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The Connection Between Virtual Reality in Video Games and The Real World

Essay Instructions:

To demonstrate the ability to engage critically with video games as an object of academic investigation. At least 5 sources are required. (rubric will be attached in the file section)
Some suggested reading(could be helpful, not necessary):
1. Worlds of sound: indie games, proceduralism, and the aesthetics of emergence D'Errico, Michael
2. Worlds in and of motion: Agency and animation at the margins of video game aesthetics Johnson, Daniel
3. The natural: The parameters of Afro Evan Narcisse
4. Playing on the digital commons: collectivities, capital and contestation in videogame culture Coleman,
Sarah; Dyer-Witheford, Nick
5. Crushing Candy: The Free-to-Play Game in Its Connective Commodity Form Nieborg, David B.
6. How gaming became sexist: a study of UK gaming magazines 1981–1995 Kirkpatrick, Graeme
Answer ONE of the following questions:
1. 'One day, buying video games will be a thing of the past.' Do you think this prediction might be true? Your answer should make reference to the historical development of video-game business models and make reference to shifts in other media industries.
2. 'Differences between video games and films make it impossible to create a good video game film adaptation.' Do you think this is true? NB: you cannot argue your response based on value judgements about existing video-game film adaptations (e.g., 'You can make good video-game films because Doom (2005) has The Rock in it and all films with The Rock in them are good.'). Your response must explore the formal differences between video games and films and consider the degree to which attributes of successful video games can be translated into the medium of film.
3. 'What gamers see and do in virtual worlds has no connection to the real world.' Do you agree with this statement? Your response should draw on relevant research and your own thinking to consider what your response means for at least one of the following topics: ethics, politics, representation and identity.

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The Connection Between Virtual Reality in Video Games and The Real World
On the 5th of August in 2019, following the El Paso and Dayton gun massacres that leftover 30 victims dead (Griffin, 2019), President Donald Trump claimed that ‘gruesome and grisly’ video games are partly to blame for the act of terror. In 2018, following the massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida (Sommerlad, 2018), the president criticized the gaming culture stating that youth have access to violent and bloodshed content through video games. Essentially, the president suggested that the virtual world in video games affects the real world. However, critics of the president’s perceived attack on the video games industry argue the reverse (Denham et al., 2019); the natural world shapes the violence and bloodshed in video games. While the two points of view may appear contradictory, they agree that what gamers see in the virtual world is connected to the real world. Based on this premise, the current paper will compare the differences between the virtual and real-world, establish how they influence each other, and determine the existing link between them that brings about the connection.
Comparisons Between Real and Virtual World
A virtual world is a computer-simulated representation of a world based on specific physical and spatial characteristics (Lavoie et al., 2021). In this world, users interact with each other through avatars, a representation of themselves. The virtual world differs significantly from traditional video games in terms of objectives. In traditional video games, the users live with the reality of an ultimate game goal. Some goals include winning a tournament (where sports are involved) and defeating all the level bosses, or just winning the game. In contrast, playing in the virtual world is an end in itself because users will continue playing for as long as the virtual world exists. Here, the objective is to play continuously, interact with other users, and establish an experience or status within the virtual world.
In contrast, the natural world refers to the reality people face daily. These include social interactions, domestic, work- and education-related activities, including physical and mental structures, infrastructure, nature, machinery, equipment, tools, processes, and systems that simplify the hardships of life. At its core, a virtual world is often a representation of the actual world based on the definition by Lavoie et al. (2021). Therefore, the key differences between the virtual and real world are that the realities in the latter must be addressed as a basic form of human survival. In contrast, realities are just products of computer constructs that depend on creators and users to exist in the former. Based on this distinction, it can be argued that the existence of a virtual world depends on the existence of the real world. The real world is the basis on which a virtual world is constructed and expanded.
Despite these differences, studies have suggested a close relationship between the real and the virtual. For instance, Cheok et al. (2004) established several factors that can show the similarities between the real and virtual world: visibility of obstacles and objects, communication and sharing with other people, and reaching specific spatial points and objects. These factors are not just in the natural and actual world but also the altered virtual environment. Despite these distinctions and similarities, the real and virtual worlds influence each other.  
Influence of Real-World on Virtual World (Video Games as Art)
Apart from the public discourse on the influence of video games on youth's violent tendencies, another emerging topic is whether video games' creation should be considered art. Discussion on this topic reached a climax in 2011 when the National Endowment for Arts released new policy guidelines to see the institution support game development as a form of art. Proponents of the gaming culture as art argue that video games are a collision of art and science (Bourgonjon et al., 2017). On the other hand, the opponents argue that video games are not art because art is not interactive (Kania, 2018) or that the creator ceases control in video games. Therefore, there is no artist (Yalen, 2014). Despite these views, proponents and opponents agree that the external environment inspires artistic creativity in the same way creativity is realized in the virtual world. In other words, the virtual environment is a product of the outlook in the external environment and the creative capabilities of creators.
From this perspective, those opposed to President Donald Trump's position has a valid argument. Indeed, the creation of video games involving war, weapons of mass distraction, and conspiracy are inspired by the historical nature of humans to wage war on each other. Kania (2018) argues that games like Call of Duty (CoD) are inspired by the two World Wars and the imagination of what human society can achieve on a military scale. Games like FIFA 2021 are inspired by the long-lasting football (soccer) popularity globally. Without football (in the real world), we would not have football in the virtual world. Going along this school of thought, it can be argued that acts of war and violence also inspired Pablo Picasso's Guernica painting. Therefore, the natural world affects artistic creativity in the same way it influences the production of video games. Thus, the natural world has a significant impact on the virtual world because it has the resources required to create, inspire, and retain its existence. In this sense, the first connection between the virtual and real worlds has been established.
Influence of Virtual World on Real World
There is also a strong argument that shows that the virtual world influences the real world. From this point of view, President Donal Trump shifted the blame for the shootings to movies and video games. Studies have tried to establish a link between violent tendencies among youth and video games in this argument. Hollingdale and Greitemeyer (2014) concluded that playing violent video games online or offline increases aggression among users compared to engaging in neutral video games. Psychologists and behavioral experts have also contributed to the discussion by finding that agree on the basis that video games, be it violent or not, influence social behavior and may worsen mental health problems. While this finding is critical, it does not show that what games do in the virtual world has no connection to the real world. However, the findings provide a valid argument on the extent to which problematic video gaming can influence a user's social interactions.
Going by the argument of those who support video games as a form of art (digital art), people find inspiration in pieces of art. Painting has the potential to evoke emotions and memories or inspire new artistic expressions. The painting also portrays the happenings in society. They speak on various issues, including culture, politics, wellness, nature, and war. Pablo Picasso's Guernica, for instance, was the source of extensive political controversy and debate (Lesser, 2011). Picasso refused for the painting to reside in Spain for as long as Franco was in power. The power of art to evoke societal problems and discussions has been captured in many instances worldwide. In 2019, the San Francisco Unified School Districts voted to remove the Works Progress Administration murals at George Washington High School (NCAC, 2020). The reason behind this move was because it provided negative imagery of the people of color. During the Black Lives Matter Movement, statues (McGonigle, 2021) of historical figures connected to slavery were targeted as part of the protests to drive a political and soc...
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