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Analyzing Theories and Principles of Curriculum Assessments and Development

Essay Instructions:

Task C

(370 words)

(ref. 3.1, ref. 3.2)           

In order to broaden your knowledge of assessment, research, then analyse Theories, Principles, and Models of Assessment and explain ways in which they can be applied when assessing learning.

Analyse theorists: (how can these be applied to assessing learning)

  • Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (Classic conditioning).
  • Abraham Maslow (Hierarchy of needs).
  • Howard Gardner (Multiple intelligence).

Analyse Principles of assessment: (how can these be applied to assessing learning)

Reliability, Authenticity, Validity, Transparency, Sufficiency, Fairness

Model of assessment: Black and William (1998) Inside the Black Box

Types of feedback: (how can these be applied to assessing learning)

  • Diagnostic feedback.
  • Formative feedback.
  • Ipsative feedback.
  • Summative feedback.

Task D

(800 words)

(a)  - Write a Report analysing THEORIES and MODELS of curriculum development (ref. 4.1) and:

(b)  - Explain ways in which Theories & Models of curriculum development can be applied in developing curricula in teaching secondary school Science (ref. 4.2).

Theories of curriculum development:

  • Ralph Tyler: (Basic Principles of Curriculum and Instruction (1949).
  • Hilda Taba: Curriculum Development Theory and Practice (1962).
  • Lawrence Stenhouse: Models of curriculum (1975)
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Analyzing Theories and Principles of Curriculum Assessments and Development
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Institution: Department
Course Code: Course Name
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Date of Submission
Analyzing Theories and Principles of Curriculum Assessments and Development
In the learning process, students are expected to understand different concepts taught to them. Assessments are a vital part of the process to ascertain that learners understand the various ideas. They provide valuable insight into the learners’ progress which helps the educators in making critical decisions. By exploring and relying on multiple theories, principles, and models of assessments, educators can gain insights into effectively assessing learning at different levels (Alexander & Hjortso, 2019). This section of the paper analyzes the theories of Ivan, Petrovich Pavlov, Howard Gardner, and Abraham Maslow. Also, the principles and models of assessment proposed by Black and William will be analyzed. The types of feedback and their roles in assessment creation will be included.
The theory of classical conditioning by Ivan Petrovich is one of the most crucial in the learning process. It asserts that learning occurs by associating stimuli with certain responses (Barros et al., 2021). This theory can thus be applied in the learning process to enhance the capabilities of learners. This means that the idea will be useful in creating an environment whereby positive responses will be triggered in the learners (Brewer & Cunningham, 2023). For instance, it incorporates rewarding and complementing elements in the students’ learning process. This will motivate them to be positive performers eventually.
Additionally, Abraham Maslow’s theory of Needs emphasizes the fulfillment of things according to their priority and importance. The learning assessment can incorporate this theory by considering the learner’s well-being as an element that affects their development (Chiu & Chai, 2020). Their physiological and psychological needs should be fulfilled before exposure to learning models to positively influence their development traits (Lang & Liu, 2019). A safe and comfortable environment is recommended to promote optimal learning outcomes for the students.
Furthermore, the theory of multiple intelligence by Gardner Howard proposes that different individuals possess various types of intelligence. Thus, in learning processes, educators ought to recognize that all learners are not equal and should be treated in a manner that values their intelligence (Mukhalati & Taylor, 2019). In assessing their learning progress, their diversity in intelligence value should be accounted for (Pugach et al., 2020). This creates an environment where everyone is respected for learning and contributes to personal development.
Moreover, several key factors need to be considered when applying the principles of assessment. Reliability ensures there is consistency and accuracy in assessment results. This allows for valid reviews of all learners impartially (Mukhalati & Taylor, 2019). Authenticity relates to the need to align assessment techniques to real-world problems, thus enabling learners to apply their knowledge and skills appropriately to things they relate to. Further, validity ensures that the assessments measure the intended learning outcomes effectively.
Also, experts posit that assessment transparency enables educators to create a clear and precise criterion by which learners should be tested. Sufficiency relates to the evidence collected during and before evaluations to ensure that it is substantial and comprehensive to make valid judgments (Pugach et al., 2020). Fairness also entails treating all learners equally so they can be sufficiently assessed.
The model of assessment proposed by Black and William in 1998, known as "Inside the Black Box," emphasizes the importance of formative evaluation (Barros et al., 2021). The diagnostic feedback model enables educators to identify the strengths and weaknesses of learners to guide them on future reviews. Formative feedback is based on providing progressive support for improving the learner’s capabilities. Additionally, the Ipsative feedback compares the previous and current performances so that future versions can be influenced appropriately. Summative feedback is the overall evaluation of the learner at the end of a learning period. This makes it easy for educators to improve their performance in the future.
Part D: Report analyzing Theories and Models of Curriculum Development
Curriculum development is one of the primary facets that play a pivotal role in the experiences and outcomes of students. It entails designing, implementing, and assessing educational programs in various settings. Ideally, theories and models have been utilized while others are proposed to enhance institutions' learning processes and outcomes. This paper will explore approaches by Hilda Taba, Lawrence Stenhouse, and Ralph Tyler. The exploration will focus on the key principles and contributions to curriculum development.
Ralph Tyler’s curriculum development theory focuses on clearly defined objectives and aligning learning experiences to achieve learners’ development. The scholar pr...
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