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Sometimes Blow Your Top Is Not A Good Thing In Business

Essay Instructions:

Written in the form of debate. The topic is that anger is not a good thing in the workplace. There are many arguments to support your argument. Reference is written in Harvard form. In-text reference and reference list are required.

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The argument on Anger is not a Good Thing in the Workplace
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Anger is a strong feeling of displeasure and is mainly provided as a prime example of negative emotion in an individual. Anger is associated with destructive consequences in the workplace which is characterized by aggression, violence, and bullying as described in the psychological and management studies (Ashkanasy & Daus, 2002). Handling and management of anger have been a critical approach for effective management in the workplace through avoidance of destructive decisions affiliated by anger. The study on the organizational behavior theory has presented expression, suppression, and calming down among the appropriate approaches for handling anger in the workplaces. The argument provided herein provides the baseline of impacts of anger as a major contributor to poor performance in the workplace especially in a managerial position and therefore it is not good.
An emotion in workplaces and emotion intelligence resulting from anger is a topic of concern in the current management trend. The impact of anger among the employees or the manager in an organization is vital in determining the performance scale of the organization. Managers working under the influence of the emotions are likely to sabotage the working relationship with their juniors which influence the work performance of the employees. Understanding emotional intelligence is therefore vital in ensuring a good working relationship in an organization for positive performance.
Anger and negative emotions among individuals have huge negative impacts on their performance in the place of work. The negative emotions in the workplace are categorized into effective-driven and judgmental-driven behavior which basically affects personal performance. Effective-driven behaviors are considered to be relatively immediate behavior which mainly affects the emotion of an individual resulting in cognitive outcomes of the effective state. On the other hand, judgmental-driven behaviors result from a general or particular evaluative judgment as a result of tough events or experiences such as job or frustrations (Brief & Weis, 2002). Management and control of such negative emotions in the workplaces are mainly achieved by ensuring satisfaction to the most effective state to influence the particular outcome.
The organizational research focuses on the impacts of behavior and cognitive effects of emotional states of an individual in the workplace to reflect on his/her potential in terms of job performance. The organizational research theory indicates that effective states of an individual can significantly influence the relative performance and outcomes of a person with reference to judgments, attitude response, creativity, helping behavior, and risk-taking (Brief & Weis, 2002). Anger and emotions in the workplace are clearly explained in the relationship between interpersonal effects such as emotion and performance evaluation. Effect-performance evaluation relationship indicates that employees or generally individuals perform well when in good mood as compared to when they have negative emotions.
Undifferentiated and the negatively skewed perception of anger reflects the standards at which the society maintain toward basic personal emotion and how the situation interacts with the human conducts in the workplace. Anger in a leadership position hinders the attainment of full leadership potential of an individual. According to the psychologists, most of the organization leaders spend most of their time helping employees and other stakeholders in managing their anger and emotions than any other emotion in the workplace. Anger suppresses individuals performance and therefore should be at all means possible eradicated, suppressed or avoided. The managerial section of the employment department has argued that the management of anger among employees and organizational stakeholders is a potential way of decreasing unethical behavior in the workplaces (Linderbaum & Geddes, 2015). It is therefore essential to ensure that employees, as well as the management team, retain a positive attitude toward work and good emotion so that they can concentrate on performance improvement rather than dealing with impacts resulting from anger.
In other situations, emotions resulting in anger in the workplaces are categorized into sociological, psychological, and managerial. Emotions at any level in an organization are considered as important features of human experience which measure the capacity of an individual to deal with difficult situations that may influence work performance. It is considered very common for employees in an organization to experience physical, cognitive, and emotional experiences which affect their work performance. Anger is considered to be of particular sociological significance as it occurs as a result of interacting with others in the working environment. The major cause of anger is threats in the workplaces or even when others fail to respond as per your expectations or instructions provided. Some individuals fail to feel the provision of adequate support from their bosses or colleagues in their places of work thus affiliating to anger (Callero & Howard, 1991). In such situations, the organization should ensure that employees are provided with a conducive working environment and enhance the interpersonal relationship to eradicate emotional ager.
Anger in the workplaces is considered as a social problem which needs to be controlled to make the working life simple in any organization and workplaces. Avoiding anger helps to minimize negative consequences in the organization thus enhancing the performance and productivity of the employees and the entire management. Workp...
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