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Digital Teaching Enhancing the Engagement in Face to Face Teaching

Essay Instructions:

Please write following the introduction in doc file I uploaded.

What is student engagement?

Why in further education college GCSE resit students are not engaged with maths?

Theoretical rationale for using digital tools in teaching and learning

Literature view about students’ engagement , the disadvantages of traditional face to face learning and the advantages of online engagement and blended learning.

Please Mostly use UK papers not Us papers as reference.

Please don't use too difficult words.

Please refer to the articles and papers published as late as possible.

Please finish as soon as possible .

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Institutional Affiliate
The Potential That Online Digital Teaching Could Enhance the Engagement in Face to Face Teaching to GCSE Re-Sit Groups in College
What is Student Engagement?
Student engagement is a term that has many meanings. As Ashwin and McVitty (2015), the term is not straightforward in what it means, and hence often leads to further debates as and when it is introduced. However, the authors agree that its significance in the education sector overshadows the difficulty to develop or come up with a singular or universally agreed definition. The term is considered a crucial factor in teaching and learning (Ashwin and McVitty, 2015). Rosie (2011) agrees with the above statement noting that student engagement is a key factor in higher education, especially when it comes to developing learning communities. However, the issue has never been with its understanding or significance in the education sector, but with its definition and what the term represents.
Buckley (2014) sheds some light on understanding the term, noting that it represents or encompasses the academic or pedagogical and political aspects. The pedagogical aspect mainly entails the elements of learning, curriculum, teaching, assessment, and even feedback. These are activities that happen in school. On the other hand, the political aspects mainly involve governance issues, for example, student representation. The subjective outlook of the term is that it outlines the idea of students working hard to ensure that they can enhance their understanding and abilities in the classroom. However, as Kuh (2001) explains, student engagement is as much the students' responsibility as it is the institution and the teachers. He explains that both are equally responsible. It is the will, motivation, and determination to actively be involved in their studies for students. On the other hand, for the institution and its staff members, it is their active participation in helping to make sure that students have conducive environments that enhance their commitment to learning.
Why in Further Education College GCSE Resit Students are not engaged with Math?
One of the major issues that could lead to students' lack of engagement in Math is lack of motivation. Motivation is key in learning. A motivated student is likely to push themselves further as they seek to overcome whatever failure they had. However, as Higton et al. (2017, 30) note, "the attitudes and motivations of students to study English and Mathematics in post-16 education are strongly affected by prior learning experiences (including how they were taught), examination outcomes, and future aspirations." The identity of a failure can kill the aspiration to study or improve or even have an interest in pursuing or pushing oneself to be involved. For most students, it is difficult to invoke the motivation to "re-engage with learning" the same subjects one failed (Higton et al., 2017, 30). Students fail for different reasons and having been labelled a failure by a system that is then forcing one to re-sit the same subjects, which happens to further dent students' self-esteem. 
Aside from the lack of motivation, students are also resistant to re-sit or repeat the failed subjects, which leads to a lack of engagement. Higton et al. (2017) capture the aspect of resiting or repetition acting as a reinforcement of "continuing failure." It is crucial to note that this reinforcement is progressive, meaning that as it continues to happen, students further lose their self-confidence and continue to fail. The implication of the above is that the resiting or repetition then happens or appears less impactful. When students are continually reminded of their failure, it becomes difficult to engage in a Math class or participate in class by sharing their views. Ireland (2019) shares the sentiments above, noting that the mandatory requirement to repeat Math leads to resentment behavior from students. Ireland (2019, 27) continues to indicate that the results are usually counter-productive since re-sit student happens to "hold negative beliefs about their ability." Instead of helping students re-engage and showcase their efforts, the resiting and repeating of Math kills their confidence, which further impacts their belief in...
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