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Developing, Using, and Organizing Resources in Human Resource Management

Essay Instructions:

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Scheme of Work  

Applied Business Academy 


Subject: Teaching in a Specialist Area


Accreditation: City & Guilds Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training

Course Group:

Course Code: Unit 423

Term: September 2020/ Jan 2021



Week No


Learning Outcomes/Content


Assessment activities


●        Welcome to learners

●        Introduce the module for this term.

●        Comprehend the requirements of the course

●        Assignment Brief discussion

●        Be familiar with the assignment requirements and submission dates


1. Lecture & Class Participation

2. Lecture & Class Participation




1.1    Explain key aims of education and training in your own specialist area


1.2    Analyze philosophical issues relating to education and training in your own specialist area


1. Lecture & Class Participation

2. Lecture & Class Participation


2.1   Describe the aims and structure of key qualifications in own specialist area


2.2  Describe the aims and structure of learning programmes in own specialist area


1. Lecture & Class Participation


2.3 Explain how own approach to planning and preparation for the delivery of a learning programme in own specialist area enables its aims to be met


1. Lecture & Class Participation


3.1 Analyse the inclusiveness of own approach to the planning and preparation of a learning programme in own specialist area


3.2 Explain how own approach to the planning and preparation of a learning programme in own specialist area takes account of key curriculum issues, including the role of new and emerging technologies


1. Lecture & Class Participation

2. Lecture & Class Participation






4.1 Analyse ways in which teaching and learning resources, including new and emerging technologies, meet the individual needs of learners in own specialist area


4.2 Analyse the inclusiveness of own use of teaching and learning resources in a specialist area


1. Lecture & Class Participation

2. Lecture & Class Participation


5.1 Liaise with others within a specialist area to develop own practice


5.2 Review the impact of liaison with other teachers and trainers within own specialist area on own practice


1. Tutorials

2. Lecture & Class Participation

3. Lecture & Class Participation


6.1 Review the effectiveness of own knowledge and skills in a specialist area


1. Lecture & Class Participation

2. Lecture & Class Participation



6.2 Identify own strengths and areas for improvement in relation to practice in a specialist area


6.3 Identify opportunities to improve and update own knowledge and skills in a specialist area



2. Lecture & Class Participation

3. Lecture & Class Participation


Formative Feedback and Revision




Essay Sample Content Preview:

Due Date
Developing, Using, and Organizing Resources in Human Resource Management
The department in a business responsible for employing and coaching new employees is referred to as Human Resource. It is important to note that the Human Resource department in an organization plays a very vital role. Besides, the department also helps in ensuring that there is equitable remuneration for all employees as per the Laws set aside to protect the interests of the employees. For the success of an organization, the employees need to be contented, and hence there are benefits such as medical cover and old-age benefits awarded in order to retain them as employees of that company. However, it is important that an Organization gets to comply with the Laws and the Human Resource department ensures this by making them known to all employees and the leaders of that company (Iannaco, 2018).
Figure 1: Scope of Human Resource Management (Iannaco, 2018)
In addition, this report will focus on the Human Resource's effectiveness in meeting the company's needs. Besides an analysis of the principles, this report will also outline ways in which Human Resource can be adapted to enable an inclusive. The aim of the strategy is to remove division and promote inclusion in an Organization or company setting. This is so since employees come from different backgrounds in life, and for harmony and good performance, inclusion is considered. Inclusion also helps in avoiding bias (Boxall, 2007).
1 Key aims of education and training in Human resource management
The main goal for education and training in HR focuses on the development or changing the individual or group behaviors for better results. In this case, the process involves sharing elaborate knowledge alongside insights that could help workers perform better in their work, cultivating attitudes that ensure better performance (Lievens, 2011). Training in this area focuses on teaching knowledge, skills and attitude specific to HR. In this case, there is a focus on delivering better performance within the current worker's role that easily enables them to overcome future changes. On the other hand, education, in this case, provides a more formal way towards broadening an individual's knowledge. Education serves relevant purposes in cases where workers have little experience within their assigned areas of duty within any organization. Human Resource provides the employer with an organization with a workforce capable of winning in the marketplace.
The Human Resource department in an Organization is always familiarized with the enlisting of new workers. As part of the process, the department comes up with the job advertisement by dictating the job description, competence level, and qualifications for the advertised position. The department also assesses and evaluates the capable applicants for the job, taking into consideration the interests and success of the organization. The Human Resource department is also responsible for ensuring that there is no breach of laws in the termination of an employee or job contract. The human Resource workforce also helps the organization in making sure there is equitable remuneration in terms of salary payment to all the employees. The workforce changes the organization's remuneration scale to provide a suitable and justifiable scale accepted by the law. Moreover, the department also does research to ensure the organization is compliant with the guidelines of the law, which highlights the importance of income and remuneration for extra working hours. The department workforce also helps guide new workers to understand the remuneration scale and help them with the pay sheet setup (Iannaco, 2018).
In liaising with department heads, the human resource workforce can assess each employee's performance to prepare for the appraisal procedure. In the case where an employee is to be dismissed or elevated to a top job position unfairly, the appraisal procedure may present legal implications and the organization termed as unjust. To avoid legal implications, the human resource department supervises the procedure to ensure that only competent workers are awarded for their excellent progress. In addition, the Human Resource department explores and examines the best and cheaper benefits for the workers of the organization, such as medical covers and retirement benefits. Information and critical details about the benefits are made known to the workers by the workforce to ensure they are aware of the sufficient benefits they can access when in need (Boxall, 2007).
For an organization's success and safety, the Human Resource department helps keep the company abreast of all laws to be complied with. The workforce achieves this by making known the laws, passing on the key particulars, and helping develop strategies to ensure all the workers follow those laws in the organization. The Human Resource department, in this case, provides a safe space for the worker and the employer to work without fear of legal action against the company (Boxall, 2007).
1 Analysis of philosophical issues relating to education and training in Human Resource
There are models that help guide education, learning alongside development strategies in Human Resource (HR). One of the models concerned with 'Pedagogical Analysis' was created by van Gelder and colleagues (ENG) and focuses on the organization's starting point, prior knowledge based on the definition of the learning goals and objectives (Griffith and Burns, 2012). This model's application provides four phases required for the creation of effective learning alongside development processes within HR. These phases are identified as follows:
* The starting point that provides an analysis of training needs
* Giving specific learning objectives
* Providing appropriate design of training content as well as methodology
* 4190260445708Organization’s capabilities 00Organization’s capabilities Provision of monitoring and evaluation
12428737978Employee learning 0Employee learning 205074211344Competency: KnowledgeSkillsAttitudes 00Competency: KnowledgeSkillsAttitudes 34353131504951207363153386
Human Resource Efforts Human Resource Outcomes Business impact/outcome
Figure 2: Value chain of learning and education (Griffith and Burns, 2012).
In the analysis of the training needs employees are provided with new knowledge, skills, and relevant attitude that enables future functioning. In this case, the training helps create new business capabilities. In this case, the learning process has a goal, such as the development of digital capabilities within an analog firm, there is the creation of analytical capabilities that provides more value through analytics. Further, education ensures the provision of relevant certification within the appropriate time that boosts their skills to perform.
Organizational analysis focuses on scrutinizing short and long-term goals. Such goals help define training needs capable of helping the company realize various business goals. Such goals align with the organizational climate for the purposes of being effective in the long run. This requires assertiveness training within hierarchical organization alongside culture analysis. Competency analysis focuses on the functions of the various positions. In this case, the various competencies and skills required for success in a certain job are analyzed. This helps identify appropriate knowledge skills and attitudes that guarantees employees success within the job description. Concerning personal analysis, there is an evaluation of job performance, which involves identifying the current level competencies, performance, knowledge, and level of skills. Such analysis is key in specifying training goals that require support from the organization for the initiative's success (Griffith and Burns, 2012).
With the aim of success of the company's business, the Human Resource department needs to evaluate the job descriptions at hand in the organization to employ the most competent employee for the position. Employing qualified and competent workers by the Human Resource department highlights an effective workforce that values its company's success. The job position description should outline the role of the employee, the job qualifications, and how the role of the employee will assist the company in achieving its long-term goals (Counsellingtutor.com, 2016).
In order to meet Organizational needs, the Human Resources department needs to ensure that workers are well contented with their current jobs. In a bid to make the workers contented, the department is to evaluate the remuneration scale, for example, as a strategy to ensure every employee is paid well. Better pay may translate to better performance and hence good profit returns for the company. In addition, good profit returns exhibit a fruitful Human Resources department that values the success of the company in the long run. The workforce might also consider evaluating the employee's engagement with their work and the company (Counsellingtutor.com, 2016).
Figure 2: HR Training and Development (Counsellingtutor.com, 2016)
2.1 Description of the aims alongside the structure of key qualifications in HR
As translated from the training needs, the objectives serve as a starting point that helps design the content and methodology of training. The composition of the design, objective, structure of the training comprises the following elements (Illeris and Ryan, 2020).
* The employees should have the ability to realize specific objectives, for instance, the ability to identify the manager's strategic people needs
* The ability to identify the various conditions required for effective behavior
* The need for specific alongside measurable training goal. The ability to identify the management's top three strategic priorities
The Human Resource department stays relevant with all laws that an Organization is expected to be compliant with (Iannaco, 2018). The aim of staying relevant with these new laws and making them known to the employees helps avoid facing harsh legal actions due to negligence. This principle also helps maintain the image of the company towards the public and hence gaining public trust. The use of a suitable remuneration scale and benefits for the employees to feel contented hence retaining them (Boxall, 2007). When employees are not happy with the work environment and conditions, they may reduce their performance or move to another company. To avoid a bad public reputation, the Human Resource department researches the best remuneration scale and the benefits of making their employees feel contented, hence increasing their performance.
In addition, employment of competent, qualified, and skilled applicants to ensure performance and good investment returns of the company or organization. The workforce is involved in the frontline employment procedure to ensure only qualified applicants get to be employed for the company's better value (Iannaco, 2018).
2.2 Evaluation of Human Resources that inform resource development in Human Resource
The choices concerning training materials, methods of teaching alongside learning activities are determined. This is well possible with the help of a trainer alongside the involvement of the learner. In such a case, the overall training can either take the form of being trainer-centered or rather trainee-centered. The application of the trainer-centered methodology entails the use of seminars, presentations, lectures, keynotes alongside lessons. On the other hand, the trainee-centered methodology entails more interactive sessions, including case studies, role-playing, self-directed lessons, simulations, use of games, and on-the-job training means. However, the application of mix-methods training proves very effective in the case of HR.
The use of both conventional and casual sources, such as the library or book room for scholarly research, may bring about new, important, and interesting talking points that may soon bring about new findings (Iannaco, 2018). These new talk points or arguments, when researched upon extensively, they provide unique, individual, and progressive resources in specialist areas such as invention books, for example. Recommending, introducing, and familiarizing scholars to the World Wide Web resources in order to focus on a particular subject matter may also lead to progressive resources in a specialist area (Counsellingtutor.com, 2016). Skills such as behavior direction or guidance may be learned or taken into account, for example, and hence scholars may get to practise these newly learned skills for their own benefit.
Networking with various topic experts can lead to one coming up with progressive resources in new specialist areas. Networking can also offer scholars a chance to join institutions as affiliates or interns to gain prowess and learn more about different fields on the ground, contrary to the lecture rooms (Boxall, 2007).
2.3 How own approach to planning and preparation for the delivery of a learning program in HR enables its aims to be met
My approach towards planning and preparation for the delivery of learning program purposes helps in capturing different levels of information processing. At the same time, it helps at the initiation stage of knowledge collection, application, analysis, evaluation, and creation. This entails the aspect of synthesizing existing knowledge to create new knowledge. The planning process facilitates the ability of the employee to remember, understand and apply the various aims and company goals (Illeris and Ryan, 2020).
This can be achieved by focusing on the different levels of wants or needs as detailed by Maslow's pyramid to exhibit groups of people with different needs (Lester, 2013). Many employers and employees in an organization face different variations of difficulties, having been raised from different backgrounds making it harder to work together with other people. Some employers may show favoritism to a particular race of employees and not others. The purpose is to aid in understanding the procedures on how to treat different people in different specialist areas. As detailed by Bloom's taxonomy, focusing on addressing comprehending domains with the main aim of learning by engaging in challenging ventures can make a leader acquire useful skills such as handling tough circumstances (Agarwal, 2019). Through a constructive debate, a leader may get to understand how to handle an employee in a more peaceful manner as during the debate. This strategy makes it easier for a leader to understand how to deal with their employees in an organization.
Bloom's taxonomy application helps in evaluating various learning effectiveness through appropriate classification of educational goals. In this scenario, the taxonomy helps in capturing the different levels of information processing, as discussed above (Illeris and Ryan, 2020). The taxonomy helps in specifying the relevant information processing for a defined job, such as training and development, alongside evaluation of effectiveness. There are existing differences amongst individuals in synthesis, mastering, understanding, and applying relevant knowledge to a defined area. Creating new alongside effective policies that defines compensation process requires details compared to just information on salary administration.
Figure 3: Bloom's taxonomy ((Illeris and Ryan, 2020).
3.1 Analysis of the inclusiveness of own approach to the planning and preparation of learning program in HR
Coaching the leaders or the company's management in a bid to remove division would help both the workers and the employees embrace inclusivity (Cascio, 2015). This strategy would help employers to familiarize themselves with all forms of prejudice or favoritism and exhibit the value of inclusivity in a company widely. As part of the coaching, the leaders' significance of feedback would also be emphasized to evaluate the workers' progress (Iannaco, 2018). Similarly, honoring employees' differences as a strategy would do away with the division and embrace inclusivity. A company employs many people from diverse backgrounds, and this presents different ideas and concepts that, when brought together, incredible innovations come up. However, inclusion brings people together for a course, which is work (Boxall, 2007).
In addition, holding more constructive meetings would prove to impact an organization that would try embracing inclusion (Cascio, 2015). However formal the meeting is, a worker's experience of a day during the job would humor everyone in the meeting and provide a platform for other workers to share. By being conscious, a constructive debate among the employers and the employees that appreciate each employee for his or her contribution would help achieve inclusion. Furthermore, coming up with goals and communicating them to employees would also prove how inclusion is important in an organization. Communicating the goals of the company to employees would most likely portray an act of trust and hence inclusion for the main purpose of achieving those goals together through inclusion.
Design resources, including those that involve new and emerging technologies, to engage and meet the individual needs of learners in their own Human Resource
Use of "employee wellness" that focuses on employees' mental care of an organization or company. "Employee wellness" helps a user avoid experiencing mental exhaustion and hence improves their work performance. When an employee's performance is high, the retention is also high to maintain good returns in terms of investment in a company. On the other hand, employer branding helps an Organization focus on its reach by the use of social media websites for job advertisements (Boxall, 2007). It involves targeting ...
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