment that fits them and is compatible with their skills, interests, and other characteristics CITATION Mil17 \l 1033 (Milliman, 2017). In the workplace context, if the worker fits in the environment, they tend to have positive values and are encouraged to enhance their skills and increase their level of interaction. The employees can be able to mentor each other, and all tend to work towards achieving their set individual goals and the company. An organisation that thrives on growth should be able to analyse the environment where the workers are subjected and try to link and understand how it relates to the behaviour. Wok place spirituality is a close theory on the Peron Environment Fit that examines the humanistic nature of the workplace and looks at how employees appear.
Motivation theory has been documented in learning but can highly relate to the workplace environment. Motivation has a deep connection at the workplace due to individual aspirations and achievements that they wish to fulfil in life. In this perspective, an organisation can put a rewards mechanism for the staff that looks at issues that, when improved, can significantly influence behaviour at the workplace. The motivation approach should be very transparent enough with clear guidelines on the parameter. Highly motivated staff have a greater sense of belonging and would positively promote their personal aspiration and that of the organisation.
The aspect of workforce disengagement influences productivity levels at the workplace that eventually costs the organisation millions of shillings. This can be attributed to the low morale at the workplace, and they no longer consider their work as a calling. In the United States, Disengaged employees cost us corporation $350 million annually CITATION Osb17 \l 1033 (Osborne, 2017). Engagement is considered one of the most significant concepts in management CITATION Bai17 \l 1033 (Bailey, 2017). It is viewed as a personal emotional effort to work and has been considered to increase organisational performance.
A theoretical framework has been considered in the definition of engagement; one definition is on the job demand, which considers resources foster engagement yield positive outcomes. The second most widely used is social exchange theory that focuses on reciprocity CITATION Bai17 \l 1033 (Bailey, 2017). Employees who feel highly valued by their employers tend to give in more at their places of work. Engagement, when it turns out to be negative at the workplace, impacts highly on the behaviour. There will be feeling where no identity is associated with the organisation, and this impacts their behaviour.
When employees are engaged, they feel they are part of the company and open up on the issues that affect them. The management, from time through an open forum or through representatives, should engage their staff. This perspective boosts the morale of the work posts and refine their values at the workplace. Engagement can be better achieved if the policies are well documented, and there is the provision from time to time to review based on evolving human practices. Many companies within the Human Resource system have efforts to incorporate employee engagement as part of policy implementation. Most new projects and initiatives rolled the employees are engaged closely for successful outcomes (Ansoff et al., 2018).
Psychological support provides another strategy that can be put in place at the workplace to manage their behaviour. Mental strain at work affects the physical and mental wellbeing of any workforce. A support mechanism should be put in place to help address employees who suffer from psychological issues. Some of the issues could emanate beyond the office environment but can take a toil on their behaviour. Counselling support allows people to open up and share what is affecting them. Peer counsellors can be mentored among their staff levels and engaged CITATION Bai17 \l 1033 (Bailey, 2017).
Policies and approaches to support behaviour provide for effectiveness in support for the development of integral behaviours through training. Training offer skills to staff at the workplace and influences how they interact. The training focuses on addressing certain behaviours which the organisation identifies and promotes. Such an inclination helps in cultivating a culture of acceptability and image of the organisation since it considers core values in business conduct both within and without the organisation (Ansoff et al., 2018). The training can be continuously conducted for the new staff and can be done at different levels. Leadership training is key to the senior staff to increase their human re...
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