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Evaluation of Knowledge in Mathematics, Language and Literacy, and Science

Essay Instructions:

Part 1: An evaluation of my mathematics, language and literacy and science subject knowledge (1000 words)

i. My evaluation

Based on your three audits, summarise and give specific reasons for your areas of strength and your areas for development in these three subjects.

Your writing should draw on the comments you made in your reflections after carrying out the audits in Block 1.

ii. Working together and my plan

Complete two tables

Include a short-term personal development plan in Table 1 in the TMA 01 Workbook with:

two specific targets to improve your subject knowledge in mathematics

two specific targets to improve your subject knowledge in language and literacy

two specific targets to improve your subject knowledge in science

a brief outline of how you plan to reach each of these targets.

You may find it useful to:

read this OpenLearn resource on setting SMART (Specific, Measureable, Agreed, Realistic, Time limited) targets

revisit Activity 1.1, which introduced you to personal development planning.

Table 1 should account for at least 250 words but not more than 500 words of Part 1 of TMA 01.

To complete Table 2, copy and paste text from your messages in your tutor group forum (TGF) regarding subject knowledge development. Select text from TWO discussions about Activities 2.4 or 3.4 or 4.4. This text will include examples of your interaction on the tutor group forum. The text in Table 2 is NOT included in the word count.

Part 1 is worth 50% of your overall mark for TMA 01.

Part 2: Pedagogy, subject knowledge and the curriculum in a practice setting (1000 words)

How are mathematics, language and literacy and science offered to learners in a primary practice setting?

Draw on the key points of the interviews you carried out in a school or similar setting, your specific experiences and module or other materials to discuss and analyse your descriptions. Consider how practitioner subject knowledge is used to support children’s learning.

If you are unable to conduct interviews with practitioners, use the Block 1 Practice-setting audio/video materials to complete this assignment.

Remember to work within ethical guidelines.

Part 2 is worth 50% of your overall mark for TMA 01.

Part 3: Academic language and learning checklist and Marking grid

Complete the self-assessment Academic language and learning checklist. This will help you to review your TMA against the assessment criteria that your tutor will use to grade your work. Your checklist does not form part of the word count, but it is important to complete and submit it in order that you reflect on your learning and fully meet grading criteria.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

By (Name)
Class (Course)
Professor (Tutor)
School (University)
City and State
Part 1: An Evaluation of my Mathematics, Language and Literacy and Science Subject Knowledge
* My Evaluation
My strength in mathematics is the knowledge and understanding of the nature and importance of numeracy across the curriculum. Being numerate is a significant life skill that permeates all life aspects. One area of strength for me in mathematics based on the math audit is decimals because I understand how to do the algorithm and memorize the essential decimals easily. Since my teacher introduced me to decimals, I have enjoyed solving them the moment I learned how to solve mathematical problems related to decimals. When we began this unit, I was ecstatic before I had done this before. That section helps me learn more ways of solving problems.
Another area of strength for me is calculation strategies because I can work out the provided calculations in my head. Mathematics is about calculations, and I am sure that I can solve all the provided calculations without using a calculator. Calculating mathematical problems has always been an exciting part of my math lessons. When I come across any mathematical calculation, I am always eager to find the answer. There is no simple math problem that can defeat me.
Another area of strength is units of measurement because I can provide the standard metric unit for measuring length, mass, capacity, volume, area, and time. Liquid capacity is measured in liters (l), volume is measured in cubic units, the area is measured in square units, while time is measured in seconds. These examples show that I have strong skills in units of measurements.
My development area is vocabulary check-up because I am learning to understand and write definitions of mathematical terms like integer, numeral, digit, place holder, and rational number. Another area of development is statistics. I used to have problems with statistics, but I am learning to understand this topic. My teacher has taught me about types of data and ways of representing data. Initially, I had a problem working out statistics. However, I am confident that I am advancing in this area because my teacher has subjected me to this topic.
When it comes to language and literacy, my area of strength is narrative voice and figurative language because I can identify the narrative voice used in the provided extracts, whether it is first person, second person, or third person. Another area is subject and object. I can identify the subject and the object in a sentence. For example, in the sentence, ''He was picking up the attaché case, the subject is the person represented by pronoun ''he'' whereas the object is the attaché case.
My vocabulary is also strong because I can speak fluently and coherently with the correct choice of words. Despite being fluent in English, I sometimes struggle with punctuating sentences. However, I am making an effort to understand different punctuation marks and how they are used correctly. This is my area of development in language and literacy because I have shown improvement in punctuating work. Today, I can write an essay or a story with minimum punctuation errors.
Regarding science, the audit shows that I am strong in the following areas: plant reproduction, diet, classification, ecology, water and nutrition, and blood circulation in the human body. This is because I can answer all questions in each area. For instance, I know the meaning of a balanced diet under diet and its importance to health. On plant reproduction, I can explain the pollination process and how a flower is adapted to be pollinated by insects. Many questions are asked in these topics, but I do not doubt that I can tackle them.
However, body processes, skeletal and muscles, and evolution and inheritance, the earth and space are my areas of development because I am doing more research to understand them. Since these areas are broad, I have to dedicate my time to research them. I cannot develop my knowledge in these areas without extensive reading and research. Apparently, answering questions in the science audit is quite challenging, which is why I have to develop my knowledge and understanding of them. With a good grasp of these contents, I can foster people's natural curiosity and help them investigate the world around them.
* Working Together and My Plan
Table 1
Specific short-term targets

Action required

Target dates for action


i. Develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to pursue further studies in mathematics.

Join a mathematics association. Mathematics association has a team of mathematicians who will assist me in developing the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to pursue further studies in mathematics. The association encourages teamwork and information sharing. Information sharing helps in acquiring new knowledge and obtaining ideas and opinions from other people.


ii. Use appropriate mathematical concepts and skills to solve familiar and unfamiliar problems, including those in real-life contexts.

Practice math in everyday scenarios. As the adage says, practice makes perfect. Practicing math every day will make me familiar with different math problems. It will also drive me to perfection. Perfection will enable me to use mathematical concepts and skills to solve familiar and unfamiliar problems.


Language and literacy

i.Develop effective communication skills

Practice active listening and public speaking. This action promotes confidence in learning English. Active listening will help me identify how people speak, their vocabulary, and their choice of words. Paying attention to other people's speech will improve my literacy and help me develop effective communication skills. Practicing public speaking will help me choose the correct words in my speech and avoid using jargon and slang. It also builds confidence. It is an ingredient for effective communication.


ii. Become a more sophisticated and flexible reader and writer

Read as many books, newspapers, magazines, and stories as possible. Reading more books widens our knowledge and perceptions. It makes us identify the writing styles of the best writers and adopt them in our work.


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