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Analysis Of Electric Vehicles In Germany

Essay Instructions:

micro environmental analysis of Germany's electric vehicles, focus on politics, economy, law, technology,and culture of this industry in this country .do not need introduction and conclusion. only focus on analysis.

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ELECTRIC VEHICLES IN GERMANY Student’s Name Course Professor’s Name University City (State) Date Electric Vehicles in Germany With the global move towards complete replacement of the internal combustion engines with the electric cars, Germany car manufacturers are not left behind in the process. It is known that Germany is the home of one of the largest producers of the automotive. One of the most iconic and luxurious car brand produced by Germany is Volkswagen. In an attempt to save their car industry, Germany has instituted some laws and policies aimed at making the transition process smooth and flawless. Some of the policies instituted by the German government in supported of the electric cars include monetary support. In 2010 the federal government of Germany pushed for a policy of having 1 million electric vehicles by 2020 (Mazur et al., 2015). The government has also ensured that there are appropriate plugins for charging the electric vehicles to ease help the German automotive companies to adapt easily to the new regulations of manufacturing electric cars. This process will boost the car industry in Germany due to unwavering support from the government. German car companies will reap greatly from these government policies as the required infrastructure required to support the electric cars are provided by the government. It follows that companies such as BMW and Volkswagen will have a competitive advantage over the other car manufacturing companies in the other parts of the globes. The federal government of Germany introduced a law whose aim was to give a purchase incentive in of support the German car industry towards production of the new electric cars. The incentive involved 600 million euros which the government had earmarked for the electric cars production program by the German companies (Massiani, 2015). The car makers and the government negotiated a deal that would help them to continue being the leading car makers in the globe. This policy will enable the German car makers to remain profitable and retain their global market share. Electric vehicles prove to be an impressive innovation that plays a significant environmental role in reducing green gas emissions from the transport sector. Germany is among those countries engaging in extensi...
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