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The Importance of Effective Communication in Multicultural Working Environment

Essay Instructions:

I would like a 2000-word essay to discuss the challenges and solutions for effective communication within a multicultural environment.

Firstly, I would like to critically evaluate the role of a meeting chair in a multicultural environment.

Given that the meeting chair is the highest elected officer and thus responsible for driving the meeting content, I would like to comment on;

How organization structure impacts communication style

Theory perspectives on corporate communications

Secondly, I would like to identify the specific challenges that occur in a situation where participants come from different cultural backgrounds and do not necessarily have the same proficiency in the language.

The following resources I would like to use are:

1) Organizational Structure Impacts Communication Style by Steve Adubato found at


2) Theory perspectives on corporate communications by Cornelissen, J


3) Why English People Fail - Spencer Hazel (Attached)

4) Globalisation and its impacts on business communication (Attached)

5) Why Most Global Communication Fails and What To Do About It

A youtube video found at:


6) 10 Barriers to Effective Communication

A youtube video found at:


7) Business English Lingua Franca in intercultural global communication (attached)

8) Cross-cultural management: Internal communication in a culturally diverse workplace (Attached)

9) Implementing new global business trends to intercultural business communication (Attached)

10) Language: the sharpest tool in the business strategy toolbox (Attached)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The importance of Effective Communication in a Multicultural Working Environment
Globalization is the major influencer of communication in a multicultural working environment. Rebecca (2016) defined globalization as the world's convergence, integration, and comprehension of considering different cultures. Scholars believe there is a strong connection between globalization, cultural management, and communication (Rebecca, 2016). Effective communication in a multicultural setting allows the managers to understand and deal with the overseas stakeholders and increases transnational collaborations. Globalization also increases diversity in the workplace with employees from different cultural groups and ethnic backgrounds (Mezulanik, 2002). Effective communication requires successful management of cross-cultural engagements through embracing the employees' interaction in the workplace. Besides, language plays a significant role in promoting organizational growth and improving business interactions. Corporate language management involves planning, designing, and implementing language regulations in the workplace to promote smooth interactions. Managerial streamlining of language in the organization promotes overall productivity and minimizes other communication barriers. Language management is one of the ways to ensure effective communication in a multicultural setting. However, despite the attempt to manage language, organizations face critical challenges that inhibit effective communication in a multicultural setting. The paper addresses the importance of communication in multicultural work environments, the challenges, and recommended solutions.
Role of a Meeting Chair in a Multicultural Environment
A meeting chair plays a significant role in the multicultural environment; the most significant function is language management. Corporate language management improves the interaction between the employees and the management (Sanden, 2016). The meeting chair is the highest elected officer who heads a specific workplace group. The meeting chair's role is critical since employees from different ethnic and cultural groups interact through the established groups. Therefore, the meeting chair's role is to ensure that effective communication and interactions are regulated and meet the organization's thresholds. The meeting chair also ensures a positive working relationship in the group without classifying the employees based on their cultural backgrounds. A meeting chair also guides the group to uphold effective communication standards throughout the organizational setting by directing the members on do's and don'ts in the meeting. Besides, the meeting chair encourages reliable discussion regardless of the employees' cultural backgrounds. Therefore, the meeting chair plays an effective role in shaping communication in a multicultural work environment.
Impacts of Organization Structure on Communication Style
Communication is crucial in the organization since it can determine its failure or success. However, communication styles also rely on other elements, such as organizational structure and leadership. Many debates have emerged on the suitable organizational structures that enhance healthy and open communication. However, no specific organizational structure effectively achieves all the communication objectives and goals. All the organizational structures and weaknesses when it comes to communication. For instance, a hierarchical organizational structure promotes a strict and timely flow of information, especially in the military work environment. The organizational structure also reduces possible conflicts that may emerge due to misunderstandings. However, the same structure adversely influences communication. It inhibits open communication, which is unhealthy for organizational growth (Adubato, 2022). Open communication is necessary for substantive interaction and higher productivity in a multicultural setting. However, with inhibited open communication, creativity, and social engagement is reduced within the organization. A hierarchical structure is also likely to reduce specific business activities such as advertisement, which relies on open communication.
Contrary to a hierarchical structure, a flat organizational structure enhances open communication, which is healthy for organizational success and enhances multiculturalism. The structure allows the employees to air their views regardless of cultural or social factors (Adubato, 2022). A flat structure promotes open communication regardless of the size of the organization and the size of the workforce. However, in large organizations, it is necessary to have professionals for filtering information to ensure information flow and close interaction. Open communication can sometimes demoralize the employees, especially when the gatekeepers do not filter the information. Despite the open communication, much chaos may also be experienced from the flat structure. Employees can engage each other and the management at any time, which may lead to different disruptions. Therefore, the organizational structure influences the communication style; however, there are disadvantages and advantages.
Theory Perspectives on Corporate Communications
Different theoretical approaches are considered in corporate communications. The major theoretical strands that influence corporate communication are management and communication theory. The two dominant theory defines effective communication and its importance in multicultural working environments. Communication theory identifies the significant ways of analyzing the processes and events that influence information (Cornelissen, 2004). It also determines the significant relationships created due to effective communication, such as coordination between employees and management, regardless of the cultural classifications. According to communication theory, effective communication involves information sharing between different entities with the desired outcome. The received or conveyed information reduces organizational cultural barriers and increases organizational productivity and growth. The major issue in a multicultural setting is misunderstanding and clash of duties; however, with effective communication, it is easy to convey and receive information leading to increased organizational unity, collaboration, and cooperation.
The management theory also influences the communication flow in the multicultural setting. According to management theory, effective communication promotes implementing management strategies and achieving organizational goals (Cornelissen, 2004). From a management theory perspective, communication symbolizes positive relationships and reputations in the organization and promotes the programming and planning of communication campaigns. For instance, systems theory, a critical example of management theories, states that an organization can only be effective when it considers effective corporate communication. Communication management is based on management capacity and stability, forming a system for organizational growth. System theory also views communication as having specific roles in determining organizational success, such as conflict management and improved negotiations in a multicultural setting. Management and communication research traditions show that a multicultural setting needs efficient information flows to reduce cultural barriers, disagreements, and conflicts.
Communication Challenges in a Multicultural Environment
Cultural and Language Clash
Communicational challenges exist in different situations, especially where the participants come from different cultural backgrounds. The major challenge is language clash which affects direct and indirect communication. For instance, in western cultures, communication is direct. However, other cultures are discrete during information presentation. Therefore, due to differences between the non-western and western cultures, much confusion may be experienced in the workplace. A good example is that native speakers of the English language may find a baffling predicament in engaging individuals who uses language as a second language. Hazel (2016) worked with Danish colleagues and realized a bigger problem between individuals with English as the second languag...
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