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Developing, Using, and Organizing Resources for Upgrading the Science Department

Essay Instructions:

TASK A- 1500 words

 Funding has been allocated to review and develop resources within your specialist (SCIENCE DEPT) area. You have been asked to lead on this project and produce a report.

(You have decided to review your current resources and):

a)      -explain the purpose of resources in teaching and learning (ref. 1.1)

b) - evaluate the effectiveness of specific resources in meeting individual learning needs in teaching and  learning contexts. (ref. 1 2)

The outcome of the review is that new resources are required. In order to design appropriate resources, your report needs to include:

c)-  an analysis of the principles of resource design (ref. 2.1)

d) -an evaluation of sources that inform resource development (ref. 2.2)

e)  -An analysis of how theories, principles and models of inclusive curriculum design can be used to  inform resource development. (ref. 23)

Using the report findings:

f) -Design resources, including those that involve new and emerging technologies, to engage and meet the individual needs of learners (ref. 25)

g)  -Employ resources to engage and meet the individual needs of learners (ref. 2.6)

The evidence for f) and g) will be located in the teaching portfolio of evidence which is Task C.

Having designed and used your resources with learners conclude your report by:

 h)- Analysing ways in which resources can be adapted to enable an inclusive approach. (ref. 2.4)

Your report should be presented in a professional written format of your choice and include evidence of your  research with references. This includes linking research coherently to your writing and using referencing, such as a bibliography, citing and quotes.

96        Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (6502)

Assignment 506 Developing, using and organising resources  within a specialist area



As part of the project, you are required to produce an information booklet in which you:

a)- explain ways in which resources can be classified and stored (ref. 3.1)

b) - review ways of sharing resources with other learning professionals (ref. 3.2)

c)-  review legal requirements and responsibilities relating to the development and use of resources (ref. 4.1)

d) -   analyse the implications of intellectual property rights and copyright for the development and use of resources. (ref. 4.2)

Your information booklet should be presented in a professional written format of your choice and include evidence of your research with references. This includes linking research coherently to your writing and using referencing, such as a bibliography, citing and quotes.

Reflective account and plan    700 WORDS

Provide a reflective account in which you:

a)  evaluate the effectiveness of own practice in relation to development and use of resources to engage and meet the individual needs of learners in own specialist area (ref. 5.1)

b)  identify own strengths and areas for improvement in relation to development and use of resources in own specialist area (ref. 5.2) - (SECONDARY SCHOOL SCIENCE).

c) Produce a plan which identifies opportunities to improve your own skills in the development and use   of resources. (ref. 5.3)

Your reflective account and plan may be presented in any written format of your choice.




(b)…………………etc. to (h).




(c)……………etc. to (d).

TASK D Reflective account and plan




Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Professor’s Name
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Developing, Using, and Organizing Resources for Upgrading the Science Department
Task A
a) Educational resources provide teachers and students with information, tools, and materials that facilitate learning. To make successful teaching and learning, resources are crucial. Textbooks, instructional materials, multimedia devices, internet platforms, software programs, and other items are among them (Knight, 2017). They might be physical or digital. Resources that encourage student collaboration and creativity develop a lively and engaging learning environment. They may be collaborative platforms, questions to start a conversation, group projects, or tools for making and disseminating material. With resources, students can conduct independent research on a subject at their leisure. They provide resources for self-study, practice activities, and references that students can utilize to advance their knowledge and abilities outside the classroom or another structured learning environment. Students may be given challenging challenges, case studies, or stories that demand them to use their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. They urge individuals to reflect on their learning, draw connections, and apply what they know in practical situations.
b) When creating a scientific department, it is essential to consider both the department’s needs and the needs of the individual students when determining how effectively a particular resource will suit their needs. Resources that offer opportunities for formative feedback or have built-in evaluations can be used to track the development of individual learners (Pirani & Hussain, 2019). They should provide students with the ability to receive immediate feedback on their understanding and performance. They can use this information to assess their progress and adjust their learning strategies. People have different ways they like to learn, such as by seeing, hearing, or doing. As shown in the figure below, effective resources should consider these preferences by giving students a variety of ways to interact with the material, such as through text, images, videos, or simulations. This way, students can learn the best way for them. The best way to see how well each student is learning is to use resources with built-in tests or other ways to get direct feedback. They should give students quick feedback on what they understand and how well they do. This will help them figure out where they are weak and change how they study.
Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1: Resources of Teaching and Learning
(Anonymous, n.d)
c) Keeping a few guidelines in mind when creating the appropriate instruments for the science department is crucial. The science program’s objectives and results should correspond to the available resources. They must focus on imparting to students the knowledge, abilities, and concepts that are most crucial. To enable utilization by persons with various learning styles and preferences, information and tasks should be presented in multiple ways in various resources. They may contain text, images, videos, graphics, diagrams, and online communication capabilities that students can use. Use clear headings, subheadings, and style to make it simple for readers to navigate and understand (Li et al., 2019). Interactive resources contain visuals and hands-on activities that pique students’ interest. Materials can be improved by adding multimedia, simulations, and examples from the real world to make them more engaging and practical for students.
d) It is crucial to consider a range of sources while assembling tools for the scientific department. Examining national, state or local curricular frameworks and standards will help you identify the precise subjects, abilities, and outcomes the resources should address. Research papers and academic articles concerning effective scientific teaching practices might be used to develop resources. Teachers and students can benefit from research suggestions for teaching, assessing, and using technology to study science (Hu et al., 2019). Scientific associations, research organizations, universities, and other respectable educational groups and organizations frequently publish resources and research papers that can aid in designing science materials. These resources might include lesson ideas, practices supported by research, or tools for professional development. Effective resource design can benefit from input from seasoned scientific educators, curriculum professionals, or subject matter experts. They can advise on choosing the proper subject matter, pedagogical methods, and teaching techniques.
e) The scientific department can provide resources that cater to the requirements of various students by using theories, principles, and models of inclusive curriculum design. The UDL framework aims to give learners multiple ways to describe, express, and interact with information to fulfill their various needs. Applying UDL principles while creating science materials entails considering numerous ways to deliver information (such as text, photos, and videos) to fit different learning styles and incorporating engaging and interactive elements to engage and motivate students (Tanis, 2020). Additionally, differentiated instruction recognizes that every kid has unique talents, interests, and learning styles. According to culturally relevant pedagogy, A lesson should consider the students’ various cultural backgrounds, experiences, and points of view. Science resources can be created using illustrations, case studies, and scientific contributions from other cultures and groups.
Constructivist ideas stress the importance of teaching based on questions, learning through experience, and doing things to learn. When making science tools, constructivist methods are used so that students can do experiments, ask science questions, and look into how scientific ideas are used in the real world. Open-ended tasks, problem-solving activities, and group projects can all help students build their understanding of scientific phenomena. The SEL movement stresses how important it is to meet students’ social and emotional needs at all stages of their schooling. To successfully combine SEL into science resources, opportunities for reflection, self-evaluation, and working together to learn must be built into the resources. It also means making the classroom a place where students feel comfortable expressing their views, asking questions, and participating in scientific discussions.
Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 2: Students’ Learning Mechanism
(Sheninger, 2012)
f) When creating materials, particularly those that use new and emerging technologies, there are numerous methods to interact with and cater to the specific needs of learners using learning management systems or adaptive learning platforms that may modify content and activities to meet the needs of each student. Ensure each learner receives content and assistance that suits their needs and learning pace (Syafitri & Tressyalina, 2020). These systems can offer tailored recommendations, employ adaptive exams, and monitor progress. Students can learn scientific concepts in a hands-on and engaging way by using interactive simulations and virtual labs. You can use these tools to conduct experiments, record observations, and analyze data securely. Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies can enhance the immersion and involvement of these experiences. Add game-like aspects to the resources to get people more interested and motivated. Use game-like techniques, such as points, levels, awards, or leaderboards, to make people feel like they are making progress and competing with each other. Include educational games or activities like games and give instant feedback and rewards. This will encourage active participation and make learning fun. Include a variety of multimedia material, like videos, animations, infographics, and interactive presentations, so that people with different learning styles can find something that works for them. Multimedia tools can show information differently, making it easier for visual and auditory learners to understand and more interesting. They can also help people understand and remember hard science ideas.
g) It is crucial to monitor the effectiveness of your tools by asking students for input, looking at performance data, and conducting periodic reviews. It enables ongoing development and adjustments to serve each student’s needs better. They utilized technological resources such as platforms and applications supporting individual learning. Learning management systems, online assessment platforms, and adaptive learning software can provide suggestions, track student progress, and provide individualized real-time feedback for each student (Lei & So, 2021). The same is true for scaffolded assignments, which help students develop their abilities gradually so they can tackle obstacles at their speed while receiving the support they require. Quizzes, self-evaluations, and group assessments can assist students in understanding their knowledge levels and the best ways to teach and help them based on their requirements. Offer a variety of learning tools to meet the needs of different students. Provide textbooks, online papers, videos, audio recordings, interactive simulations, and hands-on exercises. This lets learners interact with the information in ways that work best for how they learn.
h) Ensure that everyone, including impaired students, can utilize the tools. Include tools that make content more accessible, such as text-to-speech, closed captioning, alternate text for images, scalable font sizes, and options for contrasting colors. Thanks to these adjustments, people with hearing impairments, vision issues, or other limitations will now find it simpler to view the content. The tools must also be accessible in more than one language for speakers of other languages (Hofer et al., 2021). It is advisable to have translations or subtitles for essential documents, instructions, and exams. It ensures that individuals of different linguistic backgrounds may compr...
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